




  • graphic entity


2.1.1 图形结构 (Graph Structure) 图形 (Graph)是由两个非空的有限集合所 ..

... 字串(Strings), 链结串列(Linked Lists), 堆叠(Stacks), 伫列(Qoeoes), 树与二元树(Trees and Binary Trees), 图形结构(Graphs), 资料排序




  • 图形结构输入graphic structure input

  • 图形结构导论Basic Graph Structure

  • 图形结构变换Graph Structure Transformation

  • 图形数据结构graphic data structure

  • 外形结构图Configuration

  • 图形显示树状结构tree

  • 图形空间数据结构Geometry Metadata Structure

  • 结构图形识别structural pattern recognition

  • 图形程序结构[计]graphics program architecture



The graphical construction is shown in the phasor diagram.


A data graph is a collection of tree-structured or graph-structured data objects.


Since Neo4j is a database, each access to the graph structure - read, write, and traversal - are managed by an ACID transaction system.


One of the most important tools released with AspectJ is a graphical structure browser that reveals at a glance how aspects interact with other system components.


The analysis indicates that the AIST material is very effective in the fabrication of pattern structures and can offer relevant guidance for application of the material in the future.


SEM inspection results obtained on patterned wafers show the cleanliness, good profile and CD retention of the structures after the He:H2 plasma strip and subsequent wet cleans.


It will include client/sever structure, using graphic user interface and applying for opening system design.


Important page elements that can be optimized include headlines, graphics, images, command buttons, structure and layout.


Since a command line interface cannot provide graphic pictures of the file system structure, it must have a different way of representing it.


The graphical user interface provides browsing capabilities for verifiing suspected memory leak regions, and for understanding the data structures that comprise these leaking regions.


Divides the shape geometry is the research infinite is complex but has under the certain significance from the similar figures and the structure geometry.


XPDL processes are graph based, which means that their more suitable for business analysts then the BPEL tree structure.


Adding a direction to an edge ultimately creates a so-called property graph which represents the explicit structure of data inside a graph database.


The workbench-based collection has a nice graphical interface that provides an intuitive organization of collection scripts and easy analysis of collected data.


BPMN is graph based, where as BPEL has a composite structure without transitions that corresponds to a tree.


The specification contains the graphical shapes, descriptions of the meaning and a set of properties for each construct.


But, as Schlagger pointed out, these scans are "typically looking at the data from a structural point of view-what's different about the shapes of various brain regions."

用于创建物理数据模型的图形化工具,DB 2基于SQL的数据仓库结构数据流,以及olap多维数据集模型。

Graphical tool for creating physical data models, DB2 SQL-based warehouse construction data flows, and OLAP cube models.


From the above picture, it is natural that we can use the "Tree" control to demonstrate the file structure.


Look how — this is as of earlier this year; the Federal Funds Rate was at around 4% and it has this huge drop in the term structure and then it starts the upward-sloping.

图9展示了一个显示了节点与图形模式结构的例子,其中还包括了模型化了的j ar文件与组件的表示和部署。

Figure 9 shows an example of a node with a graphical mode structure, as well as a few manifestations and deployments with modeled jar files and components.

Rhapsody 7.5支持所有图表的图像合并,包括静态图表,例如对象模型,用例,结构,协作以及窗格图形

Rhapsody 7.5 supports the graphical merging of all diagrams, including static diagrams, such as object model, use case, structure, collaboration, and panel graphics.

使用XPATH,可以从数据图形的根(通过调用getRootObject() 获取)导航结构

From the root of the data graph, obtained by invoking getRootObject(), you can navigate the structure using XPATH.


Processing applications have a structure, which is important when developing graphical applications that run continuously and alter the display window over time (for example, for animation).


Computer graphic of nanoscale toothed gears made from DNA (left) and electron micrographs of the actual nanostructures. Photograph: Science/AAAS


VoiceXML defines the conversation flow, and just like an HTML application has graphics and image maps, VoiceXML applications also have constructs, such as grammars and pronunciations.

清单1展示了主要的x3d结构(完整的文件请参阅下载一节中的fig . x3d),它们用来创建图1中的图形,使用了FreeWrl浏览器(请参阅参考资料)。

Listing 1 shows the main x3d structures (see fig.x3d in Download for the complete file) that's used to create the image in Figure 1, which was taken using the FreeWrl browser (see Resources).


As developers create or analyze an application, they often want to visualize the code through some graphical notation that AIDS their understanding of the code's structure or behavior.


The computation is structured as a directed graph: programs are graph vertices, while the channels are graph edges.


Under the disconnected data graphs architecture, a client retrieves a data graph from a data source, mutates the data graph, and can then apply the data graph changes back to the data source.


Look how--this is as of earlier this year; the Federal Funds Rate was at around 4% and it has this huge drop in the term structure and then it starts the upward-sloping.



图形结构 在数据的逻辑结构D=(KR)中,如果K中结点对于关系R的前趋和后继的个数不加限制,即仅含一种任意的关系,则称这种数据结构为图形结构。
