n. epilogue
... 哈萨克 Kazakhstan 中国 China 后序 Epilogue ...
void InOrder(BiNodevoid PostOrder(BiNode后序 void LevelOrder(BiNode Dietz[1]编码将数据中的节点用先序(perorder)和后序(postorder)来表示,通过比较先序顺序和后序顺序来确定节点的祖先后代关系,在Diet.. 后序 后序遍历LRD;void postorder;postorder;void LaOrder 前序/中序/后序preorder/inorder/postorder 前序中序后序preorder inorder postorder 战后国际秩序the postwar international order;postwar international order 后序式postfix 后序列adjusted series 后继序数successor ordinal 后序表示式postfix expression 及后序顺序postorder sequence 包装印刷及后序加工???????。 Package Printing and Follow-up Processing??????? 给出了消除二叉后序线索树中困难访问的算法。 Finally algorithms for removing difficult visitable in postorder threaded binary trees are given. 负责项目的后序工作,包括协助提供检测报告及售后技术支持; Post project follow up with Canadian colleagues in providing reports and post project support; 担任全厂前序、后序、硫化车间的设备维护和触及项目技改任务。 Responsible for the former order, after order, vulcanization workshop equipment maintenance and technical improvement project work involved. 通过对该结构的后序遍历,自动生成装配序列,能有效地描述装配体。 An assembly sequence can be automatically generated by implementing the postorder traversal to this model. 木制楼梯扶手弯头反面成型面是木制楼梯扶手弯头后序加工的工艺基准。 The reverse figuration side of stair handrail elbows is a process base for subsequent processing. 《指南录后序》中的“都督诸路军马”许多人理解为“统领各路军队”。 CONTROLLING ALL TROOPS" quoted from the A Postcript of GUIDE BOOK is literally understood by many people as leading the whole troop." 如主唛,侧唛,尺码唛,洗水唛等,以及一些后序加工:如剪折,对折等。 Such as Lord Mark, side mark, mark size, washing mark, as well as some post-processing sequence: such as folding scissors, folding and so on. 输入树的前序遍历结果和中序遍历结果建立起这棵树并给出后序遍历结果。 Enter the tree traversal Preorder traversal of the results and the results of established tree and gives the results after the traversal. 说明:二叉树操作:建立二叉树,前序遍历二叉树、中序、后序遍历二叉树。 Binary tree operation: create a binary tree, before traversing binary, inorder, postorder binary tree traversal. 介绍了该编码的编码和解码步骤,并给出了控制编码后序列直流分量的方法。 The method to suppress the low-frequency components of the encoded sequence was proposed. 然而,在余额比金额更少的情况下,然后序列进入跳转组合碎片,它的消息被传递。 However, in cases where the balance is less than the amount, then the sequence enters the break combination fragment and its messages are sent. 但是不同的二叉树的先序遍历序列或中序遍历序列或后序遍历序列有可能是相同的。 The pre order, in order and post order traversal of every binary tree are unique, but those of different binary trees may be identical. 比较的结果表明,新算法所生成的线索二叉树比传统的先序和后序线索二叉树优越。 Results of comparison show that the threaded binary-trees generated by the new method are more efficient than the traditional ones. 井壁失稳还影响固井,油藏开发中的射孔、防砂、采油和油井增产等后序作业的实施。 And wellbore instability also influences the perforation and sand production, ect in the reservoir development. 通过对涂料轧染工艺和助剂进行的优选,提出了新型涂料轧染工艺流程及后序整理工艺。 Process and auxiliary of pigment pad dyeing were optimized. New process procedure of pigment pad dyeing and finishing process were presented. 人造石粗料粉碎机用来破碎颗粒板,天然石料及其它颗粒原料,为后序工序提供小颗粒原料。 The grinder is to grind rubble pellet slab, natural stone and other pellet materials, and to provide small pellets material for the subsequent process. 你找的是读旧的XML文件到内存的方式,做出任何必要的改变,然后序列化并将结果写入磁盘。 The way to do what you are looking for is to read the old XML file into memory, make whatever changes are necessary, and then serialize and write the result to disk. 我还要感谢我的同事alexHall,他注意到了我们的需要,并完成了后序迭代增强的实现。 I am also thankful to my colleague Alex Hall for seeing the need and doing the implementation for the post-order iteration enhancement. 根据关键路径法和串行调度原理,论述了先序活动和后序活动时间参数计算的方法,并以实例阐述了计算原理。 According to critical path method and serial scheduling, a schema was discussed for computing time parameters of transitive predecessors and transitive successors. 结果表明,利用该方法实现三维形面分区域测量及后序多片数据拼接,具有速度快、精度高、可操作性强等特点。 Experimental results show that this approach can realize the subdivided shapes measuring and data registering as the features of rapid speed... 大部分发生结构变化原始序列与其趋势成分的波动性特征出现了显著差异,而结构变化点修正后序列及其趋势成分的波动幅度与范围极其相似。 Almost all of the original series and the trend components have different volatility features in the structure changes, but corrected series and the trend components are the most similar features. 给出了先序活动和后序活动的基本定义,讨论了运用深度优先搜索进行先序活动和后序活动标定的基本原理,提出了基于堆栈机制的标定算法。 A method to mark transitive predecessors and transitive successors by using depth first search is provided with a description of the algorithm based on stack. 给出了先序活动和后序活动的基本定义,讨论了运用深度优先搜索进行先序活动和后序活动标定的基本原理,提出了基于堆栈机制的标定算法。 A method to mark transitive predecessors and transitive successors by using depth first search is provided with a description of the algorithm based on stack. So if you now reverse the story that we're telling here, what was the next line supposed to be after sorting left half? 回退到这个过程中来,在对左半部分排完序后,下一步该做什么呢? 后序 "后序"是个多义词,它可以指后序(写在著作后的序文),后序(东方原创设计师品牌)。 以上关于后序的英语翻译来自英汉大词典,希望对您学习后序的英语有帮助。后序的汉英大词典