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理发师陶德Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street;Sweeney Todd;Penny Dreadfuls Sweeney Todd SE;Johny Depp
理发师barber;hairdresser;The Music Box;hiredresseer
塞维利亚的理发师The Barber of Seville;Il barbiere di Siviglia;Il Barbiere Siviglia;Il Barbero de Sevilla
美发师Hairdresser;hair stylist;the first works;Friseur
理发师悖论Russell's Paradox
爱情魔发师Magicians of Love;Love spell;the division made love demons;Magic Barber
歌剧理发师Rabbit Of Seville
理发师悖论(又作罗素悖论)Barber paradox; Russell’s paradox
魔街理发师Sweeney Todd;Johnny Depp - Sweeney Todd;Helena Bonham Carter - Sweeney Todd;Tim Burton - Sweeney Todd
塞维利亚理发师Il barbiere di Siviglia;The Barber Of Seville;Der Barbier von Sevilla;il Barbiere di Siviglia-Florez
The barber charged me ten dollars for the haircut.
Did your last hairdresser use a relaxer?
The reason many guys end up with cowlicks sticking up all over the place is because of an unskilled haircutter.
For guys with bad cowlicks, I suggest asking your barber or stylist to cut the hair dry so there's no water weight on the hair that will unnaturally hold the cowlick down.
When a developer checks in code, for instance, she may need to E-mail a build engineer or someone else to initiate a build process.
With the help of an experienced stylist, get the ideal hair color and cut to suit your coloring and face shape.
I wish my therapist could read this online support group. Then they might begin to understand what I'm really going through.
I quickly made these calls, not allowing myself time to change my mind, I finally reached someone who promised te mail me a list of the Center's former therapists who were in private practice.
To that masculine strength, underscored by severe dark hair, the designer added a more baroque feel with rich patterns on short dresses.
这最早由MIT 的一个工程师在1940年发现,他当时拍下了一只小猫舔水的画面。
This was first observed by an MIT engineer, who filmed a cat lapping liquid in 1940.
In the film, the speech therapist used a similar method by having King George insert an "ah" sound into a sentence before a treacherous word.
Interest in Internet forecasting was sparked by a paper published in 2009 by Hal Varian, Google's chief economist.
“The world’s tallest buildings have risen on the eve of economic downturns,” claimed Andrew Lawrence, research director at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, in 1999.
Its weak results last week have eroded the value of the stock component of the offer and analysts said it may have to increase the amount of cash it is offering.
The year 2011 is the best of times for software engineers and the worst of times for roustabouts, according to a survey of the nation's best and worst jobs released on Wednesday.
Engineers have been battling a nuclear emergency since a massive earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems last Friday and fuel rods began overheating.
It is important to note that Mr. Boston's 50th Anniversary Official Bartender's Guide published in 1984 makes no mention of the Cosmopolitan cocktail.
Calculating statistics to determine probability and risk, is the best job to have in 2010, while working on an oil rig as a roustabout is the worst, according to a study released on Tuesday.
Actuary, calculating statistics to determine probability and risk, is the best job to have in 2010, while working on an oil rig as a roustabout is the worst, according to a study released on Tuesday.
Bonita 4.0发布的第一目标人群是开发人员和技术架构师,而分析师工具在后续版本中才会推出。
The first target of the Bonita 4.0 release is developers and technical architects, but analyst tools will follow in subsequent releases.
几周前,他在检查自己的信息流时,看到了一个Chee Chew发的帖子,Chee是我们柯克兰分部的一名工程师。
A few weeks ago he was checking out his Stream and saw a post from Chee Chew, an engineer in our Kirkland office.
于1970年发明了“点头鸭(nodding duck)”式波浪发电装置的英国爱丁堡大学工程师StephenSalter说,这种构想不错。
Stephen Salter, an engineer at the University of Edinburgh, UK, who in the 1970s invented the "nodding duck" wave power device, says the idea looks sound.
Walter Zapp, a Latvian engineer, developed a portable camera in 1937 that would fit easily into the palm of a hand and take high-quality pictures.
Actually no, but it was almost the case in November 2006, when a launch pad technician forgot to secure a door in the White Room leading to the space shuttle Endeavour just before launch.
Bryan ma, analyst at research firm IDC, said estimates for the fourth quarter are not yet available but that Apple was "just on fire" at the end of last year.
The company's quarterly earnings, to be released tomorrow, may take a hit due to a devalued Belarussian ruble, according to advance analysts' reports.
Microsoft said it sold 175 million licenses for its new Windows 7 operating system since its launch last October, a performance rated solid but unsurprising by analysts.
这幅图中,透过圆顶的全部打开的观察窗向下看到是撒哈拉沙漠。这是在太空中由JAXA宇航员和探索22航空工程师Soichi Noguchi发Twittter传回来的。
The cupola's fully opened windows look down onthe Sahara Desert in this image that was 'tweeted' from space by JAXAastronaut and Expedition 22 flight engineer Soichi Noguchi.
这幅图中,透过圆顶的全部打开的观察窗向下看到是撒哈拉沙漠。这是在太空中由JAXA宇航员和探索22航空工程师Soichi Noguchi发Twittter传回来的。
The cupola's fully opened windows look down onthe Sahara Desert in this image that was 'tweeted' from space by JAXAastronaut and Expedition 22 flight engineer Soichi Noguchi.
发师 发师,读音为fā shī,汉语词语,解释为派遣军队,出兵。