




  • n. opium


...,极具东方神秘的颜色其宣传海报以紫、红两色为主,缔造超卓彩悦目的视物感觉效验,以抒发 大烟 喷鼻水的震憾效验 大烟 ( OPIUM ):于“ 大烟 ”喷鼻水的一个典故是,曾经有一名澳洲昆士兰的首领禁止这种喷鼻水在他的领地施用,听说是因为用了然后会像吸食 大...

... 臭气熏天 overwhelming stench (idiom) 大烟 tobacco (plant)opium 发烟硫酸 oleum ...


大烟[dà yān]

  • (鸦片的通称) opium
  • 短语:
    • 大烟鬼 opium addict


  • 两杆大烟枪drinking scene;Dusty Springfield Spooky

  • 大烟囱stack

  • 高大烟囱chimney stalk

  • 加拿大烟肉Canadian Bacon

  • 性大烟盒DYH

  • 意大利烟肉Pancetta

  • 烟台大学Yantai University;YTU

  • 最大烟道长度max dlugosc przewodu kominowego

  • 大烟草公司Grand Tobacco



What did the big chimney say to the small chimney?


A spokesman for one of the big tobacco companies called the legislation totally unreasonable and he said the process had become wholly politicized.


Without sustained external pressure, it seems certain Mr. Cameron would still be hooked on the interests of big tobacco companies.


Second-hand smoke, sometimes referred to as[ positive-passive] smoke, is defined as cigarette, cigar or pipe smoke that is[ in held-inhaled] unintentionally by nonsmokers.


He pointed to the smokestack overlooking the rutted dirt path winding past corn and red chili peppers hanging to dry. "We didn't have any awareness of what lead could do."


But according to the Sun, Ritchie — the director of moderately successful gangster films including "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" — has become frustrated.


But according to the Sun, Ritchie — the director of moderately successful gangster films including Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels — has become frustrated.


British children in the stockings on Christmas eve on the fireplace, believe that Santa Claus will be at night from the big chimney down, bring them to full socks gift.


The German Cap Trafalgar removed one of her great funnels and disguised herself as the British liner Carmania so that she might get close to an enemy ship and attack it with short-range machine guns.


The state, despite signing an international anti-smoking convention in 2004, still owns 50% of the world’s third-largest cigarette company, Japan Tobacco.


British children in the stockings on Christmas eve on the fireplace, believe that Santa Claus will be at night from the big chimney down, bring them to full socks gift.


NEW HAVEN, W.Va. — Poking out of the ground near the smokestacks of the Mountaineer power plant here are two wells that look much like those that draw natural gas to the surface.


Philip Morris, number two in the Japanese market with a 25 per cent market share, argues that a sharp rise in taxes could hurt tax revenues and lead to other adverse consequences.

尽管在2004年签订了国际反吸烟协定,但日本国家仍然掌控着世界第三草公司- - -日本烟草50%的股权。

The state, despite signing an international anti-smoking convention in 2004, still owns 50% of the world's third-largest cigarette company, Japan Tobacco.

卡扎菲的阿齐齐亚(Bad al-Aziziya)住所遭受了最严重的破坏,一些建筑物被推毁,空中升起了大烟柱。

The worst damage occurred at Gaddafi's Bab al-Aziziya compound, where several buildings were destroyed, sending giant plumes of smoke into the sky.


He wields phallic cigars, races superbikes and smashes his copy of Goya’s[1] “Saturn Devouring His Son”[2] on a lamp when fingered for manipulating the share price of a rival firm.


Don "t you see the heavy smokes from the big chimneys? Don" t you smell the gas from the motors all around the streets? We "ve got much dirtier air!"


In the east, canopy heights generally decrease along a gradient from the Southern Appalachians (including the forests of the Great Smoky Mountains) to Maine (far northeast corner of the country).


Don't you see the heavy smokes from the big chimneys? Don't you smell the gas from the motors all around the streets? We've got much dirtier air!


But in other parts of the world, notably Indonesia, the fifth-largest cigarette market, which has little regulation, tobacco companies market their products in ways that are prohibited elsewhere.


Overall, half of the respondents said they had been in the dust cloud from the collapsing towers;70 percent witnessed a traumatic sight, such as a plane hitting the tower or falling bodies;


1952 - Great Smog of 1952: a cold fog descends upon London, combining with air pollution and killing up to 12,000 in the weeks and months that follow.


They don't worry about their future, even though they're legally a threatened species and their little estuary is literally in the shadow of the massive 500-ft. stacks of a power plant.


They don't worry about their future, even though they're legally a threatened species and their little estuary is literally in the shadow of the massive 500-ft. stacks of a power plant.



