




  • 如如

  • Such as

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 内如如下list three

  • 如竹苞矣,如松茂矣has grown exuberant like a bamboo or a pine tree

  • 学如弓弩,才如箭镞Learning is the bow; while competence is the arrow.

  • 如履薄冰,如临深渊“treading on thin ice or standing upon the edge of an abyss”

  • 如火如荼Full swing;t;Like a raging fire;Stormrise

  • 如如图所示的里德大厅Reed Hall

  • 如诗如梦钢琴曲Erik Satie Oeuvres por piano

  • 如诗如画Picturesque;poetic and picturesque

  • 如梦如幻LOFTY;Dreamy

  • 假如如今你和我在一同if you were with me now



Discussions for learning resources sharing in e - books , web sites and more.


His eyes, razor sharp and as hard blue as glacial ice, tracked side to side over them all.


Medical science has the capacity to relegate Alzheimer's to the list of formerly intractable diseases like typhoid, polio and many childhood cancers.


But there are some countries where a lot of special attention has to be given because the rules there are so different to those elsewhere, such as the MLS in the USA and the A-League in Australia.


Similarly, while Starbucks might have hurt local coffeeshops in, for example, New York, in rural America it has achieved its stated goal of creating a "third space".


Some products, such as asparagus, corn, and strawberries, respire at a higher rate than other products, such as apples, oranges, and potatoes.


International commerce was therefore dominated by raw materials, such as wheat, wood and iron ore, or processed commodities, such as meat and steel.


When that happens, many trees like walnuts, oaks and pines, rely exclusively on so-called "scatter hoarders", such as birds, to move their seeds to new localities.


I can concede that a player's mental attitude can be the deciding factor in an event, for instance, a marathon running or even a less strenuous game such as chess.


Normally, several different drinks such as tea, hot chocolate or a soft drink like orange juice will be served as well as coffee, and you will be asked what you would like.


The XML Document Object Model (DOM) defines several types of Nodes, including Elements (such as files or age), Attributes (such as units), and text (such as root or 10).


What makes them more confused is the use of "Jiayou" in both sad and happy situations, such as the earthquake and the Olympic matches.


Soon to come are similar ways to enhance other utilities, such as the "cognitive power grid," and other devices, such as the cognitive car.


Dark as night and nearly as long, Christopher Nolan's new Batman movie feels like a beginning and something of an end.


Rumei: Okay, Monica. And please call me Rumei.


His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers: his lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh.


As mentioned before, there are two types of changes: external, like customer input, and internal, like management decisions.


I am as humorous as Zhou Xingchi and as handsome as Zhou Runfa.


VVM enables the caching of tabular resources, such as SQL views, and of procedural resources, such as transformations.


Elements are delimited by a start tag, such as, and an end tag, such as.


In the old part of the graveyard, barely a field when Keats was buried here, there are now umbrella pines, myrtle shrubs, roses, and carpets of wild violets.


Like valleys they spread out, like gardens beside a river, like aloes planted by the Lord, like cedars beside the waters.


I saw very bright colors, brighter than is what in our color spectrum and richer than neon, dance in lines and waves around my room.


Other items, such as personal information that is easily determined through public records (like mother's maiden name, address, phone number, and so on) are not so easily classified.


He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes.


Though you SINS are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.


Though you SINS are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.


The Old Testament prophet had said, "All flesh is grass," an important verse for the new dispensation of Christianity.


so that hopefully I could switch myself from the legal side of things to the business side of things.


What I want to stress now is that Yeats sees passion at work in the same way in history.


Part of that is the elimination of small words, "the," "and"; the abbreviation of certain words, "your" to "yr."


It's not just that virgins are entitled to sing a heavenly song as Milton is saying Diodati is.


I find it again in the Christian tradition, when we do the... in Lent, like "You're from dust and to dust you will return."


It's gonna take, as I mentioned earlier, probably 10 to 20 years. These years will be very interesting and I look forward to them. Thank you!


That's just a graphical incarnation of this thing called an array and notice, the games can, in fact, interact with a human much like Wednesday, I'm leaving my house.


One way is to allow these bacteria to grow on a plate that is loaded with antibiotics like Ampicillin.


So as you can see, as we escalate the problem difficulty, the difference between the good method and the not quite as good method gets bigger and bigger and bigger.


The word "carbohydrate," as you might imagine, if you ever thought to break it down means the combination of carbon and water.


We have certain kinds of sensations inside our body, the characteristic sensation of fear or joy or depression.


The political partnershiphe says must be regarded for the sake of noble acts performed well.


So they had to import that to make their goods as saleable as they wanted and so on.


A product like Windows is in a sense only as good as it's last release or two.


They are trying to make sense of the tragedy that has befallen them, how a text like Joshua 23 and Joshua 24 would go a long way towards explaining their fate while retaining faith in Yahweh.


Be careful, and this is going to be especially complicated and confusing when we get to quantities that have a more obscure meaning like entropy.


Even though some defenders of that particular movement claim it didn't happen, like David Brooks tried to claim in The New York Times.


While America has been preoccupied with Iraq and Afghanistan, what new geo-political developments formation of alliances, etc.


Prussia did not include the Hanseatic League cities, such as Bremen and Hamburg and the others.


More importantly, we collect stereotypes about groups of people through much the same way we collect stereotypes about categories like chairs and apples and dogs.


In fact, Yeats sees his poems as a kind of summoning of spirits or evocation of spirits, as he refers to it.


One aspect of their language which maybe you've noticed in On the Road--it's not quite so pronounced in On the Road as it is elsewhere, certainly--in the letters that these figures write to each other.


There are so many other constructs like loops and conditions and such, so what I thought we do in conclusion today is look at this program.


It's very common to find stories of the extraordinary events that surround the birth of someone who will later become great: Cyrus of Persia, Oedipus, Jesus, and so on.


OK, I can certainly print out strings, but I can actually add strings together, and just as you saw, I can multiply strings, you can kind of guess what this is going to do.


Later political theorists, like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Nietzsche would even develop a word for Hobbesian man.


The result is a cell that's very similar but it is - very similar to the progenitor cell but it's exactly the stem cell.


As I mentioned before, fat has twice the calories per unit weight as protein and carbohydrate.


It's a worldview often obsessed, as we said last time, with notions of honor and duty.



如如 如如 【释义】:1.佛教语。谓诸法皆平等不二的法性理体。如,理的异名。2.佛教语。指永恒存在的真如。3.佛教语。引申为永存,常在。4.恭顺儒雅貌。5.络绎不绝。6.形容词词尾。
