adj. complete ; perfect ; whole
adv. entirely ; completely
... at a minimum 在最低程度,在最小数量,在最低限度 at all 完全,根本 at best 充其量,至多 ...
完全的;完美的 perfection n.尽善尽美,完整无缺,登峰造极;无比精确,圆满成熟;完成;完全,绝对;完美的人(或物),完美的典型;才艺,造诣,成就 .
... aim vi.瞄准,针对;致力 altogether ad.完全;总而言之 angry a.愤怒的,生气的 ...
- (不缺; 齐全) complete; whole; perfect:
a perfect copy;
She didn't give a full picture.
- (全部) completely; fully; wholly; entirely; absolutely:
enjoy one's parents' entire confidence;
be totally different; have nothing in common;
- {数} exact; full
- (不缺; 齐全) complete; whole; perfect:
- 短语:
- 完全奥氏体化 complete austenitizing;
- 完全半格点 complete semilattice;
- 完全报单 perfect entry;
- 完全焙烧 complete roasting;
- 完全闭塞 entirely shut;
- 完全编组 complete grouping;
- 完全变态 complete metamorphosis;
- 完全病毒 complete virus;
- 完全操作 complete operation;
- 完全拆散 completely knocked down;
- 完全沉陷 {采矿} full subsidence;
- 完全成熟 full maturity;
- 完全单调 completely monotone; fully monotone;
- 完全单调序列 completely monotonic sequence; totally monotone sequence;
- 完全导电性 complete conductivity;
- 完全(电离的)等离子体 stripped plasma;
- 完全电控制 all-electric operation;
- 完全电离气体 fully ionized gas;
- 完全电子化点火系统 all-electronic ignition system;
- 完全定义函数 completely specified function;
- 完全短路 {电工} dead short; dead short circuit;
- 完全兑换 full convertibility;
- 完全对称 full symmetry;
- 完全对称张量 completely symmetric tensor;
- 完全对流湖 {水文} holomictic lake;
- 完全对偶单调 complete dual monotonic;
- 完全发育期 metaplasis;
- 完全反向应力 completely reversed stress;
- 完全反应 {化} complete reaction;
- 完全非弹性碰撞 {物} completely inelastic collision; perfectly inelastic collision;
- 完全肥料 complete fertilizer;
- 完全分离操作 dissociated operation;
- 完全分裂 complete segmentation; holoblastic cleavage; total segmentation;
- 完全辐射体 perfect radiator;
- 完全负相关 {教} perfect negative correlation;
- 完全格{数} complete lattice;
- 完全骨折 complete fracture; fractura completa;
- 完全关节 perfect joint;
- 完全关税同盟 complete customs union;
- 完全归纳法 complete induction; perfect induction;
- 完全焊透 complete penetration;
- 完全弧烧法 total combustion method;
- 完全互换 complete interchangeability;
- 完全花 {植} complete flower; perfect flower;
- 完全花纹循环 gait-over;
- 完全花纹组织 gait-over;
- 完全幻方 diabolic magic square; perfect magic square;
- 完全混合作用 holomixis;
- 完全积分 {数} complete integral;
- 完全积性函数 complete(ly) multiplicative function;
- 完全加法族 completely additive family;
- 完全价值 full value;
- 完全简并 {量子} complete degeneracy;
- 完全交口 complete intersection;
- 完全接地 dead ground; solid earth;
- 完全解 complete solution;
- 完全金本位 full gold standard;
- 完全进位 complete carry;
- 完全浸注法 full impregnation;
- 完全竞争 perfect competition;
- 完全菌 perfect fungus;
- 完全喀斯特 holokarst;
- 完全抗磁性 perfect diamagnetism; complete diamagnetism;
- 完全抗原 complete antigen;
- 完全可观(测)性 complete observability;
- 完全可加性 complete additivity;
- 完全可加性集合函数 completely additive set function;
- 完全可控性 complete controllability;
- 完全可约表示 completely reducible representation;
- 完全可约算子 {数} completely reducible operator;
- 完全空间 complete space; perfect space;
- 完全空白行 {计} completely blank line;
- 完全矿化 permineralization;
- 完全冷淬 dead cold chilling;
- 完全立方 {数} perfect cube;
- 完全林分 complete stand;
- 完全流产 complete abortion;
- 完全垄断 perfect monopoly; complete monopoly;
- 完全麻痹 complete paralysis;
