n.radial ; ray ; radiation
technical school 还可以缩短人际间的距离X射线(Ray)技工学校(Technical schools)在俄亥俄州,X射线(Ray)技工学校在得克萨斯州(Texas):在那个研究所供应的桑福德 - 布朗College 4.
... positivecolumn正柱区 radial射线 rcu:remotecontrolunits终端控制器 ...
- {物} ray; beam; half-line:
alpha ray;
alpha assay;
- 短语:
- 射线病 radiation sickness;
- 射线薄壁组织 ray parenchyma;
- 射线测厚 thickness measurement with ray;
- 射线测验纸碟 pastille; pastil;
- 射线程 ray path;
- 射线穿透管 penetron tube;
- 射线导管间壁孔式 ray-vessel pitting;
- 射线电影摄影 cineradiography;
- 射线发光 radioluminescence;
- 射线高度 ray height;
- 射线跟踪 {工} gamma-ray tracking; ray tracing;
- 射线管胞 cross tracheid; ray tracheid;
- 射线管胞 {植} ray tracheide;
- 射线光学原理 principle of ray optics;
- 射线光轴 ray axis;
- 射线轨迹 ray tracing;
- 射线过滤板 {核子} filter;
- 射线化学 {化} actinochemistry;
- 射线化学变化 {化} actinism;
- 射线迹径 ray trace;
- 射线检验(法) radioscopy;
- 射线胶片 {摄} radiographic film;
- 射线结晶学 radiocrystallgraphy;
- 射线金相学 radiometallography;
- 射线聚焦 ray focusing;
- 射线理论 ray theory;
- 射线立体照相法 radiographic stereometry;
- 射线疗法 actinotherapy; actinotherapeutics;
- 射线裂脊蚌 schistodesmus lampreyanus;
- 射线路程 ray path;
- 射线路径 {讯} ray path;
- 射线描迹 ray tracing;
- 射线皮炎 actinodermatitis;
- 射线偏斜 wobbulale; wobbulation; wobbulating;
- 射线偏转存储管 deflection-type storage tube;
- 射线曲率 curvature of a ray;
- 射线曲率半径 radius of curvature of a ray;
- 射线曲面 {光} ray surface;
- 射线声学 {声} geometrical acoustics; ray acoustics;
- 射线失量 ray vector;
- 射线束 bundle of rays;
- 射线速度 ray velocity;
- 射线探测仪 radiometer;
- 射线探伤机 ray inspection machine;
- 射线透镜 radioscope;
- 射线透射性 radiolucency;
- 射线弯曲 bending of a ray;
- 射线硬度测量[定]计 radiochrometer;
- 射线用量规定 rayage;
- 射线诱发致死因子 radiation-induced lethal;
- 射线原始细胞 {植} ray initial; ray mother cell;
- 射线源能量 workload;
- 射线照片 {摄} radiograph;
- 射线照射量 radiation exposure;
- 射线照相 radiography;
- 射线灼伤 radiation burn
阴极射线管Cathode Ray Tube;CRT;ray tube;CSS Cathode-Ray Tube
阴极射线[电子]cathode ray;cathode beam;cathode tays;negative ray
放射线疗法Radiation therapy;actinotherapy;radiotherapy;radiotheraphyh
伽马射线gamma ray;gammar radiation;gamma-irradiation
钱德拉X射线天文台Chandra X-ray Observatory;Chandra X-ray space telescope
射线衍射XRD;X-ray diffraction;WAXD;PXRD
X射线管X-ray tube
X射线脉冲星X-ray pulsar
X射线天文学X-ray astronomy
Sunlight consists of different wavelengths of radiation.
Water is not an effective shield against the sun's more harmful rays.
The ozone layer screens out dangerous rays from the sun.
The x-ray detectors feed the input into computer programs.
X-rays can penetrate many objects.
The benefit of an x-ray far outweighs the minutely increased risk of cancer.
NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays.
Passengers must pass through metal detectors, and their carry-on bags are put through X-ray machines.
He had two X-ray burns on the back.
X-rays are used by doctors to save lives.
这种元素是利用X 射线光谱学发现的。
The element was found using X-ray spectroscopy.
在同一时期内,X 射线光源亮度的增加速度要快得多。
The increase in brightness of the x-ray sources over the same period has occurred far faster.
Supernovas in the Milky Way are the likeliest source for most of the cosmic rays reaching Earth.
Anything from cosmic rays to radiation to diet may activate a dormant oncogene.
Cosmic rays of various kinds come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are screened off.
听诊器比X 射线、圆珠笔、《大众科学》以及你医生诊所里绝大部分物件还要古老。
The stethoscope is older than the x-ray, the ballpoint pen, Popular Science and pretty much everything else in your doctor's office.
