vt.launch ; send ; shoot ; transmit
...发射;开始;一种攻击船 开办(新企业)launch 开办(新企业) lead 领导 ...发射发射 1 发射 及电 发射 概念所谓 发射 ( Launch ) ,就是在较短时间内用较大的功率把物体推进到一定速度 ,在空间飞向目标.人们把用来 发射 物体的装置叫 发射 器.
...Lyric-负责受理设置业余无线电台申请的机构为: 答:设台地地方无线电管理机构或其正式委托的代理受理服务机构 33. 发射(emission)是指:由无线电发信电台产生的辐射或辐射..
... so far到现在为止 send up发射 with one's help在(某人/物)的帮助下 ...
隐式投影(Implicit Shadowing) 在C#中,一种可能的实现方法是发射(Emit)两个函数。还以Clone方法为例,我们可以在中间语言(IL)中看到如下的方法签名(Method Signature):
- (射出) launch; radiate; project; discharge; loft; fire; transmission; emission; sending; transmitting; shooting; launching; rocketeer; radiation; liftoff; shot; takeoff; blast-off; primary release; projection; extraction; shoot:
fire shells;
The satellite was launched in a rocket.
- {物} transmit; emit
- (射出) launch; radiate; project; discharge; loft; fire; transmission; emission; sending; transmitting; shooting; launching; rocketeer; radiation; liftoff; shot; takeoff; blast-off; primary release; projection; extraction; shoot:
- 短语:
- 发射按钮 {电} firing button;
- 发射班 pad crew;
- 发射保密 emission security;
- 发射本领 emissive power;
- 发射波 transmitting wave;
- 发射波形 transmitted waveform;
- 发射材料 emitting material;
- 发射常数 emission constant;
- 发射程序 launching procedure;
- 发射程序表 countdown profile;
- 发射导弹 launch a guided missile;
- 发射导轨 shoe;
- 发射点 firing point;
- 发射电极 emission electrode;
- 发射电流 emission current;
- 发射电流密度 emission current density;
- 发射电流响应 transmitting current response;
- 发射电路 radiating circuit;
- 发射电压响应 transmitting voltage response;
- 发射电子束 divergent bundle;
- 发射电子物质 electron-emissive material;
- 发射度 emittance (加速器);
- 发射飞机 launch plane;
- 发射分光光度计 emission spectrophotometer;
- 发射分光计 {光谱} emission spectrometer;
- 发射分光镜 emission spectroscope;
- 发射干扰 transmitting interference; interference with transmission;
- 发射功率 transmitting power; transmitted power; emanating power;
- 发射功率响应 transmitting power response;
- 发射管 {电} launch tube; transmitting tube (valve); launching tube;
- 发射光电管 emission phototube; emission cell;
- 发射光谱 emission spectrum (ES);
- 发射光谱测定法 emission spectrometric method;
- 发射光谱分析 emission spectrographic analysis;
- 发射光谱学 emission spectroscopy;
- 发射换能器 transmitting transducer;
- 发射火箭 rocket launching;
- 发射火焰光度法 {分化} emission flame photometry;
- 发射机构 trigger mechanism;
- 发射架 {军} launcher;
- 发射角 {航空} angle of departure; launching [emission] angle;
- 发射-接收 send-receive (SR);
- 发射结 emitter junction;
- 发射井 {航空} silo; launching silo;
- 发射孔径 transmitting aperture;
- 发射控制 emission control;
- 发射控制电路 countdown circuit;
- 发射控制机 launcher control system;
- 发射离地角 angle of departure;
- 发射量 {天} emission measure (EM);
- 发射灵敏度 tarnsmitting sensitivity;
- 发射脉冲 transmitted pulse;
- 发射脉冲包络 transmitted pulse envelope;
- 发射脉冲包线 transmitted pulse envelope;
- 发射脉冲压缩 transmit-pulse suppression;
- 发射脉冲抑制 transmit-pulse suppression;
- 发射密度 emission density;
- 发射面 surface of emission; emission surface;
- 发射模拟 launching simulation;
- 发射模拟器 launch simulator;
- 发射能力 emissivities;
- 发射偏斜 {讯} squit;
- 发射频带响应 transmitting band response;
- 发射频率 transmitting frequency;
- 发射平面 plane of departure;
- 发射平行光学 transmitter collimating optics;
