




  • n. solidity

  • adj.solid

  • misc.solid body


文章编号 关键词:固体;绝热不变量;开尔文公式 [gap=438]KEY WORDS: solid body;isulation constant;Kelvein formula

...固体标准/规范英文名: Testing of carbon materials - Determination of specific electrical resistance by the current-voltage method - Solid matters批准日期: 1997-11翻译进度: 待翻译标准号&标准中文名&标准英文名: DIN 51911-1997碳素材料检验.

... sol溶胶 sol.固态;固体 sol.可溶的 ...

... 建设用地 land for road construction 固体 body solid 固体 solid body ...


固体[gù tǐ]

  • solid body; solid; solidity:

      the solids of the blood


  • 短语:
    • 固体标准量器 standard solid measuring device;
    • 固体标准源 solid standard source;
    • 固体表观体积 apparent solid volume;
    • 固体表面 surface of solids;
    • 固体病理学说 solidism;
    • 固体采样 solid sampling;
    • 固体超声延迟线 solid ultrasonic delay line;
    • 固体沉降器 scale trap;
    • 固体成型机 solid forming machine;
    • 固体传导性 solid conductivity;
    • 固体吹散泵 solid pump;
    • 固体存储器 {自} solid-state memory;
    • 固体导电 solid conduction;
    • 固体灯 solid state lamp;
    • 固体等离子体 solid state plasma;
    • 固体电解电容器 solid electrolytic capacitor;
    • 固体电离 ionization of solid;
    • 固体电子技术 solid-state electronic techniques;
    • 固体电子学 solid-state electronics;
    • 固体电阻 solid resistance;
    • 固体电阻器 solid resistor; fixed solid resistor;
    • 固体淀积 deposition of solid;
    • 固体二氧化碳 drikold; solid carbon dioxide;
    • 固体非金属夹杂物 sonim;
    • 固体非金属杂质 solid nonmetallic impurity;
    • 固体肥料 solid fertilizer;
    • 固体镉 solid cadmium;
    • 固体固体界面 solid-solid interface;
    • 固体光阀 solid-state light valve;
    • 固体氦 {低温} solid helium;
    • 固体含量solids content;
    • 固体混合离子激光器 solid mixed-ion laser;
    • 固体混合物 solid mixture;
    • 固体集成电路 solid integrated circuit;
    • 固体计数器 {核子} solid-state counter;
    • 固体继电器 solid-state relay;
    • 固体碱 solid base;
    • 固体酱油 solidified soy sauce;
    • 固体金属 solid metal;
    • 固体径流 solid flow;
    • 固体聚乙烯绝缘 solid polyethylene insulation;
    • 固体绝缘材料 solid insulating material;
    • 固体绝缘子 solid insulator;
    • 固体均匀堆 solid homogeneous reactor;
    • 固体开关 solid switch;
    • 固体颗粒 solid particle;
    • 固体扩散 {电工} diffusion of solids;
    • 固体扩散法 solid state diffusion method;
    • 固体苛性碱 lye;
    • 固体理论 theory of solids;
    • 固体沥青 {材} solid asphalt;
    • 固体力学 solid mechanics;
    • 固体粒子 solids;
    • 固体磷光体激光器 solid phosphor laser;
    • 固体锍 solid matte;
    • 固体硫化物 solid sulfate;
    • 固体流量 solid flow;
    • 固体铝电解电容器 solid aluminum electrolytic capacitor;
    • 固体逻辑 solid state logic;
    • 固体络合物 solid complex;
    • 固体脉冲激光器电源 power supply for solid-state laser;
    • 固体密度测量法 solid density measuring method;
    • 固体摩擦 solid friction;
    • 固体能带论 {固物} band theory of solid;
    • 固体内光散射 light scattering in solids;
    • 固体粘性 solid viscosity;
    • 固体培养 solid culture;
    • 固体培养基 solid medium;
    • 固体喷射柴油机 solid injection diesel;
    • 固体喷出物 solid ejecta;
    • 固体膨胀温度计 solid expension thermometer;
    • 固体平面 surface;
    • 固体器件 solid state devices;
    • 固体气压表 holosteric barometer;
    • 固体汽油 gasoline gel; solidified gasoline;
    • 固体热力学 thermodynamics of solids;
    • 固体热载体 solid thermal carriers;
    • 固体溶剂 solid solvent;
    • 固体熔剂 solid fluxing agent;
    • 固体扫描 solid state scanning;
    • 固体扫描系统 solid state scanning system;
    • 固体渗硅 solid siliconizing; pack siliconizing; Ihrigizing;
    • 固体渗铝 solid alitizing; power calorizing;
    • 固体时间继电器 solid-state time relay;
    • 固体食物 food;
    • 固体石蜡 solid paraffin;
    • 固体石油 petroleum coal;
    • 固体试样 solid sample;
    • 固体收缩 solid contraction;
    • 固体售货机 solid goods vending machinery;
    • 固体树脂 hard resin;
    • 固体塑性系统 solid-plastic system;
    • 固体酸 solid acid;
    • 固体(瓷)套管 solid bushing;
    • 固体铜 solid copper;
    • 固体微波激射器 solid-state maser;
    • 固体微波激射振荡器 solid-state maser oscillator;
    • 固体微声器件 solid state microsound device;
    • 固体微声物理学 solid-state microsound physics;
    • 固体物理 solid-state theory;
    • 固体物理学 {物} solid-state physics;
    • 固体物料 solid material;
    • 固体物质 solid matter;
    • 固体物质输送技术 solids handling technique;
    • 固体吸湿干燥器 solid absorbent dehumidifier;
    • 固体显示 solid-state display;
    • 固体显像管 solid state picture tube;
    • 固体信号发生器 solid-state signal generator;
    • 固体压载 solid ballast;
    • 固体盐湖 playa;
    • 固体延迟线 solid delay line;
    • 固体延时继电器 solid state time delay relay;
    • 固体氧化铝 solid alumina;
    • 固体液 fixative;
    • 固体-液体混合物 solid-liquid mixture;
    • 固体液体燃料 hybrid propellant;
    • 固体-液体提取 solid-liquid extraction;
    • 固体-液体相互作用 solid-liquid interaction;
    • 固体音调发生器 sonalert;
    • 固体荧光法 solid fluorimetry;
    • 固体元件 solid-state components; solid-state element;
    • 固体杂质 solid impurity;
    • 固体载声 solid-borne sound;
    • 固体载振动 solid borne vibration;
    • 固体噪声发生器 solid-state noise generator;
    • 固体渣 solid slag;
    • 固体闸流管 solid-state thyratron;
    • 固体炸药 {材} solid explosive;
    • 固体斩波器 solid-state chopper;
    • 固体整流器 dry-type rectifier; dry-disk rectifier;
    • 固体致冷器 solid cryogen refrigerator;
    • 固体注入型激光器 solid state laser;
    • 固体砖状物 stock;
    • 固体转变 solid-state transformation;
    • 固体组件 solid-state component; solid unit; solid-state unit


