Days of words
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
秋天的童话An Autumn's Tale;Autumn's Fairy Tale;The Autumn's Tale;A Fairy Tale in Fall
打开天窗说亮话speak frankly;let's not mince matters;talk turkey;Give this to you straight
天天电话TT Call
冬天的童话Winter's Tale;Winter fairy tale;Wintermarchen;Wintertale
夏天的童话NINE;deutschland - ein sommermaerchen;Germany - A summer fairytale
我们打开天窗说亮话吧let's get it straight;s get it straight;Let s get it straight
白天电话Daytime phone
如果天气好的话weather permitting
Heidi immediately approved of this idea, and her first word next morning was: "Grandfather, I must go down to grandmother."
Then one day a few years ago, out of my mouth came a sentence that would eventually become my reply to any and all provocations: I don't talk about that anymore.
The next afternoon Sara spoke to a few of her teammates, two of which I had previously dated.
They suggest that Google will eventually be able to publish all the data it wants and be justified in so doing.
The next day when I greet her, my heart is breaking, and I can barely speak as I say what must be said: "Do not bring me an apple tomorrow," I tell her.
He said at the beginning of the program, “Welcome to the last ‘Larry King Live.’ It's hard to say that.I knew this day was coming.These words are not easy to say.
These are the mantras with which I was raised, and may well one day repeat.
One day the son got so frustrated by this, that he built a wood coffin, dragged it over to the porch, and told his father to get in. Without saying anything, the father climbed inside.
Caustic grumbles are excusable when I know my sleep was unconsciously interrupted 24 times overnight. Or so I keep telling myself.
I flew down to Maryland first thing the next morning. And you know the first thing she told me?
Those were Maxine Sedillo's first words to police dispatchers Sunday night.
It's like saying something clever in a conversation as if you'd thought of it on the spur of the moment, when in fact you'd worked it out the day before.
She had never spoken a word to her sister-in-law for three days; but she had likewise dropped her fretful complaining, and we found it a great comfort.
You who have come here from some distant world, to this dry lakeshore and this cairn, and to this cylinder of brass, in which on the last day of all our recorded days I place our final words.
One of them said to us one day, "The sight of the street pavement made me shudder from head to foot."
The modest Einstein used to say that the only gift he had was curiosity.
There was a time when people in search of a full and meaningful life were advised to start off each morning by telling themselves: "every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better."
On the following morning the old man found a thousand-franc bank-note on his night-stand, with these words in Father Madeleine's writing: "I purchase your horse and cart."
Even if you only start with three sentences a day, you will know twenty-one new sentences by the end of the week!
One evening we sat and talked together and he bared his heart to me; since then I have understood him better.
And there was a line in there where, Harry Truman said, "The only thing I know for certain, is if you don't know the difference between right and wrong by the time you're 30, you never will."
Recently, like this sentence: if one day we become strange, then I will know you.
You've been gone with no word for four days. I hate you every minute.
那个爸爸说:我装好后还剩下两个零件没处安,但我已经把组装说明书扔掉了。奇怪的是这辆自行车少了两个部件却好像一切正常。 他话里的poopsheet是组装说明书。他遇上了个时常会发生的问题。他可能还在担心:这自行车要是有一天正在他儿子骑着的时候突然散架可不得了。
4:When I finished, I had two pieces left over and I'd already thrown away the poop sheet that tells where they go. But the funny thing is the bike seems to work okay without them.
那个爸爸说:我装好后还剩下两个零件没处安,但我已经把组装说明书扔掉了。奇怪的是这辆自行车少了两个部件却好像一切正常。 他话里的poopsheet是组装说明书。他遇上了个时常会发生的问题。他可能还在担心:这自行车要是有一天正在他儿子骑着的时候突然散架可不得了。
4:When I finished, I had two pieces left over and I'd already thrown away the poop sheet that tells where they go. But the funny thing is the bike seems to work okay without them.
天话 属生僻词。 拼音:tiān huà 释义:大话。 示例: 明 杨慎《天画》:“ 滇中有某提学训诸生读书为文之法甚悉,语毕,问诸生曰:‘吾言是否?’中有一人应曰:‘公,天人,所言皆天话也。’相传以为笑,盖俗以托空为天话耳。” 明 冯梦龙《古今谭概·微词·天话》引此条,原注:“ 吴下谓大言曰天话。” 明 凌濛初《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二:“是这小伙子调喉,无过是他天性近这一家,又且躭在里头,所以转造转高,极穷了秘妙,却又撰出见神见鬼的天话哄着愚人。”