Prepare a
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
热处理设备设计Design of Heat Treatment Equipment
成外围设备设置Integrated Peripherals
外部设备设定Integrated Peripherals;Intergrated Peripherals Setup
综合外部设备设置Integrated Peripherals
即插即用设备设置PCI Pnp
波导设备设计WAVWaveguide Design
外围设备设置Peripherals Setup;Integrated Peripherals
混凝土准备设施concrete preparing equipment
集成设备设定OnBoard Devices Configuration
Situated on each side of beds are state-of-the-art touch-screen consoles.
不过, 令人 感到意外的是,在下周即将召开的2010年IEEE国际电子设备大会上,三星准备演讲的文章题目竟然是《gate-last工艺high-k金属栅设 备》。
At the 2010 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting in San Francisco next week, Samsung will present a paper on a rival technology: ''gate-last high-k/metal gate devices.''
该媒体的INI文件提供了一个未知的设 备名。
The media . INI file refers to an unknown device name.
成型设 备具有锁紧系统和模具合二为一的结构,锁紧系统为楔形锁紧机构;
The forming unit has locking system and mold combining structure, and the locking system is a wedged locking mechanism.
此方法适用于放热型流态化催化反应装置的开工过程,能够简化设 备和操作,节省成本。
The invention is fit for working course of heat release fluidization reacting device, which simplifies the equipment and operation to save the cost.
本发明提供一种用于真空吸尘器的具有高的灰尘收集效率的多管旋风设 备。
Provided is a multi-cyclone apparatus for a vacuum cleaner with a high dust collection efficiency.
The invention relates to a method of measuring a stress wave and to a measuring device and a rock breaking device.
本发明提供了一种图像管理设备、图像管理方法、摄像设 备及其控制方法。
The present invention provides an image management apparatus, an image management method, image pickup apparatus and a control method thereof.
The utility model relates to a medicine lifting folding bracket, belonging to the field of the corollary equipment of a drilling machinery in oil field.
本发明涉及一种生产矿物纤维的方法以及能用于该方法中的设 备。
The present invention relates to a process for the production of mineral fibres and to an apparatus which can be used in such a process.
设 备的结构更为合理和简化,加工成本下降。
The mechanism has more reasonable and simple structure, and can reduce the production cost.
该图像处理设 备具有:划分部分,将输入图像的区域划分为多个子区;
The image processing device includes: division means for dividing the area of the input image into a plurality of areas;
本发明的优点是加工的生产设 备简单,一次性对不锈钢表面进行亚光拉丝加工处理。
The present invention has simple machining apparatus for polishing surface of the stainless steel sheet.
处理设 备包括废油槽、提取泵、机油过滤器、杂质分离器、加压泵和陶瓷膜 过滤器;
The treatment equipment comprises a waste oil tank, an extraction pump, an oil filter, an impurity separator, a pressuring pump and a ceramic film filter;
整个制备过程简便可行,无需特别的仪器设 备,成本低廉,容于规模化生产和推广应用;
The whole preparation process is simple and feasible, does not need special apparatuses, has low cost and is suitable for mass production and promotion;
整个制备过程简便可行,无需特别的仪器设 备,成本低廉,容于规模化生产和推广应用;
The whole preparation process is simple and feasible, does not need special apparatuses, has low cost and is suitable for mass production and promotion;
备设 【拼音】 bèi shè 【注音】 ㄅㄟˋ ㄕㄜˋ 【引证解释】 设置。亦指设置齐全。 汉 祢衡 《鹦鹉赋》:“虽网维之备设,终一目之所加。” 唐 康骈 《剧谈录·韦颛枭鸣》:“报 光 成名者络绎而至, 颛 则无登第之耗。 光 延之於堂际小阁,备设肴馔慰安之。”《宋史·乐志三》:“於坛之北,备设宫架,钟、匏、竹各列二坛。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈异七·女侠》:“有厅廨三间东向,牀榻备设。”