




  • the earth ; the globe



中国城市低碳经济网-低碳领域的最新资讯 关键词 :气候变化, 自然力量, 人为影响, 地球 [gap=1407]Keywords :climate change, natural force, anthropogenic impact, globe

... terrestrial a.地球上的,陆地的~globe地球仪 terrene n.地球,陆地,土质的 testify to证实 ...

... regenerate 再生,重生 geo- 地球,跟地球相关的,(来自希腊语) -graph, -ography, -gram记录,书写,学问(自希腊语传至拉丁语传至英语) ...


地球[dì qiú]

  • the earth; the globe
  • 短语:
    • 地球扁率 compression [flattening] of the Earth;
    • 地球扁球体 earth spheroid;
    • 地球变化磁场 variable magnetic field of the earth;
    • 地球表面 earth surface;
    • 地球波导 terrestrial waveguide;
    • 地球测绘电子学 geometronics;
    • 地球长半径 earth major radius;
    • 地球成因学 geogony;
    • 地球磁层 earth magnetosphere;
    • 地球磁极 earth magnetic pole; geomagnetic pole; magnetic poles;
    • 地球磁性 earth magnetism; geomagnetism;
    • 地球大气 earth atmosphere;
    • 地球等离子体层 earth plasmasphere;
    • 地球电导率 earth's electric conductivity;
    • 地球电阻率 earth resistivity;
    • 地球动力学 geodynamics;
    • 地球动力学椭率 earth dynamic ellipticity;
    • 地球短半径 earth minor radius;
    • 地球对应体 counterearth;
    • 地球反射[照]率 albedo of the earth;
    • 地球反照 earth light [shine];
    • 地球放射性 earth radioactivity;
    • 地球非偶极子磁场 geomagnetic non-dipole field;
    • 地球飞船 earth spaceship;
    • 地球辐射带 radiation belt of the earth;
    • 地球公转 revolution of the earth;
    • 地球弓形激波 earth bow shock wave;
    • 地球构造学 geognosy;
    • 地球轨道 {天} Earth's orbit;
    • 地球化学 {地质} geochemistry;
    • 地球化学测量 geochemical survey;
    • 地球化学堤 geochemical barrier;
    • 地球化学分带 geochemical zoning;
    • 地球化学分析 geochemical analysis;
    • 地球化学丰度 geochemical abundance;
    • 地球化学活动性 geochemical activity;
    • 地球化学勘探 {工} geochemical exploration [prospecting];
    • 地球化学省 geochemical province;
    • 地球化学行为 geochemical behaviour;
    • 地球化学旋回; {地化 } geochemical cycle;
    • 地球化学演化 {地化} geochemical evolution;
    • 地球火星飞行轨道 earth-Mars trajectory;
    • 地球基本磁场 fundamental magnetic field of the earth;
    • 地球基准导航 navigation by earth references;
    • 地球基准飞行 {航空} terrestrial-reference flight;
    • 地球基准制导 terrestrial reference guidance;
    • 地球监察 earthwatch;
    • 地球结构 earth's structure;
    • 地球静力学 geostatics;
    • 地球静止气象卫星 {气} geostationary meteorological satellite (GMS);
    • 地球科学 earth science; geoscience;
    • 地球科学家 geoscientist;
    • 地球空间 terrestrial space; geospace;
    • 地球历史 history of earth;
    • 地球力学 geomechanics;
    • 地球脉动 earth tremor;
    • 地球密度 earth density;
    • 地球模型 earth model; terella; terrella;
    • 地球末日 geocide;
    • 地球内部 earth interior;
    • 地球内部磁场 internal geomagnetic field;
    • 地球内部电磁感应 electromagnetic induction within;