- 发射坪 {航空} launch [launching] pad;
- 发射谱 emission spectra;
- 发射谱线 {光} spectral line of emission; emission line;
- 发射强度 emissive power;
- 发射热 {电子} heat of emission;
- 发射人员训练导弹 launching-crew-training missile;
- 发射摄谱仪 emission spectrograph;
- 发射时间 launch time; T-time; time to go;
- 发射时限 window; launch window;
- 发射试验 emission test; launching test;
- 发射竖井 vertical firing shaft;
- 发射数据 emit data;
- 发射速度 emission rate; rate of fire; launching rate;
- 发射塔 launching shoe; launching tower;
- 发射探针 emitting probe;
- 发射逃逸系统 launch escape system;
- 发射特性 {电子} emission characteristics;
- 发射特性曲线 emission characteristic curve;
- 发射体 emitter;
- 发射天线 transmitting antenna; sending antenna; transmitting wire;
- 发射天线交换器 transmitting antenna exchanger;
- 发射筒盖 launch tube closure;
- 发射稳定性 launch stability;
- 发射系数 emission ratio;
- 发射系统 emission system;
- 发射线 line of departure;
- 发射线星 emission line stars;
- 发射箱 {电工} firing box;
- 发射响应 transmitting response;
- 发射效率 emission efficiency;
- 发射斜轨致动装置 ramp actuator;
- 发射星云 emission nebula;
- 发射星云气 emission nebulosity;
- 发射阴极 emitting cathode;
- 发射域 emit field;
- 发射元件 radiated element; transmitting element;
- 发射噪声 shot noise;
- 发射增益 transmitting gain;
- 发射者 bolter (箭等的);
- 发射振荡变压器 transmitting jigger;
- 发射阵地 firing position;
- 发射制导 launching guidance;
- 发射中心 launching centre;
- 发射中缀 launch abort;
- 发射中子 given-off neutron;
- 发射装置 launcher;
- 发射准备完毕 {航} {军} on the way;
- 发射准确度 accuracy of fire; (火箭)
- 发射最佳时间 launch window
发射台launch pad;[航]launching pad;launching tower;launcher
发射光谱[光]emission spectrum;OES;Emission spectroscopy
发射星云radiant nebula
热发射Thermionic Emission;heat emission;thermal emission
导弹发射平台missile launch platform
联合发射联盟United Launch Alliance;ULA
卫星发射与控制satellite launch and control
自发发射ad-lib discharge
A starter's pistol fires only blanks.
They fired three distress signals.
The rocket was launched in March 1980.
The surface-to-surface missiles were fired from the west of the capital.
Two of the police fired 16 bullets each.
The countdown has begun for the launch of the space shuttle.
The Marines fired back with a grenade launcher.
The decision to delay the launch stems from unfavourable weather conditions.
The original planned launch was called off four minutes before blastoff.
The space shot was shown live on television.
The transmitters will send a signal automatically to a local base station.
Tanks fired shells at the house.
The rocket launched two communications satellites.
Our bombers have knocked out the mobile launchers.
The space shuttle won't lift off the launch pad until Sunday at the earliest.
Missiles were fired at the enemy.
Its real purpose is the launching and retrieval of small aeroplanes in flight.
Seven people were wounded when soldiers fired rubber bullets to disperse crowds.
NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays.
This morning's launch of the space shuttle Columbia has been delayed.
In 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 into outer space.
China will launch more space probes to the moon.
They began shooting immediately after the announcement.