  • 固体力学[力]solid mechanics;Mechanics of Solids;Mechanics;Solid d mechanics

  • 危险固体废物hazardous wastes;hazardous solid waste

  • 总溶解固体Total dissolved solid;TDS

  • 超固体supersolid

  • 固体蛇Solid Snake

  • 航天飞机固体助推器Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster

  • 固体废物Solid wastes;[环境]Solid Waste;OMSW

  • 固体氧化物燃料电池SOFC;solid oxide fuel cell;solid-oxide fuel cell;Solid Oxide Fuel Cells-SOFC

  • 易燃固体Inflammable Solid;combustible solid;[化工]flammable solid;flammable solids



The point at which the solid and the liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point.


The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all.


Solids turn to liquids at certain temperatures.


She had refused all solid food.


Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.


The boiler uses solid fuel.


Annually, the world generates 1.3 billion tons of solid waste.


The solid particles were filtered from the solution.


Water exists in three states: liquid, gas, and solid.


Let's take solid salt, and dissolve it in a bunch of liquid water.


When solid bodies collide, much debris is ejected, dissipating energy.


These materials turn from a solid into a liquid absorbing energy as they change phase.


Glaciers are eventually created when the weight of the snow is so great that the lower layers are pressed into solid ice.


Any substance is made of atom. Whether it is solid, liquid or gas.


Water, without which we cannot live, exists in the form of liquid, gas or solid.


