




  • 如在

  • As in the

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。


... basketball and hockey » 篮球和曲棍球 come in » 如在 ACETYLENE » 乙炔 ...



  • 如在船上as on board;AOBAsonboard

  • 就如在即and not so long ago

  • 如在家的homelike

  • 如在夜里night-time;time

  • 如在关卡中寻觅钥匙Sonic Heroes

  • 如在序列对齐sequence Alignment



The president is not as popular at home as he is abroad.


The words of this report are as apt today as in 1929.


The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example.


It is simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, which have a cumulative effect on our mood.


Should blood tests be made more accessible to the public, such as through walk-in clinics in shopping malls?


To take exercise in doors is less beneficial than in the open air.


I would just get all my work done, like the weekend before it was due.


In sailing, for example, Yin Jian won China's first medal when she took windsurfing gold.


Finding the suspect is like searching the beach for a particular grain of sand.


We do random things like asking people in the street questions and testing sports clothing.


Taking exercise such as playing tennis in the gym at least once a week is beneficial to our health.


For example, tellurium comes before iodine in the periodic table, even though its atomic mass is slightly greater.


People who spend more than an hour a day on social media are less happy than those who spend less time on it.


For example, during the 1960s, there was an outbreak of CoT starfish in the Great Barrier Reef, off the east coast of Australia.


To counter these effects on a long-duration mission, say, Mars, astronauts will certainly need to create their own artificial gravity.


The gill flaps opened like two gash wounds on the sides of its head as it thrashed helplessly in the gutter.


Graphics are used in textbooks as part of the language of the discipline, as in math or economics, or as study aids.


In 1972, for instance, the Soviets, recognizing the poor wheat harvest in other countries, quietly cornered the world wheat market.


The idea for the experiment came from observing the birds using tools to pick at random objects, such as a picture of a spider that was printed on some cloth.


I found that this ability to instantly shift my attention was often a good thing, like when passing time on public transportation.


In my opinion, the knowledge acquired from travel, as you will find in your life, is more valuable than that from any influential reference book.


For example, the rhythm, pitch, and volume of music has been shown to influence behavior such as the amount of time spent in supermarkets or intentions to purchase products.


They argue that governments should persuade us into making better decisions—such as saving more in our pension plans—by changing the default options.


Certainly, the borders of our world seemed to be impacted on when some white man or woman showed up where he or she did not belong, such as at the black Legion Hall.


Often the cheapest way to provide irrigation water in the dry tropics is through small-scale projects, such as gathering rainfall in depressions and pumping it to nearby cropland.


Any differences between them—one twin having younger looking skin, for example—must be due to environmental factors such as less time spent in the sun.


Even if these peripheral details are a bit elusive, they come back readily in hypnosis or when we relive the event imaginatively, as in psychodrama.


For example, in the case of rape women were once too embarrassed to report the crime to a male dominated police force that was awash with sexist beliefs about women and their position in society.


Nicknames like "Operation Killer" during the Korean war and Vietnam's "Operation Masher", Sieminski wrote, caused controversy when reported in the press.


I mean, for one thing, the project established a lot of…uh like community art centers and galleries in places like rural areas where people hadn't really had access to the arts.


So, in the second creation story just as in the first, That distinguishes the human creation from the other creatures.


But there's a lot of, like girls live right next to guys and it's on the same floor


In fact, Yeats sees his poems as a kind of summoning of spirits or evocation of spirits, as he refers to it.


He occupies in this passage every subject position of the fairy tale: the nurse, the hounds and the king.


I find it again in the Christian tradition, when we do the... in Lent, like "You're from dust and to dust you will return."


One way is to allow these bacteria to grow on a plate that is loaded with antibiotics like Ampicillin.


They are trying to make sense of the tragedy that has befallen them, how a text like Joshua 23 and Joshua 24 would go a long way towards explaining their fate while retaining faith in Yahweh.


Even though some defenders of that particular movement claim it didn't happen, like David Brooks tried to claim in The New York Times.


While America has been preoccupied with Iraq and Afghanistan, what new geo-political developments formation of alliances, etc.


He doesn't so much insist as you will see in your reading on the actual separation of functions of government putting them into separate hands.


We know it's an illusion, but we get to live in it so comfortably with so little alteration of the nature of the illusion or of the way in which we negotiate the illusory world, that it becomes kind of womb-like and cozy.


And the answer is, "No." All I had in mind, as you know, is just--in talking about the creativity issue-- I just have in mind producing something new, producing something that hasn't been around before.


That explains, in large part, why there was such a decline in population, why the Dark Ages were so dark, lots of poverty, lots of starvation, but also, as I suggested when I spoke of this earlier, also the freedom if you could make it, to learn and also to grow stronger.


There seems to be something like a gentle parody maybe even a mocking tone that fills the lines of the Elder Brother's ecstatic speech.


And so you can look, for example, at the Periodic Table And, if you look up the atomic mass of carbon, 011 you will see that carbon comes at 12.011 for carbon.


Well at the end of the day we learned that in the Cournot Equilibrium, things were, as we perhaps might have anticipated-- things sat naturally between the extreme cases.


In law, the word "person" doesn't mean what you think it means.


The chateau was so big that when it freezes, they were trying to get to the bathroom and most of them never made it and peed on these long corridors that some of you have seen.


We'll talk about the amount of money that goes into Washington to lobby on behalf of the food industry, and we'll use a few exemplars of that like the National Restaurant Association which is the major trade association, as you might guess, of the restaurant industry.


So, for the most part any time we talk about or draw pointers an arrow suffices, which really 71 in there is a number like 71, which is the literal byte that the F is actually in in RAM, but frankly who cares?


What we're really doing, or I shouldn't say what we're really doing, a basic piece of what we're doing, when we talk about classes or objects, is we're doing something that Professor Guttag mentioned, we're defining an abstract data type.


One aspect of their language which maybe you've noticed in On the Road--it's not quite so pronounced in On the Road as it is elsewhere, certainly--in the letters that these figures write to each other.


What I want to stress now is that Yeats sees passion at work in the same way in history.


The topic of the Phaedo, as I say, is set on Socrates' last day.


How could you resist a sense of change in 1820s New York?


Leviticus 19:33-34: "When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not wrong him. The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of your citizens; you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I, the Lord, am your God."


It is in these times, you might say, when individuals of extraordinary virtue and capacity, prophetic qualities, as he calls it in chapter 6, are most likely to emerge.


That is to say,the reward of good behavior the admiration and the honor that a hero gets, and the most serious punishment he can suffer is to be shamed in front of that community.


The angels, not half so happy in heaven, Went envying her and me: Yes! that was the reason In this kingdom by the sea) That the wind came out of a cloud, chilling Annabel Lee And killing my Annabel Lee.


and much easier. But when we look at even within women's rights, can you give a brief assessment of how you think this places out in our own context, in American context, like the competing claims of human rights and religious rights?



如在 如在,读音是rú zài,汉语词语,谓祭祀神灵、祖先时,好像受祭者就在面前。