    • 地球内部流变学 rheology of the earth's interior;
    • 地球内部物理学 earth interior physics;
    • 地球内核 earth inner core;
    • 地球能源体系 earth's energy system;
    • 地球年龄 age of the earth;
    • 地球女人 Earthwoman;
    • 地球偶极子磁场 earth dipole magnetic field; geomagnetic dipole field;
    • 地球膨胀说 expansion theory of the earth;
    • 地球起源 origin of the earth;
    • 地球起源假说 origin hypothesis of the earth;
    • 地球起源星云假说 protoplanetary cloud hypothesis of the earth;
    • 地球清洁日 Earth day;
    • 地球清洁周 Earth week;
    • 地球曲率 earth curvature;
    • 地球曲面反射 curved-earth reflection;
    • 地球人 terran;
    • 地球日 earth day;
    • 地球深带 {地质} depth zone of the earth;
    • 地球生物学 geobiology;
    • 地球受迫章动 forced nutation of the earth;
    • 地球收缩说 contraction theory of the earth;
    • 地球四面体 earth tetrahedron;
    • 地球速率单位 earth-rate unit;
    • 地球弹性 earth elasticity;
    • 地球探测火箭 Geoprobe;
    • 地球天体物理(学) geoastrophysics;
    • 地球同步轨道 earth-synchronous orbit;
    • 地球同步通讯卫星 geostatic telecommunications satellite;
    • 地球同步卫星 geostationary satellite; synchronous satellite; Geopause;
    • 地球椭圆体 earth ellipsoid;
    • 地球椭球参数 earth ellipsoid parameter;
    • 地球外部引力场 earth external gravitational field;
    • 地球外部重力异常 space gravity anomaly;
    • 地球外辐射 extraterrestrial radiation;
    • 地球外生物学 exbiology;
    • 地球纬度 terrestrial latitude;
    • 地球位 earth potential;
    • 地球卫星 earth satellite;
    • 地球物理场 geophysical field;
    • 地球物理勘探 {工} geophysical exploration [prospecting];
    • 地球物理勘探仪器 geophysical instrument;
    • 地球物理年 geophysical year;
    • 地球物理卫星 geophysical satellite;
    • 地球物理效应 geophysical effect;
    • 地球物理学 geophysics;
    • 地球(运动)向点 apex of the earth's motion;
    • 地球象限 earth quadrant;
    • 地球形状 figure of the earth;
    • 地球学 geonomy; earth science;
    • 地球演化 earth evolution;
    • 地球引力 gravity; gravitational attraction;
    • 地球有效半径 effective earth's radius;
    • 地球远距离磁场 earth distant magnetic field;
    • 地球运动 {地} earth movements;
    • 地球运行仪 loxocosm;
    • 地球站 earth [ground] station;
    • 地球振动 {地} earth oscillation;
    • 地球正投影仪 analemma;
    • 地球质量中心 geocenter;
    • 地球中心说 geocentricism;
    • 地球重力场 earth gravitational field;
    • 地球重力位 gravity potential of the earth;
    • 地球资源调查 earth resources survey;
    • 地球资源技术(探测)卫星 earth resources technology satellite (ERTS);
    • 地球资源卫星 earth resources satellite;
    • 地球自由振荡 earth free oscillation;
    • 地球自转 earth rotation;
    • 地球自转变差 Chandler [Chandler's] wobble;
    • 地球自转测试仪 isotomeograph;
    • 地球自转极 pole of rotation;
    • 地球自转偏向力 Coriolis force;
    • 地球自转速率 {天} earth (rotation) rate


