Officer with
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
陆军文官用的程序army civilian career program
意识感官用词Awareness Predicates
考官用卷Interlocutor Frame
人体器官用硅橡胶制品silicon rubber product for body
做官用权应该Sichuan Literature
供官方使用For official use
官方使用Office use only;FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
官方用语Official Languages
Every time you need to communicate with interviewer in English, you freeze up.
By then, the imperial potteries were in the hands of court eunuchs enjoying a greatly increased bureaucratic reach.
The public prosecutor is lighted a cigarette with the hand of excited dither, side says, "hope to never encore ……cruise".
Senior public officials in Kenya have until today to give up their luxurious official cars and exchange them for smaller ones.
They passed over the pond toward Fair Haven, seemingly deterred from settling by my light, their commodore honking all the while with a regular beat.
The third was manned by a single nervous Talib who ordered us out of the car and made us stand in line by the road while he tried to call his commanders on a mobile phone.
This is a pretty direct response, so using words like "appreciate" focuses on drawing out the interviewer's better qualities instead of her tougher side.
Lying CEOs also tend to use a lot of words that express positive emotion - things are fabulous and fantastic and extraordinary.
Jolie again used her star power to speak out for children in war zones, on the day the top U.S. military commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus testified before congressional committees.
Indeed, some senior executives at his foundation say they wish Mr Gates would bring more of that inquisitorial manner to his conversations with them.
The DRWS is equipped with a day camera, a night vision camera and a laser range finder (LRF), and is remotely operated from the gunner or commander workstations.
Briefcases with combination locks belong to guys with strong memory. The unqualified should avoid using them for the likelihood of hassling with a customs officer.
But in the interview itself, you can draw out examples of how the person's track record demonstrates the capacity to accomplish what you need in the open position.
An applicant sang all of her answers to interview questions.
Chinese diplomats have begun discreetly treating Nepalese journalists to whisky-fuelled dinners and offering them visits to china-blandishments that were once the preserve of India.
The polling officer didn't even raise her head. After dipping a plastic straw into a bottle of purple ink, she drew a blotchy line down the middle finger of my left hand.
Our Founding Fathers deemed this document so precious that it was flown back to Washington, strapped to its own parachute.
So they end up getting a co-founder and parting with 50 percent of their company, even if their CTO is really a young prototype designer who will get discouraged or fired a few months later.
In the words of Lew Platt, former ceo of Hewlett-Packard, “If H-P knew what it knows, we would be three times as profitable.”
Digg网的首席执行官杰·阿德尔森(Jay Adelson)在“南偏西南”互动媒体大会上用diggShindigg揭秘了焕然一新的网站包括即将在春季上线的诸多细节。
Jay Adelson, chief executive of digg, used the Bigg digg Shindigg at the South by Southwest Interactive conference to give more details about the new-look website, which goes live this spring.
Hold off until you're specifically asked, Couper advises, and even then, you can delay a bit by offering to send the information in an email in a day or two.
"It will signal a dramatic shift to a cleaner, more sustainable method of providing frequency regulation on the grid," Beacon CEO Bill Capp told the GridWeek conference in Washington last week.
阿赛洛首席执政官Guy Dollé用“猴子钱”风趣地回绝了米塔尔钢铁公司老总印度人Lakshmi Mittal今年年初充满敌意的收购。
“MONKEY money” is how Guy Dollé, chief executive of Arcelor, charmingly dismissed a hostile bid earlier this year from Indian-born Lakshmi Mittal, who runs (and largely owns) Mittal Steel.
Even professional diplomats use this expression, as well as others that come from baseball.
"The better commanders know what's happening on the battlefield, the better they can apply their resources, whether in people or in firepower or in mobility or in logistics support," he said.
"The better commanders know what's happening on the battlefield, the better they can apply their resources, whether in people or in firepower or in mobility or in logistics support," he said.
官用 官用:guān yòng (1).官府的费用。《史记·平准书》:“量吏禄,度官用,以赋於民。” (2).官府使用。《三国志·蜀志·杨戏传》“ 祀 汰 各早死” 裴松之 注引 晋 常璩 《华阳国志》:“ 吴主 问 蜀 马多少,对曰:‘官用有馀,人闲自足。’”