classes of cities ; city type ; urban type ; type of cities ; typology of cities
... classes begin at学校八点开始上课 classes of cities城市类型 classes of computers电脑的类别 ...
... City (城市):& City Type (城市类型):& Postal Code (邮编):& ...
城市类型学urban typology
城市更新类型types of urban renewal
城市空间新类型new type urban space
城市设计实践类型分析Analysis on the Category of Urban Design Practice
The resource-based city, which depends on exploiting and utilizing of resources, is one of the important city kinds in our country.
As a special kind of city types, the coal-dependent cities have been getting the widespread concern of the academia in recent years.
The "90-day Ticker" is a complete listing of last-minute cruise deals on the world's best cruise lines, showing information on destination stops, port city, ship type and much more.
The cast function is called twice to cast the values of the input parameters (for city and state) to appropriate data types.
He worked as a printer, riverboat pilot, reporter, lecturer, and literary man, and he lived in just about every kind of population center, from farms, small towns, and mining camps to great cities.
One key element to consider is what I call the normalization of data, which provides a single view of different types of data across a city's many domains.
For example, you might have several types of named objects (that is, people, places, things) that appear in text as inline elements, including person, city, lodging, restaurant, and museum.
Perhaps this is one reason why people today get married at a later age, especially in large cities where presumably there is a wider variety of options — that is, greater diversity among people.
Cities will charge per mile or per minute according to your exact location and the type of vehicle you're driving.
Steampunk is a kind of speculative fiction that usually takes place in urban Settings where the future meets the past: Victorian era inventions clash with often dark alternate realities.
To imitate the success of the new towns and garden cities, and to generate jobs and encourage prosperity, the park will need a mix of homes as well as a good swathe of greenery.
It is more than twice as precise as an earlier version, reported in 2008, and was built at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado.
Drag and drop the rest items from the type tree to the component panel in the following order: name, phone, street, city, state, zip.
I recommend: Advertise your services at Craigslist, which allows you to post free classified ads that stay online for as long as 45 days, depending on the type of AD and the city in which you live.
To do that, we will invoke the observer method (using the double-dot operator) for the city attribute of the structured type value in the ADDRESS column (Listing 2).
I mean, the Dolls play everything from a couple thousand seat theater to a couple hundred bodies smashed into a small club if it's the right time and place and town; we do all kinds of gigs.
这将生成一个标准的 plot-latlong 类型的图,其中大矩形表示城市所在位置。
This will produce a standard plot-latlong-type graph with large rectangular indicators where the cities are.
st_centroid计算每个城市的中心,返回类型st _ multipolygon。
St_centroid computes the center of each city, returning type st_multipolygon.
Safdie对市郊生活感到不满 ,他通过此建筑呈现出一种新型城市住宅类型,在这里可以住很多人而且享有私人生活空间。
and visualized a new type of urban dwelling that would house a lot of people and yet still provide them with privacy.
The objects that represent the cities are of the type CityClass.
Future growth of cities should be limited to construction of this kind.
Many towns and cities offer these kinds of classes, and they can be a great source of information for the buyer looking for his or her first home.
So just how prepared are London and other European cities for this type of an attack?
This is a 'reversal' of the unique library type that blends landscape with urban borders, as opposed to a traditional inward-looking library.
The project tries to provide various housing typologies in a complex configuration that aspires to reproduce some of the urban character of Seoul.
The other types of plastic are less likely to be collected and recycled, although that is slowly changing and some cities, such as San Francisco, take all hard plastics.
This calls for a revival of the small-scale, high-density, Nordic urban house typology.
The key research questions are: What types of cities are creative?
The key research questions are: What types of cities are creative?