All substances, whether they are gaseous, liquid or solid, are made of atoms.


The ratio of liquid to solid cargo shipped across the Ramian Sea did not vary significantly over the period.


The liquid is maintained above its melting point until steam is required at which point the liquid is allowed to turn back into a solid releasing its stored energy.


In the days following, samples of solid gypsum were repeatedly brought on deck as drilling operations penetrated the seafloor.


Generally speaking, ceramics are what you get when you apply heat to certain inorganic, non-metallic solids and then allow them to cool.


The Earth's magnetic field is generated as the molten iron of the Earth's outer core revolves around its solid inner core; when surges in the molten iron occur, magnetic tempests are created.


Although the hot rock of the mantle is a solid, under the tremendous pressure of the crust and overlying rock of the mantle, it flows like a viscous liquid.


Some of the solid material it brings up may come from a so-called diamond-stability field, where conditions of pressure and temperature are conducive to the formation of diamonds.


During the period, grain and other solid cargo was shipped across the Remain Sea in containers made from material other than clay.


During the period, grain and other solid cargo was shipped across the Ramian Sea in containers made from material other than clay.


A daily input of water, food, and energy of various kinds is matched by an output of sewage, solid waste, air pollutants, energy, and materials that have been transformed in some way.


Within samples collected from the solid substances lying beneath the ice they found fossils of microscopic marine plants which suggest that the region was once open ocean not solid ice.


Maple Hill signs a contract pledging to buy the farmer's milk at a guaranteed base price, plus quality premiums and incentives for higher protein, butterfat and other solids.


Now remember to grab that glue stick before you go!


The stick margarine has been hydrogenated to make it a more solid form.


What I want to do is get you to appreciate the unique perspective that you will get from studying solid-state chemistry.


If you have a large number of atoms in an aggregate, it is going to require that the substance turn solid and condense at room temperature.


This collagen is highly hydrated, it forms a gel that has water-like properties but it also has solid properties.


Maybe you're not looking at a reaction, but you've got some new compound, and you're looking at it go from liquid to solid or to gas.


Your body interprets liquid calories different than it does calories in solid food.


Why does water turn solid when it gets cold?


And I want that to react to give me sodium chloride as a solid and crystal.


If I have Avogadro number of these things in a long line, you can bet it is going to be a solid.


Crystal is an ordered solid, as opposed to a disordered solid.


Does stuff change phase to go from liquid to solid and so forth, right?


Now, I know you've had all this bonding in the orientation period, but I think that it's much better when you write a test for there to be some solid state defects known as vacancies in between the various people.


The resulting form is a solid. A solid will form.


Other polar solids, we will have to come back to that later.


This is solid state up here, aggregates of atoms.


So we'll have an iron oxide species. It's a solid.


And, these are giant billets of solid titanium weighing tens of tons.


That is a lot of energy because there is a really solid bond.


On the other hand, when it came to penetrating solids, penetrating solids, the alpha radiation was poor at penetrating solids, whereas the beta radiation was very good at penetrating solids.


The stick margarine has been hydrogenated to make it a more solid form.


Ionic solids form ionic liquids.


They are solid at room temperature.


Cross-linked is not the right word-- that is chemically bonded with repeat units to make large molecules so that when you have a bunch of large molecules together they have certain physical properties like the solid property of the plastic that you're sitting on.


So we are going to have solids and we are going to have crystal.


Point number two is that ionic solids at high temperatures make ionic liquids.


We are solid-state devices.


Oh, by the way, talking about under enrolled subjects, the complementary subject offered by STS called History, Society, and Solid State Chemistry meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00 in room 2-136.



固体 固体是物质的一种聚集状态。与液体和气体相比固体有比较固定的体积和形状、质地比较坚硬。 固体是由数量级为10^23的粒子所结合成的宏观体系,是一个复杂的多体系统。固体的基态(即T=0K时的状态)不仅是最低的状态,而且还是某种有序状态。从微观角度分析,实验上所测得的宏观属性是固体在外扰动作用下从基态跃迁到激发态时所产生的响应。 一般来说固体是宏观物体,除一些特殊的低温物理学的现象如超导现象、超液现象外固体作为一个整体不显示量子力学的现象。