They fired 1500 shells.
They launched at least 2 spaceships into outer space each year.
I figure they probably had to refuel and launch from one of these bases that's right on the border.
The NASA Educational Launch of Nano Satellite program, which offers free launches for educational groups and science missions, is now open to U.S. nonprofit corporations as well.
The rocket tumbled out of control shortly after lift-off.
They will try to jam the transmissions electronically.
The lift-off was delayed about seven minutes.
So, you might ask then well what is the significance of shooting different amounts of photons at a metal?
So we can actually pop an electron or eject an electron from any single orbital that is occupied within the atom.
Being and void, being and void, so now I've got my plus two little projectile coming in, and plus two zooms right through.
Studies using imaging techniques like CAT scans, PET, and fMRI, illustrate that different parts of the brain are active during different parts of mental life.
Imagine you got this monster cannon to fire things.
So what we're saying here is the incident energy, so the energy coming in, is just equal to the minimum energy that's required to eject an electron.
So that means we're going to need to figure out what is the energy per photon that's emitted by that UV light.
So, the take-home message is whether you have three photons or 3,000,000 photons that you're shooting at your metal, if you're not at that minimum frequency or that minimum energy that you need, nothing is going to happen.
Typically, these are recent imaging methods like CAT scan and PET scan and fMRI which, as I said before, show parts of your brain at work.
The electron's going to come out of that highest occupied atomic orbital, that one that's the highest in energy, because that's going to be the at least amount of energy it needs to eject something.
It makes sense that it's going to come out of the highest occupied atomic orbital, because that's going to be the lowest amount of energy that's required to actually eject an electron.
And when we talked about that, what we found was that we could actually validate our predicted binding energies by looking at the emission spectra of the hydrogen atom, which is what we did as the demo, or we could think about the absorption spectra as well.
What about the energy of the emitted photons?
Absorption is just the opposite of emission, so instead of starting at a high energy level and dropping down, when we absorb light we start low and we absorb energy to bring ourselves up to an n final that's higher.
And what we have left over is this amount of energy here, which is going to be the kinetic energy of the ejected electron.
Photon emission, perhaps.
We're only using up a little bit to eject the electron, then we'll have a lot left over.
So we can use an equation to relate the incident energy and the kinetic energy to the ionization energy, or the energy that's required to eject an electron.
So this means that we can go directly from the energy between two levels to the frequency of the photon that's emitted when you go between those levels.
So I said before when we were talking about single atoms, we always define the zero energy as when an electron was actually ejected, but now, when we talk about chemical reactions taking place, it's very, very rare that we're actually going to be talking about anything that gets to this point here.
we start high and go low, we're dealing with emission where we have excess energy that the electron's giving off, and that energy is going to be equal the energy of the photon that is released and, of course, through our equations we know how to get from energy to frequency or to wavelength of the photon.
if you don't want to use that, you can also derive it as we did every time, it should intuitively make sense how we got there. But the exams are pretty short, so we don't want you doing that every time, so we'll save the 2 minutes and give you the equations directly, but it's still important to know how to use them.
So, for example, when people, and we'll talk about this next class, were looking at different characteristics spectra of different atoms, what they were seeing is that it appeared to be these very discreet lines that were allowed or not allowed for the different atoms to emit, but they had no way to explain this using classical physics.
So, for example, it's not just the 2 p that we could actually take an electron from, we could also think about ejecting an electron from the 2 s orbital.
There is no way that you could irradiate a crystal of nickel with a single beam of x-rays and get that circular ring pattern if the electron beam were behaving as a particle beam only.
So let's do a sample calculation now using this Rydberg formula, and we'll switch back to emission, and the reason that we'll do that is because it would be nice to actually approve what we just saw here and calculate the frequency of one of our lines in the wavelength of one of the lines we saw.
发射 词目:发射 拼音:fā shè 英文:to shoot (a projectile); to launch (a rocket, space ship)