




  • 官本

  • Officer of the

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • “官本位”观念the “official rank standard”

  • 官僚资本bureaucrat-capital;Bureaucratic capital

  • 公司首席执行官本休Ben Huh

  • 行官本菲德尔Ben Feder

  • 行官本勒尔colin benner

  • 法官本诺托Mary Lou Benotto

  • 官本·莫兰德Ben Moreland

  • 首席执行官本·约翰逊Ben Johnston

  • 行官本·费奇曼Ben Fischman

  • 官僚买办资本与民族资本的关系the relationship between bureaucrat-comprador capital and national capital



This article discusses the practice reason of such an idea and focuses on the argument that the idea of "putting people first" will be established only if the idea of putting govern.


According to "the Secrets of CEOs", a new book based on interviews with over 150 current and former chief executives from around the world, "being a CEO should be one of the best jobs in the world."


Crowley said that on one occasion, reflecting foreign worry about privacy, a US diplomat was asked to leave a notebook outside the meeting.


General Stanley McChrystal was sacked as commander of coalition forces after a magazine published an interview in which he disparaged the handling of the war by America's civilian leadership.


Tucker, named head of AIA yesterday, is former CEO of Prudential and had 15 years of experience building the London-based insurer’s Asia operations, Benmosche said yesterday in an employee memo.


Another top commander, Abu Sufian bin Qumu, is a former guantanamo detainee who also fought in Afghanistan.


The favourite reading at the moment among a younger, more cosmopolitan generation of Chinese diplomats is “Power Shift”, a collection of essays by mainly American-based academics.


Harvey Golub resigned as chairman of American International group after a protracted power struggle with the group's chief executive, Robert Benmosche.


“The power pack for you laptop isn’t that efficient, ” Intel chief technology officer Justin Rattner told USA Today in an interview.


Larcker and Zakolyukina pored through the transcripts of thousands of corporate earnings calls when CEOs and chief financial officers take questions from analysts.

法国,沃尔内:勃垦第,一位日外交的小孩在摘葡萄,这是RegisRossignoland Changarnier葡萄园采摘的第一天。

Volnay, France: a Japanese diplomat's child picks grapes in Burgundy on the first day of picking at the Regis Rossignol and Changarnier vineyard.


Michael Dell, the company's founder, who recently took over again as its chief executive, even runs Ubuntu on his own laptop.


Brigadier General Marshall Webb an assistant commander of JSOC took a seat at the end of a lacquered table in a small adjoining office and turned on his laptop.


Eighty remaining books were given to the American diplomat Albert Aronson by his Soviet hosts.

这个测验是IBM的首席执行彭明盛(SamPalmisano)在一庆祝IBM 100周岁的新书的前言中提出的,他自2002年起掌管ibm。

That is the test set out by Sam Palmisano in the foreword to a new book celebrating the 100th birthday of IBM, the firm he has run since 2002.


Alexandra Lebenthal, president and CEO of Lebenthal &Co., works at a desk that her grandmother used every day and says that she sees her lessons as useful in navigating Wall Street's unsure waters.

知情人称,美国国际集团首席执行罗伯特·默切(Robert Benmosche)在会议上介绍了塔克。

AIG CEO Robert Benmosche introduced Tucker at the gathering, the person said.


Dave Coplin, a "chief envisioning officer" at Microsoft UK, has just written a book about business being broken, and one of the most broken things is email.


Companies and consultancies will buy thousands of books to flatter their CEOs or market their latest "breakthrough" ideas.


Many Chinese students have a small book or booklet printed with their picture on the cover and a picture and word story of their life for the admissions officer.


The purpose of this guide is to provide the field investigator with a framework upon which to build an inspection of drug establishments which utilize computer systems.


The favourite reading at the moment among a younger, more cosmopolitan generation of Chinese diplomats is "Power Shift", a collection of essays by mainly American-based academics.


Quarantine Officer: Show me your crew's inoculation papers and your latest Bill of Health, please.


This award goes to CFOs based in China who have made a significant contribution to the success of their organisation.


But one of the things that we learned - the DA went through his entire library and found, for instance, a German art book from 1930-something.


What the subtitle to a book by Kishore Mahbubani, a Singaporean former diplomat, called "the Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East" seems to be happening faster than anyone expected.


What the subtitle to a book by Kishore Mahbubani, a Singaporean former diplomat, called "the Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East" seems to be happening faster than anyone expected.



官本 guān běn ㄍㄨㄢ ㄅㄣˇ 官本 (1).官府刻印或收藏的书本。 唐 张怀瓘 《书断·二王真迹》:“ 开元 十六年五月,内出二 王 真迹……其中古本,亦有是 梁 隋 官本者。” 曹士冕 《法帖谱系·淳化法帖叙说》引 宋 欧阳修 《集古录》:“至予集录古文,不敢辄以官本参入私集。” (2).官府向民户贷款所用的本钱。《旧唐书·玄宗纪上》:“九月,先是高户捉官本钱;乙卯,御史大夫 李朝隐 奏请薄税百姓一年租钱充,依旧高户及典正等捉,随月收利,供官人税钱。”《新唐书·食货志五》:“初,捉钱者私增公廨本,以防耗失,而富人乘以为奸,可督者私之,外以逋官钱迫蹙闾里,民不堪其扰。御史中丞 崔从 奏增钱者不得逾官本。”
