




  • 圣去

  • St to

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 去年圣诞Last Christmas;Wham - Last Christmas;Last Christmas -Bonnie Lam

  • 想你在去年圣诞节Last Christmas

  • 去年万圣节last Halloween

  • 去理解圣洁之辞Read the holy word

  • 去年圣诞节Last Christmas

  • 去了圣猴森林乌布Sacred Monkey Forest Ubud

  • 自前年圣诞去昆省肯市CAINS

  • 我要去将圣火点燃And I'll light the fuse

  • 赶去老圣胡安Old SanJuan



On Halloween, children would usually wear strange costumes, knock on their neighbours' doors and threaten them with "trick or treat".


As he had twenty times touched at Leghorn, he remembered a barber in St. Ferdinand Street; he went there to have his beard and hair cut.


As my final resort, someone suggested I should visit St. Pius because they had a really good program.


I went to Rome to look at the Sistine Chapel, and I called him from a pay phone in front of St. Peter's to describe every detail.


After spending the weekend in Cambridge, Darwin rode to London and went to the Whitehall Admiralty building across from St. James Park to speak with FitzRoy in Captain Beaufort's office.


But take your consecrated things and whatever you have vowed to give, and go to the place the LORD will choose.


Few people make the effort to visit the rest of the city, says Garth Jackson, 27, who runs st Christopher's Inn, a hostel in Borough High Road.


Santa Ana sent a representative to meet with General Taylor. The representative said the American force had one hour to surrender.


After Jordan's camp in Santa Barbara, Nike took me to Portland to relax. They let Liu Wei come with me.


Sale, who works in St. Petersburg, says he wasn't going to make his monthly sales quota and decided to resign rather than wait to be fired.


Another time, I cut altar boy practice to play hockey on the frozen pond at Mack Park near my home.


The practices have morphed into Halloween as it is known today, with parents encouraging their own little ghosts and goblins to haunt the neighborhood.


The trip from Santa Monica to Pasadena was just under 90 minutes via the No. 10 express bus to Union Station and then up an elevator to the bike-friendly Gold Line train to Pasadena.


Seiji Uchida, 48, who lost the ability to walk in a car accident 27 years ago, said he has long dreamed of visiting the picturesque abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, set on a rocky islet in Normandy.


More than a third of middle earners said they would only shop in a supermarket they deemed to be 'socially reputable', with Sainsbury's and Waitrose topping the popularity poll.


From then on I still look for Cloud when I'm passing by the San Frenando Church on my way back to the Alamo, and hopefully I'll pick him up again someday and take him to the Alamo...


Faithfulness - as demonstrated by your diligence to the heavenly vision - is the way to come into God's promises.


The practices have morph Ed into Halloween as it is known today, with parents encouraging their own little ghosts and goblins to haunt the neighborhood.


It is this reason why I don’t regret seeing San Antonio instead of buying a TV.


I have never really met with movie stars butsince I’m going to Sundance, I asked to see if I could meet RobertRedford, whose work I admire.


Every morning she took the trolly bus to the Holy Rosary Church, to offer worship in her private way.


Gaines directs Jack to pick up a briefcase. When Jack begins to waver, Gaines briefly puts Teri on the phone. He sends Jack to the San Clarita power station.


For some people, the dread of writhing in the dentist's chair is sufficient grounds for avoiding candy. Leave it to the reckless sugar addicts and trick-or-treaters to put holes in their teeth.


The drugstore Halloween images ofdark and hairyj critters touch off sensations deep inside us, pointing bonyfingers at instincts that go back millions of years, evolutionary psychologistssay.


The men did not want to interfere, but at last the ladies forced the Baptist minister-Miss Emily's people were Episcopal-to call upon her.


They brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, Every first born male shall be designated as holy to the Lord.


Oddo, who returned to San Siro in 2009 from Bayern Munich, has struggled to make an impact.


Oddo who returned to San Siro in 2009 from Bayern Munich has struggled to make an impact.


Oddo who returned to San Siro in 2009 from Bayern Munich has struggled to make an impact.


I went to see a rich girl I knew. In the morning she pulled a hundred-dollar bill out of her silk stocking and said, "You've been talking of a trip to Frisco. That being the case, take this and go have your fun." So all of my problems were solved.


It's a good question. Oh, Venice Beach and Santa Monica.


You can't even offer a sacrifice unless you're already ritually pure, because you couldn't get into the sanctuary to offer your sacrifice if you weren't ritually pure.


So,he gets a carriage,he rents a carriage, and he goes around as a tourist, and he goes to Notre Dame, and he goes to Sainte-Chapelle, and he goes to pay homage at what they thought were the remains of his departed ancestors.


So, here in this area, Santa Monica, I would say, Zuma Beach, Point Dume.

所以在这个地区,莫尼卡,我会说,祖马沙滩,Point Dume。

So if you're impure at home and just minding your own business, it's no big deal. It's only a problem if you decide you want to go to the sanctuary. So purity and impurity are states of qualification or disqualification for contact with sancta.


You may think you've gotten away with something, but every act of social exploitation, every act of moral corruption, pollutes the sanctuary more and more until such time as God is driven out entirely and human society is devoured by its own viciousness and death-dealing.



圣去 圣去,拼音shèng qù,汉语词汇,成圣成神而去。犹仙逝。常为死去的婉辞。
