持久性有机污染物在大气与植物间交换过程研究进展 -- 环境化学,2013,32(5):734-741 关键词:大气植物持久性有机物污染物交换[gap=1101]Key words:airvegetationPOPsexchange
中国最大的综合性文献数据库 -维普资讯 关键词: 大气腐蚀涂料现状桥梁钢[gap=1250]Key words: atmospheric zone ; corrosion ; coating ; current status ; bridge ; steel
... TEU reefer container ship冷风集装箱船 the ambient air大气 the application software应用软件 ...
- (地球周围的气体) atmosphere; air
- (呼吸; 沉重的呼吸) breath; heavy breathing:
breathe heavily from running;
catch or hold one's breath in fear
- 短语:
- 大气包围层 atmospheric envelope;
- 大气孢粉学 aeropalynology;
- 大气边界层 atmospheric boundary layer;
- 大气标高 atmospheric scale height;
- 大气波导 {地物} atmospheric duct;
- 大气波导传播 atmospheric duct propagation;
- 大气波动 atmospheric oscillation;
- 大气采样 atmospheric sampling;
- 大气潮 {地物} atmospheric tide;
- 大气尘 atmospheric dust;
- 大气尘粒 {气} lithometer;
- 大气沉积 aerial sediment; atmogenic deposit;
- 大气沉降 atmospheric sedimentation;
- 大气成分 {气} air composition; atmospheric composition;
- 大气传导率 atmospheric conductivity;
- 大气臭氧层 atmospheric ozone layer;
- 大气窗(口) atmospheric window;
- 大气簇射 atmosphere shower;
- 大气电 atmospheric electricity;
- 大气电场 {地物} atmospheric electric field;
- 大气电离 {地物} atmospheric ionization;
- 大气电流 electric current of atmosphere;
- 大气电学 atmospheric electricity;
- 大气动力学 atmospheric dynamics;
- 大气抖动 atmospheric agitation;
- 大气发射 atmospheric emission;
- 大气阀 atmos-valve;
- 大气反射 atmospheric reflectance;
- 大气放电 atmospheric discharge;
- 大气辐射 {地物} atmospheric radiation; divergence;
- 大气腐蚀 {冶} atmospheric corrosion;
- 大气干扰 {地物} atmospheric interference; atmospherics; strays;
- 大气干旱 atmospheric drought;
- 大气干燥 air drying;
- 大气管理 air management;
- 大气光化学 atmospheric photochemistry;
- 大气光学 atmospheric optics;
- 大气过电压保护 atmospheric over-voltage protection;
- 大气厚度 atmospheric depth;
- 大气化学 {气} atmospheric chemistry;
- 大气环境 atmospheric environment;
- 大气环流 {气} general circulation;planetary circulation;
- 大气环流模式 general circulation model;
- 大气浑浊度 atmospheric turbidity;
- 大气活动中心 atmospheric centre of action;
- 大气加热 atmospheric heating;
- 大气监测 air monitoring;
- 大气监测卫星 atmosphere monitor satellite;
- 大气监测仪 air monitoring instrument;
- 大气降水 atmospheric precipitation; rainfall;
- 大气降水污染 rainfall pollution;
- 大气结构 {气} atmospheric structure;
- 大气静力学 atmospheric statics;
- 大气科学 atmospheric sciences;
- 大气壳层 {气} atmospheric layer; atmospheric region; atmospheric shell;
- 大气空间 {气} airspace;
- 大气扩散 {气} atmospheric diffusion;
- 大气弥散 atmospheric dispersion;
- 大气密度 {气} atmospheric density;
- 大气模式 atmospheric model;
- 大气能量学 atmospheric energetics;
- 大气排放物 atmospheric emission;
- 大气品位 air quality;
- 大气平流 atmospheric advection;
- 大气剖面 atmospheric profile;
- 大气谱线 {天} telluric lines;
- 大气气体 {气} atmospheric gas;
- 大气起伏 atmospheric fluctuation;
- 大气圈 (包围地球的空气层) atmosphere;
- 大气扰动 atmospheric disturbance;
- 大气热力学 atmospheric thermodynamics;
- 大气散射 {地物} atmospheric scattering;
- 大气散射效应 scattering effect in the atmosphere;
- 大气骚动 atmospheric commotion;
- 大气闪烁 atmospheric scintillation;
- 大气声学 {声} atmospheric acoustics;
- 大气生物学 {医} aerobiology;
- 大气数据导航 air data navigation;
- 大气数据系统 {航空} air data system (ADS);
- 大气衰减 {地物} atmospheric attenuation; attenuation by atmospheric gas;
- 大气探测 {气} atmospheric sounding;
- 大气透射 atmospheric transmission;
- 大气湍流 atmospheric turbulance;
- 大气卫生 atmospheric hygiene;
- 大气温度 free air temperature;
- 大气温度逆增 {气} lid;
- 大气污染 air pollution; atmospheric pollution;
- 大气污染监测 {土} air monitoring;
- 大气污染监视器 air monitor;
- 大气污染事件 air pollution episode;
- 大气污染物 atmospheric impurity; air pollutant; atmospheric pollutant;
- 大气污染源 source of atmospheric pollution;
- 大气无线电波 atmospheric radio wave;
- 大气无线电窗口 {电磁} atmospheric radio window;
- 大气无源探测 atmospheric passive sounding;
- 大气物理学 aerophysics; atmospheric physics;
- 大气吸收 atmospheric absorption;
- 大气现象 {气} meteor;
- 大气消光 atmospheric extinction;
- 大气效应 atmospheric effect;
- 大气学 aerography; atmology;
- 大气压力 atmospheric pressure; barometric pressure; atm press;
- 大气压力线 atmospheric line;
- 大气氩 atmospheric argon;
- 大气遥感 {气} atmospheric remote sensing;
- 大气影响 atmospheric effect;
- 大气运动学 atmospheric kinematics;
- 大气噪声 atmospheric noise; terrestrial noise; airborne sound;
- 大气折射 {地物} atmospheric refraction; astronomical refraction;
- 大气真菌学 aeromycology;
- 大气蒸发 {水文} atmospheric evaporation;
- 大气制动 {航空} atmospheric braking;
- 大气质量 air quality; air mass;
- 大气总环流 {气} atmospheric general circulation;
- 大气阻力 {力} atmospheric drag;
- 大气组成 {化} composition of atmosphere
大气层[地物]Atmosphere;air envelope
大气污染治理the treatment of air pollution;efforts against air pollution
