




  • 官等

  • Officer, etc.

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 指挥官等级Commander Rating

  • 人物五官等绘画笔刷Human Faces Photoshop Brushes

  • 士官的二等室steerage

  • 三等士官长Sergeant First Class

  • 一等士官长First Sergeant

  • 波尔多葡萄酒官方等级Bordeaux Wine Official Classification

  • 用以行贿官员等的钱slush fund

  • 上议院高等法官Law Lords

  • 山西警官高等专科学校Shanxi Police Academy



Process, you can see wearing a dark purple Buddhist ceremonial clothing, are offered to accompany the officials, cited deacon reverent salute.


Their context includes a set of stakeholders (requirement setters, users, financial control officers, etc.) often with conflicting and evolving concerns.


The recipes are devoted to the treatment of 23 kinds of diseases involving internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, E. N. T etc.


In the topic of my face, most of the children they able to recognize the parts of the face and their function.


The event keynotes included executives from non-traditional communications providers, such as the CTO of online retailer Amazon and the CEO of Virgin Entertainment Group.


Its readership includes diplomats in the UK, British Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet members, MPs, Lords, MEPs and international relations scholars and experts.


A foreign diplomat adds that countries such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which might in the past have blocked a Gulf upstart from flaunting such ambition, no longer have the will to try.


But we also want to restrict access to confidential information such as salary and bonus to Executives only.


Marx has found that about half of tech-sector employees must sign them, while another recent academic study has determined that about 70 percent of executives sign them as well.


The commandant has issued an order, which is posted everywhere, declaring that any civilian caught interfering with the railroad, its bridges, tunnels or trains will be summarily hanged.

人力资源部的员工能访问除机密信息之外的本地HR 信息,工资和奖金机密信息受到保护,只允许高级执行访问。

Employees working in the HR department can access local HR information but confidential information, such as salary or bonus, will be secured. Only senior executives can access that information.


However, the LA coroner's office has still not completed its tests on Jackson's brain, and the singer's family have been advised that unless they wish to wait, he must be buried without it.


If you don't, you may be giving the impression that you are not confident, lacking in-depth knowledge regarding the job or the organization, not keen in learning, or do not have an inquisitive mind.


"The Apple Store will offer services with personalized engraving, configure-to-order options and free shipping on everything," said Apple's Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook.


News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch has been leading the charge among media executives to get customers to pay for things they are used to getting for free online, like news stories.


You also should closely monitor the group dynamics. How screeners introduce themselves, their initial banter and the seating arrangement speak volumes about who wields the most clout.


If you have heard nothing, wait a couple of days and then call or email the interviewer. Ask politely about the status of your job application.


Commercial Minister-Counsellor Zhou Xiaoming and other diplomats from the embassy also attended the briefing.


Last fall, John Mack, to his credit, was one of the first Wall Street C.E.O.S to say publicly that his industry needed stricter regulation.

索尼·威尔士出生的首席执行,霍华德·斯·金格Howard Stringer,在公司推行严格的成本削减制度,并把重点重新放在集团的电子产品业务上,以挑战苹果公司竞争对手。

Sony's Welsh-born chief executive, Sir Howard Stringer, has imposed a tough cost-cutting regime and refocused attention on the group's electronics business in to challenge rivals such as Apple.

JohnGrohol博士是心理健康网站Psych Central的创办人兼首席执行,自1992年起,他一直致力于撰写与网络行为,精神健康和心理学问题,以及科技与心理学跨领域研究相关文章。

Dr. John Grohol is the CEO and founder of Psych Central. He has been writing about online behavior, mental health and psychology issues, and the intersection of technology and psychology since 1992.


Even so, chiefs are relatively rare compared with presidents and their various declensions (vice -, assistant -, etc).


Brakemen check train brakes and other systems and equipment prior to train run, and assist railway conductors in activities en route.


Cook County's chief medical examiner Doctor Stephen Cina says an autopsy may help determine whether the cyanide was swallowed, inhaled or injected and provide other details.


Cook County's chief medical examiner Doctor Stephen Cina says an autopsy may help determine whether the cyanide was swallowed, inhaled or injected and provide other details.



官等 即民国文官等级,根据任用制度的不同,分为特任、简任、荐任、委任四种。下于此者,称雇员。
