




  • 反上

  • On the reverse

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。





  • 躺在地上反身Rolling Over

  • 反上诉cross appeal

  • 反复履行上一步命令Ctrl+J

  • 上反角Dihedral angle;anhedral;angle of dihedral;positive dihedral

  • 反映上帝荣耀之人Ian

  • 反手上旋球backhand top spin;forehand back spin


  • 反上网AntiOnline



An industry-backed anti-tax campaign has spent at least $4 million on advertisements.


In this world, "if you take one action, it can boomerang and harm something else," says Hassner.


The greeting may be deemed materialistic, consumerist, atheistic, indifferentist, agnostic, politically correct or anti-Christian.


Experiments by Paul Piff and his colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley, reported this week in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, suggest precisely the opposite.


In fact, if the customer is not technical, using test assertions alone can quickly turn into an anti-pattern where test case green lights have little meaning to the end user.


You would backup a virtual machine, provision an instance from that image, and then, using anti-colocation, provision a second instance on a different physical node.


What were once "best practices" over time become merely "practices" and eventually they become anti-patterns — practices that look good at first glance but are actually destructive.


In practice, the lines separated by a backslash must appear on a single line.


The chapter details the possible effects of anti-gravity on menstruation and fertility, as well as the significance of a child born on Mars.


In the European Union Austria, Denmark, Greece, Ireland and Portugal are strongly anti-nuclear, but the EU as a whole is unlikely to go their way.


Uncheck all the boxes if you don't want Facebook to send you e-mails, or leave some boxes checked for things you'd like to be notified about.


While design patterns tend to target very specific problem domains, antipatterns can be more general.


He and his colleagues are building what they call the world's largest trap for low-energy positrons - a device they say will be able to store more than a trillion antimatter particles at once.


The dictionary defines a dystopia as a state in which the conditions of life are extremely bad as from deprivation or oppression or terror.


The same technology that allows the Russian Progress or European ATV to automatically rendezvous and dock with the ISS could also be used in a co-orbital ASAT.


Indeed, the euro is suffering from a surfeit of credibility since, on many gauges, it is overvalued against the dollar.


The French blogosphere, too, is filled with caustic anti-Sarkozy commentary, mocking everything from his taste for Rolex watches to his overbearing posse of bodyguards and his tough policies on crime.


At MAAWG's previous meeting in September, the group created a botnet-mitigation subcommittee dedicated to developing a set of best practices for ISPs to combat botnets.


No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, the tear worse.


The Kyoto Protocol stipulates that developed countries must reduce emissions collectively by 5.2% on 1990 basis. In fact, most developed countries have increased, not reduced emissions.


Actually, happy path tests aren't an antipattern.

然而一些观察家认为,BX - 1实际是为了测试共轨型卫星(ASAT)攻击所需要的某些能力。

However, some observers have concluded that the BX-1 was actually a test of some of the capabilities required for a co-orbital anti-satellite (ASAT) attack.


Radio systems delivered under this contract are slated to be installed into new Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (MRAP) and used in other applications for the U.S. Marine Corps.


Indeed, those recalcitrant minor key songs that defy generalization about the link between tonality and mood may tell us something more important about music than the ones that conform.


Indeed, those recalcitrant minor key songs that defy generalization about the link between tonality and mood may tell us something more important about music than the ones that conform.


And I am going to superscript it molecular orbital, and this upper one, to indicate that it's antibonding, has the asterisk.


so you can see that there is going to be two sets in antibonding, three sets in bonding for a net of one, giving us the single bond.


He goes in a sense in an anti-modern direction, maybe even in some sense in a reactionary direction, at least in relation to other poets' ideas of progress and innovation.


And it's counter-intuitive to some extent.


The press started writing a lot about Trans fats and then the government required Trans fats to be shown on labels, and then the food industry really had to pay attention and a lot of them started taking out Trans fats.


He goes on in a letter in spring 1862 the war still isn't a war against slavery in any official sense and he writes home to his brother saying he wishes he had the, quote, "Moral courage to desert," because he no longer wants to serve this cause.


When we talk about anti-bonding, 1sb essentially we're taking 1 s a and now we're subtracting 1 s b, sigma1s and what we end up with again is sigma 1 s, and the important thing to remember is to write this star here.


You have two electrons in antibonding to kind of offset the bonding.


For example, Frito-Lay, before they really had to because of bad publicity, took out all of the Trans fats in their products and that was -they're the largest snack manufacturer in the world so that was a pretty significant advance for the healthiness of their foods.



反上 反上是汉语词汇,读音是fǎnshàng,出自《汉书·文帝纪》。
