




  • 如字

  • carelessly

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 如字面所示bookworm

  • 如字面一般Aerobic

  • 例如字型伺服器X Font Server;XFS

  • 例如字型服务器X Font Server;XFS

  • 有氧的如字面一般Aerobic

  • 惜字如金Cherishing such as gold

  • 字如其人The Style Is The Man

  • 数字如同引出一场舞蹈The numbers lead a dance

  • 如果是字符串则为真ischar;isstr

  • 见字如面In Person



When words are written carelessly, showing no respect, this shows my state of mind has not been well.


The braid group is infinite non-commutative group, and it has many hard problems that can be utilized to design cryptographic primitives, such as the word problem, conjugacy problem and root problem.


The braid groups have many hard problems that can be utilized to design cryptographic primitives, for example, the word problem, conjugacy problem, and root problem.


Letters Alive has been widely praised.


On average, teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills like phonics and vocabulary.


Since its first period on Dec. 5, Letters Alive has been widely praised.


Since its first episode on Dec 5, Letters Alive has been widely praised.


This function, as mentioned in SQL standard, returns the length of the input string in octets or bytes.

区域包含关于文档的信息,如所有权、版权和关键字;而 区域包含要显示的文档内容。

The area contains information about the document, such as ownership, copyright, and keywords; and the area contains the content of the document to be displayed.


I saw his search queries appear on the big screen, but I don't know what he was typing on, nor how he was navigating through lists of results.


You can further classify a unit using stereotypes as an additional keyword on the unit, as shown in Listing 6.


Male social equals called each other by their surnames, sometimes (but certainly not always) moving on to first names when the moment warranted it.


Compared with leafy vegetables (like lettuce) that tend to grow much more quickly, these root vegetables and crucifers make excellent winter choices.


For decades, such feminists as Germaine Greer have advocated reclaiming the C word, in a take-back-the-night kind of way.


A scanner reads in the individual characters of a buffer and returns symbols (called tokens) that the parser will understand — such as keywords, operators, and language-specific punctuation.

通配符不能用于替换标签符号,即使是转义的(对于关键字和短语搜索),如清单29 所示。

Wildcard characters cannot be used to substitute punctuation, even when escaped (for keyword and phrase search), as shown in Listing 29.


“Bits of eight” shrank to become byte, “modulate/demodulate” became modem, “picture cell” became pixel, and of course “web log” became blog.

它极大简化了网络编程,如TCP和UD P套接字服务器。

It greatly simplifies and streamlines network programming such as TCP and UDP socket server.

在我“金盆洗 手”十多年后,我仍能教你如何在一个虚拟的世界里扮演火星[译者注:作 者在从事这份工作时,向购买者所做的演示],一字不差地背诵那些销售秘诀(如:它仅为一杯啤酒的价格等)。

I can still teach you how to play Red Planet at a Virtual World ten years after I flew my last mission. I can recite the sales pitch word for word.


Select network transport method, choosing among low-level protocols such as sockets, RMI, URLs, files, and so on.

您也可以将这个关键字提供给 标签使用,如 清单10所示。

You supply the key retrieved to the tag as shown in Listing 10.


These foods include most root vegetables (like carrots), and most cruciferous vegetables (like cabbage).

WHILE-LOOP 将一个条件与使用关键字LOOP和END LOOP包围的一个语句序列关联在一起,如清单7 所示。

The WHILE-LOOP associates a condition with a sequence of statements enclosed by the keywords LOOP and END LOOP, as shown in Listing 7.

如果只有ST _ point值,那么每个点将需要最多245字节的物理存储,如清单3所示。

If you only have ST_Point values, then each point would require at most 245 bytes of physical storage, as Listing 3 demonstrates.


Paid advertising such as banner ads, keywords and text ads are excellent and fast ways to promote your campaign to millions of people and grow your list at the same time.

有些变种可能还支持可选的块大小,如兆字节(使用- m)和千兆字节(使用- g),如清单3所示。

Some variants might also support alternative block sizes, such as megabytes (use -m) and gigabytes (use -g), as demonstrated in Listing 3.


For example, ran and running are returned for run; and testing and tested are returned for test, as shown in Listing 5.


For example, the database requires that network IDs not exceed eight characters in length, but we'll also enforce our business rule that a network ID must be no fewer than six characters in length.

其他unicode格式如utf - 16往往包含很多零字节。

Other Unicode formats such as UTF-16 tend to contain numerous zero bytes.


Some, le rabouin, for example, are at the same time grotesque and terrible, and produce on you the effect of a cyclopean grimace.



如字 如字,读音rú zì,汉语词语,一字有两个或两个以上读音,依本音读叫"如字"。
