control of foreign exchange ; foreign exchange control
广义的外汇管制(Exchange Control)是指一国对外汇的获取、持有和使用以及在国际支付或转移中对使用本币或外汇而进行管理的规定。
外汇管制 外汇管制(Foreign Exchange Control) (Foreign Exchange Control)是一个国家 是一个国家 为维护本国经济权益和改善国际收支,对本国与 为维护本国经济权益和改善国际...
... die Depression 萧条die Devisen 外汇 die Devisenkontrolle 外汇管制 der Devisenkassakurs 即期汇率 ...
分类词汇:股市英语词汇大全_更多分类英语词汇_分类... ... 外汇期权 外汇管制 外汇管制 外汇管制条例the exchange control law;foreign exchange control regulations;foreign exchange regulations 外汇管制制度Exchange control system 解除外汇管制[金融]decontrol of foreign exchange 外汇管制法案Foreign Exchange Regulation Act 主动性外汇管制active control 中国外汇管制Chinese Foreign Exchange Control 外汇管制法Exchange Control Act 外汇管制法规foreign exchange control regulation 加上,外汇管制削弱了消费者的购买能力。 Plus, currency control diminishes the consumer's buying power. 这肯定是另一种外汇管制方式。 That must be another method of exchange control. 东道国则可能强行实施外汇管制。 The host country may impose foreign exchange control. 复汇率为外汇管制的一种产物。 Multiple exchange rate is a product of the foreign exchange control. 目前许多国家实行外汇管制。 Many countries practice exchange control today. 王先生,您能不能给我说说外汇管制? Mr Wang, would you please tell me something about exchange control? 资金转移灵活、无外汇管制; Money transfer flexible, no foreign exchange control; 后一种配额常与外汇管制相结合,以防出现国际收支赤字。 In the latter case, the quotas are usually combined with a system of exchange control in an attempt to prevent a balance of payments deficit. 外汇管制指的是一国的外汇交易受到官方的管理。 Exchange control means official control in the foreign exchange dealings of a country. 人民币所受的监管约束不像美元基金那么多——例如外汇管制。 RMB are not subject to as many regulations as dollar funds – such as exchange controls. 一旦外汇管制放松,这种价差就失去了存在的理由。 It's hard to justify the differential between their prices once foreign exchange controls are reduced. 外汇管制是指一个国家对外汇交易进行的官方管制。 Exchange control means official control in the foreign exchange dealings of a country. 在外汇市场上进行外汇交易,可能会受到外汇管制。 Foreign Exchange dealings take place on the Foreign Exchange market, they may be subject to Exchange Control. 当然不是。每个国家都有各自的外汇管制法律与规章。 Of course not. Each country has its own exchange control laws and policy. 在中国,中国人民银行负责实施外汇管制的法律法规。 In China, the People's Bank of China exercises the foreign exchange control laws and regulations. 在存在外汇管制的情况下,公司也将难以回避外汇风险。 In the presence of exchange controls, it would also be difficult for companies to hedge foreign currency risk. 但也会引起游资冲击风险,容易导致外汇管制失衡,国家监管受到挑战。 On the other hand, it can also result in the risk of the moving capital, the imbalance of exchange and challenge in regulation. 尽管外汇管制存在,但在当前中国流动性是如此泛滥,审批通过就变的容易了。 Exchange controls exist but with so much liquidity sloshing around China at the moment, approval has become easier to get. 随着外汇储备的膨胀和卢比的增强,一些人认为大幅放开印度外汇管制的时候到了。 Add to that swelling foreign-exchange reserves and a stronger rupee, and some are arguing that it is time for drastic liberalisation of India's foreign-exchange regime. 分析师们说,如果卖盘压力持续,俄罗斯就必须在实施外汇管制和放任卢布贬值之间做出选择。 If the selling pressure continues, Russia will have to choose between imposing exchange controls or letting the currency drop, analysts say. 我国作为外汇管制国家,外汇管理部门在控制和打击跨境洗钱犯罪活动中首当其冲。 Owing to China being a foreign exchange control state, foreign exchange administration departments stand in the breach of control and strike cross-border money laundering. 自1973年布雷顿森林体系崩溃以来,西方各国纷纷放松甚至取消外汇管制和利率管制。 While Bretton Woods system was broken in 1973, West countries broadened foreign exchange rate and interest rate control. 外汇管制是对一国货币的持有者将其兑换成他国货币的限制,因此表现为货币的不可兑换。 Exchange control restricts the right of holders of a currency to exchange it for other currencies. It thereby renders a currency inconvertible. 好处是安全、秘密及无需提供年报,更没有外汇管制及董事、股东之国籍及居住地方的限制。 Benefits are safe, secret and not required to provide annual reports, and no exchange controls and the directors, shareholders of the nationality and residence restrictions. 好处是安全、秘密及无需提供年报,更没有外汇管制及董事、股东之国籍及居住地方的限制。 Benefits are safe, secret and not required to provide annual reports, and no exchange controls and the directors, shareholders of the nationality and residence restrictions. 很抱歉,暂无字的网络释义。 以上关于外汇管制的英语翻译来自英汉大词典,希望对您学习外汇管制的英语有帮助。外汇管制的汉英大词典