  • 地球科学geosciences;Nature Geoscience;geological science

  • 地球村the global village;global village;GeoCities;The World Village

  • 地球仪[天]globe;[天]terrestrial globe;tellurion;Marble

  • 地球帝国Empire Earth;Earth Empire;Empire Emethodsh;pire Erth

  • 地球一小时Earth Hour;Earth One Hour;Ecultureh Hour;Efine arth Hour

  • 世界地球日World Earth Day;World Eartworkh Day;Our Earth

  • 地球化学[地化]Geochemistry;Geochimica;geochistry;geochemical

  • 地球之友Friends of the Earth;FoE;Friends of the Earth International

  • 地球同步轨道geosynchronous orbit;GEO;earth synchronous orbit



The sun is constantly evaporating the earth's moisture.


The age of the earth is reckoned at about 4 600 million years.


The orbit of this comet intersects the orbit of the Earth.


The nearest star to earth is about 4 light years away.


The moon exerts a force on the earth that causes the tides.


Her speciality is maths, earth science, and chemistry.


When did mammals appear on the earth?


Equipment on the space station is teleoperated from Earth.


Ozone is the earth's barrier against ultra-violet radiation.


The spacecraft burned up as it entered the earth's atmosphere.


Mars takes longer to revolve on its axis than the earth.


The earth takes a year to orbit the sun.


It was once thought that the sun travelled around the earth.


The total forest cover of the earth is decreasing.

地球的周长大约为25 000英里。

The earth is almost 25 000 miles in circumference.


The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth.


Water covers a large proportion of the earth's surface.


The ancients conceived the earth as afloat in water.


The earth revolves on its axis.


People used to think the earth was flat.


The material can absorb outward-going radiation from the earth.


People used to believe (that) the earth was flat.


We were not altogether sure that the comet would miss the Earth.


Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.


The ozone layer shields the earth from the sun's ultraviolet rays.


A Russian space capsule is currently orbiting the Earth.


Her husband taught Earth sciences.


The Earth orbits in an ellipse.


People were awestruck by the pictures the satellite sent back to earth.


Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit.


It's from that story we have the idea that mankind is responsible or has dominion over the animals and the earth.


Actually, this is my first Earth Dayand I don't know that much about it.


That is the lowest point on the earth's land surface so this dramatic drop in just a very short geographical area.


It turns out the U.S. and Jamaica are the only two places on Earth now that use the Fahrenheit scale.


Even though the sun is glowing and the earth isn't, but they must be made of the same thing.


Likewise, when in outer space, when you are orbiting the Earth, people are always floating around in these space stations.


The suggestion there is that one of the ways that we're God's servants and representatives on earth is to to a positive engagement of diversity.


but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.


This is where the solution, by the way, to bringing together--and you could write this down-- to bringing together all the warring countries and religions of this planet is an alien attack.


Now, there's nothing special about annual-- that's the time it take the Earth to go around the sun, but it doesn't have any relevance to finance-- but we are just accustomed to using that.


That doesn't happen in the real world.


It's called "Earth's Holocaust."


So you can imagine that adds real excitement and energy to the class and puts a little bit pressure on the professors to make sure that we have something worth coming half way around the world for.


I guess like, you see on a globe, you see different time zones marked on,


Worse still,after about 20 minutes after the ship takes off, all radio contact between ship and earth will be destroyed.


You konw, the earth is gonna be burnt up by the sun one of these thousands of years.


He loved globes.


because the Earth is in need of people becoming more aware of what it needs.


Can you tell us in detail what people do on Earth Day?


It simply means human or more precisely earthling because it comes from the word adamah, which means ground or earth.


Because the earth is made of iron, heaven knows everything is made of the same stuff, all heavenly bodies.


Indeed, all the earth is Mine, but you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words that you shall speak to the children of Israel."


In the 1880s --a view arose that Los Angeles was just the most wonderful place on Earth.


Other is gravitational mass, which is the measure of how much you're attracted to the Earth.


The moon seemed to contain all of the geological imperfectionsof earth.


And others would saying in addition to the traditional ideas of keeping these Jewish dietary laws involved, we should add an understanding based on the needs of the planet and the suffering of the animals that are potentially involved with our food resources.


Moreover, this earthling that seems to include both male and female, is then said to be in the image of God.


I think that the same chapter that I quoted to you of the holy Koran talks about human beings being Abus and Khalifah of God on earth.


The Focault pendulum is one example where you can see that the Earth is rotating around its own axis.


.091 has a syllabus that is unlike general chemistry taught anywhere else on the planet.



