




  • 发岁

  • Hair,

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 发现十六岁少女安德森Hould -hAnderson

  • 经过了岁月发酵Over the years fermentation

  • 周岁精神发育指数mental development index;MDI

  • 岁的发育性髋关节脱位DDH;developmental dislocation of the hip



As the beginning of the year, and opened in January, open year-old, the new-year-old hair-year-old, in January, the beginning of month, Hajime month, month, such as Bangladesh alias.


In one study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine in 2007, researchers asked several hundred doctors about a hypothetical 50-year-old male patient who showed up with chest pain.


Thankfully the hair loss should stabilize in a few months and your locks will resume their usual rate of growth and everyday strand loss when your child is nine months to one year old.


One really important caveat for this study was that the average age of the participants was around 18 so this finding might not hold in different age-groups.


Mr Payne, 75, is best known for his 1968 discovery and recordings of songs by humpback whales, and for finding that some whale species can communicate with each other over long distances.


"The car is the only place where my husband and I argue," says Ms. Greenwald, 31, a media and communications consultant in Washington, DC.

研究跟踪了972个首次心脏病后的幸存者,他们的年龄在35至59之间。 他们中所有的人在病后18个月内都重新回去工作,每周至少工作10小时。

The study tracked 972 first-time heart attack survivors, aged 35-59, all of whom went back to work within 18 months of their heart attack for at least 10 hours a week.


At the age of 27, his photography culminated to the world level and he was acknowledged as a superb photographer. Then he was invited to take photos for the British prime minister.


Britons find being older than 52 is nothing to laugh about because that's the age when they start becoming grumpy, according to a survey on Friday.


Nansen died of a heart attack in 1930 on the balcony of his castle-like house in Lysaker, on Oslo's outskirts, where his ashes are now buried beneath a simple gravestone on the south lawn. He was 69.


The new report, published online on Friday in The Lancet, pooled data from 58 studies about more than 220,000 people, with a mean age of 58.


By the age of seventeen, she had won her first world title and never looked back.


In this longitudinal study, 4, 689 Iceland residents aged 33to 65 first participated in a population study and were questionedabout frequency of headaches and symptoms.


Research says that typical age of onset for an eating disorder is 14 to 25.


A brave second serve from the 29-year-old saved that one but another quickly followed as Serena again came out on top of a baseline exchange.


He received a chess set for his 13th birthday, and he quickly discovered that he was something of a prodigy, a fact he decided to hide so he wouldn't get beaten up in the lunchroom.


He is alluding, of course, to Hughes, who died of a heart attack at 59 two days before our meeting.


In the UK in 1993, doctors switched off the life support system keeping alive Tony Bland, a 22-year - old who had been in a coma for three years following the Hillsborough disaster.


The Pew Research Center in 2009 found that 38 percent of American 12-year-olds were using social networks.

这些皮肤反应很可能在治疗的前2- 8周生。经常生在2- 16的儿童身上。

These skin reactions are more likely to happen within the first 2 to 8 weeks of treatment and occur most often in children between 2 and 16 years of age.


NCDs are often associated with older age groups, but evidence shows that more than 9 million of all deaths attributed to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) occur before the age of 60.


Rescuers found Wang Fazhen, 50, from the rubble of a residential building of a coal mine in Deyang at around 10:25 am Monday.


Alexa Longueira, 15, was walking on Victory Boulevard with a friend, preparing to send a text, when she felt the ground give way.


Blood samples showed that the CETP gene, already known to treble-the odds of living to 100, also cut the odds of dementia by 70 per cent.

孙丹永(音译),25,报告了一起Iphone4G手机样机的丢失事件,害怕Steve Jobs飚的富士康员工殴打了他。

Sun Danyong, 25, reported a missing Iphone 4G phone prototype and was beaten by Foxconn employees who were terrified of the wrath of Steve Jobs.


The process of changing a name can be intimidating, said Kit Yan, a 25-year-old poetry slam artist and performer with a hint of facial hair who was born Laura.


The process of changing a name can be intimidating, said Kit Yan, a 25-year-old poetry slam artist and performer with a hint of facial hair who was born Laura.



发岁 发岁是一个词语,意思是一年起始。