大气污染防治行动计划the action plan for preventing and controlling air pollution;the Action Plan on Air Pollution Prevention and Control;the prevention and control of air pollution
大气化学[气象]Atmospheric chemistry;chemistry of atmosphere;air chemistry;AC
清洁大气clean air
大气环流[气象]Atmospheric circulation;General Circulation;air circulation;general circulation of atmosphere
大气科学Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences;[气象]atmospheric science;Atmosphere Science
大气污染物air pollution;atmospheric pollutant
大气压[气象]atmospheric pressure;atmosphere;barometric pressure;atm
The atmosphere of Mars could not support life.
The Martian atmosphere contains only tiny amounts of water.
The spacecraft burned up as it entered the earth's atmosphere.
Levels of pollution present in the atmosphere are increasing.
Spacecraft which are re-entering the earth's atmosphere are affected by g forces.
Reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of critical importance.
The station would burn up on reentry into the Earth's atmosphere.
We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet's atmosphere.
The shuttle Columbia will re-enter Earth's atmosphere tomorrow morning.
The force of friction slows the spacecraft down as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.
The eruption has left a thin veil of dust in the upper atmosphere.
Mars has an insubstantial atmosphere, consisting almost entirely of carbon dioxide.
The project would give scientists new insights into what is happening to the Earth's atmosphere.
A cloud is a condensation of water vapour in the atmosphere.
There is an atmosphere. Should that count?
In the upper parts of the atmosphere, it will burn up.
Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
If the atmosphere were like that of the earth, this might be possible.
The conditions for acquiring and retaining a thick nitrogen atmosphere are now readily understood.
Release of methane into the atmosphere will be gradual, but steady.
The burning of methane generates carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere.
It can move from the land or from the oceans to the atmosphere, and vice versa.
By comparison, the terrestrial planets have meager atmospheres at best.
Burn it in the earth's atmosphere.
A planet's ability to retain an atmosphere depends on its temperature and mass.
The exhibition tells us why we should do something to stop air pollution.
It is estimated that 25% of all methane that released into the atmosphere came from farm animals.
The net catches the junk and then pulls it into the earth's atmosphere to burn up.
Other ancient bacteria consumed methane, greatly reducing its amount in the atmosphere.
Messenger will explore the surface of Mercury, its crust, its atmosphere and even its magnetic field.
The partial pressure of the water, of gaseous water above that equilibrium of ice and water is not one bar, it's much less.
I'm taking a class called AP Environmental Studies,
So iron left to own devices in the atmosphere in the presence of a little bit of water, with the water form iron oxide.
When it breaks this bond, that chlorine atom, a free chlorine atom comes down and reacts, this is ozone, with the ozone in the upper atmosphere.
It's great because there's huge expectation that we are gonna bring this agency back, that we are gonna restore EPA with places, the protector of air, water and land.
Is this possible? That's what the first law says it's possible; work is heat, and heat is work, and they're the same thing. You can break even 100% maybe. So let's go back and see what work is.
If you get some of these in the upper atmosphere, a photon, an ultraviolet photon, has the energy capable of breaking this bond.
You're running some reaction. It's in the atmosphere. It's at constant pressure.
It expands. You change your constraints on your system, you heat it up some more, then you take the heat source away, and you put it back in contact with the atmosphere. And you cool it a little bit, change the constraints, cool it a little bit more, and heat, and you've got a closed cycle engine.
What you've built is an engine. You cool, you heat, you heat, you cool, you get back to the same place, but you've just done work to the environment.
It's going to take place in there. It's going to be a constant pressure, it might be open to the air, or even if it isn't, there might be plenty of room, and it's a liquid anyway, so the pressure isn't going to change significantly.
大气 “大气”是个多义词,它可以指大气(汉语词语), 大气(包围地球的空气), 大气(刘惜君演唱歌曲)。