- 完全满载 full and down;
- 完全面 complete face;
- 完全年 perfect year;
- 完全排列矩阵 complete permutation matrix;
- 完全培养基 complete medium;
- 完全膨胀循环 complete expansion cycle;
- 完全劈理 perfect cleavage;
- 完全平方 {数} perfect square;
- 完全平衡 complete equilibrium;
- 完全气化 complete gasification;
- 完全气化过程 complete gasification process;
- 完全气体 ideal gas;
- 完全嵌套 completely nest;
- 完全侵彻 {军} gage complete penetration;
- 完全确定 complete determination;
- 完全群 complete group; full group; perfect group;
- 完全燃烧 {热} complete combustion; perfect combustion; after-flaming;
- 完全熔化 {冶} complete fusion;
- 完全溶化物 complete fusion;
- 完全上层建筑船 complete superstructure vessel;
- 完全渗透 interpenetration; complete penetration;
- 完全剩余系 complete residue system; complete system of residues;
- 完全失效 complete failure;
- 完全时效硬化 quenching and age-hardening;
- 完全试凑法 complete trial and error;
- 完全树 complete tree;
- 完全数 perfect number;
- 完全水产养殖 thorough aquaculture;
- 完全四(音)度 perfect fourth;
- 完全塑性金属 perfectly plastic metal;
- 完全随机化法 {教} completely randomized design;
- 完全弹性材料 perfectly elastic material;
- 完全碳化 carbonization;
- 完全填塞 complete stemming;
- 完全条件 full terms;
- 完全调制 {讯} total modulation;
- 完全停机 {自} dead halt; drop-dead halt;
- 完全停止 drop-dead halt;
- 完全同形部 dead flat;
- 完全突变型 complete mutant;
- 完全图 complete graph;
- 完全土体 perfect soil;
- 完全退火 full annealing; dead annealing;
- 完全外显率 complete penetrance;
- 完全稳定系统 completely stable system;
- 完全稳定性 complete stability;
- 完全五(音)度 perfect fifth;
- 完全吸收体 perfect absorber;
- 完全系 complete set;
- 完全限定名 fully-qualified name;
- 完全线性群 {数} full linear group;
- 完全相关 perfect correlation;
- 完全消化 catapepsis;
- 完全消耗系数 complete consumption coefficient;
- 完全雄性 holandry;
- 完全学习法 {教} method of complete learning;
- 完全压缩 complete compression;
- 完全一致算法 complete unification algorithm;
- 完全叶 {植} complete leaf;
- 完全映射 complete mapping; perfect mapping;
- 完全有序 complete ordering;
- 完全宇宙学原理 {天物} perfect cosmological principle;
- 完全语法描述 complete syntax description;
- 完全域 complete field; perfect field;
- 完全原函数 complete integral; complete primitive; complete solution;
- 完全运算 complete operation;
- 完全再结晶 perfect recrystallization;
- 完全再生 holomorphosis;
- 完全真菌 perfect fungus;
- 完全正规空间 {数} completely normal space;
- 完全正交规范集 closed orthonormal set; {数} complete orthonormal set;
- 完全正交平面 completely perpendicular planes;
- 完全正交系 complete orthogonal system;
- 完全正相关 {教} perfect positive correlation;
- 完全正则空间 {数} completely regular space; Tychonoff space;
- 完全知识 perfect knowledge;
- 完全致死 complete lethal;
- 完全转导 complete transduction;
- 完全状态 complete state;
- 完全自保护式变压器 completely self protecting transformer;
- 完全组合 complete combination;
- 完全坐标 world coordinates
完全竞争[贸易]perfect competition;perfect competition;pure competition;market leader
不完全竞争[经]Imperfect competition;imperfect competition;Competition imperfect
完全数[数]perfect number;Almost Perfect Number;Vollkommene Zahl
完全地absolutely ad;head over heels;fully;entirely
不完全市场Incomplete Markets;imperfect market
完全信息complete information
完全解放I Wanna Go;Complete liberation;completely liberated;Cool Relax
不完全契约incomplete contract;imperfect contract
不完全符号incomplete symbol
These conclusions are totally at variance with the evidence.