对岩石薄片的X 射线检查有时会发现可怕的触角轮廓、消化道和很多种海洋生物的视觉器官。
X-ray examination of thin slabs of rock sometimes reveals the ghostly outlines of tentacles, digestive tracts, and visual organs of a variety of marine creatures.
It would seem sensible to seek the source of these in the universe's most conspicuous energy factories: quasars and gamma-ray bursts billions of light-years away from Earth.
The machine directs a powerful beam at the affected part of the body.
The reproduction and growth of the cancerous cells can be suppressed by bombarding them with radiation.
He cheerfully blows away any bad guy stupid enough to get in his line of fire.
我们只有在用伽玛射线观察内部之后才能很好地了解齿轮的结构,这和用X 射线看你的骨头非常相似。
We could only get a good look at the structure of the gears after gamma-rays were used to see inside, very similar to the way X-rays are used to see your bones.
从可见光扩展到无线电波,再到X 射线和伽马射线,天文学总是会发现不寻常的物体,如射电星系、类星体和脉冲星。
The extension of astronomy from visible light to radio waves to x-rays and gamma rays never failed to lead to the discovery of unusual objects such as radio galaxies, quasars, and pulsars.
系统地分析了未变质煤的X 射线衍射图。
The X-ray diffraction patterns of unmetamorphosed coals have been systematically analyzed.
可以使用双能X 射线吸收仪测量下颌角和股骨区的骨密度。
The bone density of the mandibular angle and coxofemoral region can be measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometer.
The process involved using intensive X-ray light produced at the National Synchroton Light Source in Brookhaven, N. Y.
描述了通过X 射线衍射分析研究的其几何异构体dysamideC(2)的船形。
The boat conformation of its geometric isomer, dysamide C (2) studied by X-ray diffraction analysis is described.
When a surface is perpendicular to the rays, their intensity is at its maximum.
Xeroradiography revealed the scar on top of the head was caused by a relatively blunt object.
Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation.
Let's look at the energetics of one of those electrons crashing into a hydrogen atom inside the gas tube.
So, we know now that we have charged particles. Are these negatively or positively charged based on this evidence?
So rather than calling this an electron beam, this was called a cathode ray.
How do I posit-- why do I believe in x-rays, even though I don't see them?
It allows us to look not just at the anatomy of what's going on inside your body like an x-ray does, but to look at the chemistry, the biochemistry of what's happening inside a particular organ or tissue in your body.
这种方法不仅能够像X射线那样,使我们从解剖学的角度观察体内的情况,还能了解到,在体内特定的组织和器官中,发生的化学 确切说是生物化学过程
So, when the voltage difference between the plates is zero, or when we just don't have the plates there at all, the cathode rays are not bent, they just go right in a straight line, and they can be detected on this screen.
Sometimes we model light as beams of light, as rays of light.
And so, we've got a beam.
PROFESSOR: Yeah, that's right. So, what we have here, cathode rays we now know are negatively charged particles. And, in fact, he named these negatively charged particles. Does anyone know what he named them? No, not electrons - very good guess. He named them corpuscles.
The second particle was deflected almost not at all. But what he could tell from the fact that there was a second particle at all, and the fact that it was in this direction, is that in addition to his negative particle, he also, of course, had a positive particle that was within this stream of rays that were coming out.
So the way that we really make sure this is done is that we use x-rays.
People have been working with x-rays for about 30 years by this time.
This is the equivalent to ray optics, isn't it?
They took a crystal, this is a single crystal of nickel that has regular planes of atoms, and those planes are spaced on the order of an angstrom or less apart, and they irradiated this with x-rays.
And if I evacuate it, I have a cathode ray tube.
On the other hand, when it came to penetrating solids, penetrating solids, the alpha radiation was poor at penetrating solids, whereas the beta radiation was very good at penetrating solids.
Well, we can't guarantee with UV light we'll have enough energy to eject every single electron, so that's why when we use x-rays, they're higher energy, you can pretty much be guaranteed we're going to eject all of those electrons there.
And what we did was he put two detection plates on either side of these cathode rays, and when he put a voltage difference between these two plates, he wanted to see if he could actually bend the rays and test if they're actually charged or not.
Here it is showing x-rays. He used x-rays.
So you know that x-rays are higher frequency than UV light, for example, that means it's also higher energy than UV light, and if you think back to our photoelectric effect experiments, do you remember what type of light we were usually using for those? Does anyone remember?
射线 "射线"是个多义词,它可以指射线(具有特定能量的粒子或光子束流),射线(美国DC漫画旗下超级英雄),射线(直线上的一点和它一旁的部分所组成的图形)。