




  • a traditional method of indicating the pronunciation of a Chinese character


... 管脚反翘 Lead Tip Bend 反切 Wrong Orientation Forming. 缺脚 缺管,断脚 Missing Lead Broken Lead ...


反切[fǎn qiè]

  • {语} a traditional method of indicating the pronunciation of a Chinese character by using two other Chinese characters, the first having the same consonant as the given character and the second having the same vowel (with or without final nasal) and tone (e.g. the pronunciation of 同 tóng is indicated as 徒红切, meaning a combination of the consonant t from 徒 tú and the vowel plus nasal óng from 红 hóng)


  • 反切打法backdoor play

  • 反正切atan;[数]arc tangent;Arctan;[数]inverse tangent

  • 反切入reverse cut

  • 筛筒反切式机械格栅JRFG

  • 反余切[数]arc cotangent;acot;arccot;InverseCotangent

  • 反切比雪夫Inverse Chebyshev

  • 粗加工刀轨和反切口Rough Pass & Backburn

  • 反切镜头又叫反打镜头reverse angle shot

  • 反切割器anti-chopper



This Fanqie phonetic, is now "tea" the word pronunciation.


This paper presents the experimental research on reducing flue gas temperature deviation by using counter-tangential air technology.


Wusheng Fanqie Zhengyun written by WuLang is important to the study of the history of modem Chinese phonology.


Of course if you are going to read the data again later, then you have to be able to "un-shred" it and reassemble an XML document.


This study finds out that they have much in common like making rhyme as the outline, the closeness of the four tones, marking out Fanqie, and so on.


This is usually a lot easier to do, since you don't have to write any shredding/unshredding code, but it is not as powerful.


The numerical simulation for furnace gas flow and coal powder particle motion under various conditions of reverse secondary air is carried out based on turbulent flow and multiphase flow theories.


The phenomenon of one character having several fan-qie, which this thesis calls you-qie, has some special qualities being different from that of you-yin in yun-shu.


Leipian inherits the achievement in the Fanqie phonetic transcription in Jiyun with innovation, showing the progress in language research and lexicography in the Tang and Song Dynasty.

图8显示了启用PortletRuleManager的编辑页(请看右上角,该处指示了可用的相换选项Hide Portlet Rule Manager)。

Figure 8 shows the Edit Page with show Portlet Rule Manager enabled (see upper right side, which indicates the opposite toggle option available, Hide Portlet Rule Manager).

图8显示了启用PortletRuleManager的编辑页(请看右上角,该处指示了可用的相换选项Hide Portlet Rule Manager)。

Figure 8 shows the Edit Page with show Portlet Rule Manager enabled (see upper right side, which indicates the opposite toggle option available, Hide Portlet Rule Manager).



反切 反切是古人在“直音”、“读若”之后创制的一种注音方法,又称“反”、“切”、“翻”、“反语”等。反切的基本规则是用两个汉字相拼给一个字注音,切上字取声母,切下字取韵母和声调。