He felt totally chilled.
The window frame had rotted away completely.
They communicated entirely by gesture.
I fully understand your motives.
The book is completely lacking in originality.
They were completely absorbed in each other.
This is a sentiment I wholeheartedly agree with.
He is motivated entirely by self-interest.
They have been completely indoctrinated.
I'm completely exhausted.
I completely fell under her spell.
He was actuated entirely by malice.
They are totally opposed to abortion.
She was completely infatuated with him.
The car was a total wreck.
We're completely lost.
She is entirely without malice.
He has gone completely gaga.
I completely fucked up my exams.
I agree entirely.
She's gone completely round the bend.
She's gone completely round the twist.
A quick stir will mix them thoroughly.
Bathrooms don't have to be purely functional.
Total recycling is a fiction.
The government had lost all credibility.
She wanted to make a clean break with the past.
My estimate was bang on target.
He was utterly infatuated with her.
In fact nowhere else do we see Milton literally bursting out at the seams as he seems to in this poem.
What else does this novel bring out in you: what other thoughts, what other responses? Does anyone absolutely love this novel?
So according to Klawans, ritual purification involved separation from those aspects of humanity, death and sex, that are least God-like.
This is what Tynjanov says: In formalist historiography, the prime significance of major social factors is not at all discarded.
Milton's Lycidas doesn't end up all soaked in this unhealthy brew of -neurotic brew of anxiety and shame and naked ambition.
And Pauli says no two electrons in a given system can have the entire set of quantum numbers identical.
That is almost everybody is committed to the view that what counts is allowing everyone to have a full and uninterrupted say.
So on your computer's hard drive are again, a whole bunch of tiny magnetic particles aligned this way or this way.
That is to say with just those set of constructs, anything you can describe algorithmically you can compute with that set of constructs.
PROFESSOR: All right. Good. So we can fully believe what our calculations were now, which is a nice thing to do.
That use of the English word "family," Familia although it comes from the Latin, familia, means something totally different in Latin.
And that's consistent with other things that we've seen, Remember the whole thing about the perfect crystal at zero degrees Kelvin has zero entropy It's completely ordered.
The outcome we believe I think, is that imperfect competition should look something between monopoly and perfect competition, it shouldn't look like perfect competition.
I lose my interest in philosophy and take up an interest in, I don't know,something that completely doesn't-- organic chemistry holds no interest to me whatsoever.
In fact, we can never be fully free of the fear and of the anxiety and uncertainty of the state of nature, even within to some degree of fully constituted civil society.
Now it's not until the fourth stanza of the prelude that we can fully understand the magnitude of the strange anxieties here.
A narrative theory is always talking with some satisfaction about how there's no such thing in fiction as irrelevant detail.
By the end, the language of experience--this is on 304--the language of experience that Dean represents is completely exhausted.
Or whether or not they had no idea what they were doing, and they've given themselves over to this process.
We need to think that the actions in the story were in some way free and absolutely, perfectly undetermined.
If I charged the reactor in this manner, and of course I'm assuming 100% completion of the reaction which we know is overly optimistic.
In other versions he says that Dean got up and was naked, not that he was in his shorts.
It was a complete waste of time, unless the goal in life was simply to pester the user for some input.
There's absolutely no reason I couldn't have switched it around and said that instead the pi orbitals form between these atoms instead of those first atoms I showed.
We're talking complete irreversible amnesia, complete erasure of the brain's hard drive.
In any case, Lambert Strether, as he arrives in Paris, has awakened to the sheer wonder of urbane culture.
He's not claiming--and he points this out to us-- that his explication is the true one. That's not his point at all.
I'm going to say, quite to the contrary, the positive charge is concentrated at the center in a tiny, tiny, tiny volume.
But, the reaction says I need twice as much mag as tickle if this reaction is going to go to completion.
完全 "完全"是个多义词,它可以指完全(汉语词语),完全(石咏莉演唱歌曲)。