Good good
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与善善das Gutt
个人善与社会善personal merit and social merit
善有善报One good turn deserves another;What goes around;One kindness is the price of another
善始有善终A good beginning makes a good ending
来者不善善者不来with good intent would not come
善始善终Finish the job;Start well and end well;to carry things through;begin well and end well
善须善报one good turn deserves another
Dear Ones, events do not happen in the highest good until you create the highest good.
We understand about kindness but we couldn't realise it; the man's bravery is to fervently believe that his hope will be realised and strive for it unremittingly.
Morality is extremely central to our lives, and a deep question, which we will struggle with throughout most of the course, is the question of good and evil, evil and good.
这就是地球大学的魔术方块 ,亚特兰提斯的下沉不是最高的善,除非你重新创造而让它成为最高的善 。
Such is the Rubik Cube of the University of Earth Duality. The Fall of Atlantis was not the highest good, and will not be until you recreate it as such.
Sometimes it's almost impossible to decipher the right choice from the wrong one. Good could be cloaked behind bad, or bad behind good.
I believe that good is stronger than evil. I have found that if applied with complete faith, it can obliterate evil.
The researchers say their findings prove why black people are more likely to sprint faster while white people make swifter swimmers.
But Manasseh did not drive out the people of Beth Shan or Taanach or Dor or Ibleam or Megiddo and their surrounding settlements, for the Canaanites were determined to live in that land.
Sometimes it's almost impossible to decipher the right choice from the wrong one. Good could be cloaked behind bad, or bad behind good. Once the decision has been made, the moment is gone.
New cause-oriented sites, such as Causecast, which helps people find causes to support, and Amazee, which showcases various social-advocacy projects, are popping up on the Internet all the time.
He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness.
Then everything which is good, whether made by art or nature, or both, is least liable to suffer change from without?
Good is the soul of harmony. Good justice contains wisdom brave moderation.
The greatest evil is included in the greatest good, and that is good for creativity.
But goodness necessarily evokes beauty and thus all things good are also beautiful.
Most of us consider goodness as the opposite of the bad or evil and so throughout history in any culture goodness has been considered the other face of that which is brutal.
We need to try to make what's in the mind every moment be something positive, because if it's not positive its going to be negative.
People can be good, can also be evil, to is good, good, would like to evil is evil.
Spinoza judged good or bad according to the standard whether it was in favor of human preserving his own being or not and took real human existence as good's aim.
But good which is thus put forward as the final cause of the world has been already described as only our good, the moral law of our Practical Reason.
In this article we apply formal matrices technique to get a equivalent proposition of Li Shanian identity, and hence give an elementary proof for Li Shanlan identity.
Alas, the good is so often untrue, the true so often unbeautiful, the beautiful so often not good.
Absolute good and relative good are united dialectically.
In order to find happiness, we must look for positive causes like non-violence or causes that are peaceful and appealing to one's mind.
Many wish, but few will, to be good.
The participants make up into good governance Internet organization, setting up fair structure and correction and order of management communication.
The news distinctively has really, friendly, the beautiful attribute, then the news must let the person obtain really informs, friendly enlightenment, beautiful enjoying.
He who would gather immortal palms must not hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness.
He who would gather immortal palms must not hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness.
Both Hartman and Fish argued that the rhetorical strategies of Milton's similes work to reinforce the theological categories of good and evil.
The simile sets out to establish the moral polarities between good and evil, but it then works almost systematically to undo that understanding.
It is never right to give bad examples to others, even if one expects good to come from it.
No divine evil agents. Again, in the pagan worldview the primordial womb spawns all sorts of beings, all kinds of divinities, good and evil that are in equal strength.
It also explains the phenomenal 6 degrees of separation: how we are all connected and interconnected in a web potentially of goodness.
Is it part of your nature to be good or bad or is it largely due to the situation that you fall in?
What starts out looking very benign, once you look closer, is pretty fierce and filled with violence, and that's why people want to leave.
They are born reciters, great memory retainers, diary keepers, letter exchangers and letter savers, history tracers and debaters, and outstaying all the rest they are just great talkers."
Milton's interest in moments of blurriness and of visual indistinctness suggest that the distinction between good and evil is actually never that clear.
You can figure Milton asking in this poem Lycidas if it's true: is it true what the Elder Brother said, ? that virtue is always rewarded and evil punished?
That's because it's here where the rigid polarities between light and dark and good and evil, all of these absolute oppositions, begin to collapse.
The good human being loves what is good simply not because it is his ownbut because it is good.
The similes work not to sew everything up but make it impossible for us to maintain anything like the official position on a moral distinction between heavenly good and satanic evil.
This was deserved punishment and the person who was saved was righteous.
This is simply another example of how moral goodness grows out of and even requires a context of moral evil. Machiavelli's advice to you is clear.
If we're going to talk about evil, we should also talk about good.
In other words, his point is that good is only possible because of the prior existence of bad.
So just as there are good gods who might protect human beings there are also evil gods who seek to destroy both humans and other gods.
And then you might raise all sorts of questions about, well, was this part of God's plan that they ought to know this and should know this, so that their choice for good actually becomes meaningful.
Adam, by tasting the apple, came into a knowledge of good, and he was only able to know this good by means of the experience of the knowledge of evil.
The quality that I am attempting to describe is that special understanding of public life which successful statesmen have whether they are wicked or virtuous.
There was good in that forbidden fruit as well as evil.
that is to say, of knowing good by evil.
You certainly could make the case that it is not... their wealth is not appropriate to the goodness in their hearts, but that's not really the morally relevant issue.
Every child, every one of you, every one of us was brought up to know that one must never do wrong, even if good consequences are seen to follow.
Doing anything you like, it seems to be the opposite of the platonic understanding of justice as each one doing a special function ? or fulfilling or doing a special craft.
And we need to ask in the case of higher or worthier pleasures are there theories of the good life that can provide independent moral standards for the worth of pleasures?
Morality is extremely central to our lives, and a deep question, which we will struggle with throughout most of the course, is the question of good and evil, evil and good.
Socrates tells us repeatedly that justice in the city consists of each member, each citizen fulfilling his task in the social division of labor, in the social hierarchy.
This is the issue for Socrates, how to channel this wild and untamed passion of spirit or heart, how to channel this to some kind of common good.
善善 意思为赞扬好人好事。语出“郭氏之墟”:昔者,齐桓公出游于野,见亡国故城郭氏之墟。问与野人曰:“是为何墟?”野人曰:“是为郭氏之墟也。”复问:“郭氏曷为墟?”曰:“善善而恶恶焉。