




  • 将事

  • Will matter

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 将事情处理好Things will be handled properly;Will handle

  • 将事情划上休止符got to make this here thing stop

  • 将事情尽量深藏隐瞒closely guard a secret

  • 一切都将事过境迁Everything will slip way

  • 将事情做对Doing things right

  • 我将事情I will get my things

  • 我们将事件的发起者event source

  • 将事情提出来take the matter up

  • 并要将事件之所有情况all the circumstances

  • 慎重将事handle a matter with care



It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of Kings.


It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of Kings is to search out a matter.


It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of King is to search things out.


Responsibilities will allow us to do so complete, so that we would love to do a good job.


Now I write the Nine Attitudes of Serving the Guru in titles only, and I chose to present them in clearer formulation.


The conventional definition of management is getting work done through people, but real management is developing people through work.


However, in Histories of Greek and Roman Personalities, Plutarch always wavered between personalities and events and between history and literature, showing a contrast between all these.


These events are history in the making.


Surprises were also in store for me.


One other thing you might be interested in—we're holding a couple of "open house" days, and still need a few volunteers, if you're available.


Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little.


One thing is certain: The world will be watching.


Hauling the branches to the front for garbage pick up was no fun either.


Bottled-water giants such as Nestlé, the Coca-Cola Company, and Pepsi reckon that the market will continue to fizz.


There are two types of people in the world: those who remember everything exactly as it happened and those who have a tendency to muddle what's happened with what's imagined.


Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective in life.


There was no clear explanation for the delay in the handover of the suspects to police, other than it involved rules between Washington and Tokyo.


By the mid-1850's the inclusion of women in the rituals of party politics had become commonplace and the ideology that justified such inclusion had been assimilated by the Democrats.


If you quote this mentality to face problems, then you will achieve nothing.


Your partner tells you what will happen.


Your partner tells you what will happen.Take turns.


If you examine the messages, you will see the absurdity.


Three things will now determine whether this marks the beginning of the end of the crisis-or the start of even deeper distress.


But I will rebuke you and accuse you to your face.


Organize yourself now for the semester or the next few months ahead, and you'll find yourself less likely to get bogged down in things you could've done earlier.


University of Pennsylvania: Laws without character are in vain.


University of Pennsylvania: Laws without character are in vain.


Sometimes it's remarkable for all of us if we try to be very prepared-mind-oriented, very proactive around where the most interesting opportunities.


Put away the gods that your forefathers served beyond the Euphrates and in Egypt" put away the gods your forefathers served beyond the Euphrates and in Egypt--"and serve Yahweh.


New York City took the lead in that and we'll talk about that as a political issue later in the class.


In the first half of class, I'm going to tell you a little bit about the class and introduce some of the questions that we will think about over the term if you stay in this course.


If you stop and think of it as a grammatical question, you say to yourself, "Gee, that's a verygood question, isn't it, because, of course, the easiest thing in the world is to tell the dancer from the dance.


So it turns out that he could have picked anything to explain this, and hopefully done out the calculation, and we'll do this ourselves.


And then, if I want to find out if something's there, I do the same thing. But notice now, hash is converting the input into an integer.


If you take a look at the last day, or the day before, you will see that we talked about average valence electron energy.


You've got to turn in these listening exercises in a regular fashion and come to class.


Now you could do a similar sort of thing, but instead of having a candle, you have a paddle wheel, and the paddle wheel is spun by a weight that's dropping from here to here.


I would guess that probably 30% to 50% of you do this everyday, you put a piece of plastic, a synthetic piece of plastic into your eye to improve your vision.


They wanted to eliminate the stigma it used to be embarrassing to borrow at the discount window because the discount rate would because it would be an admission that the bank is in trouble.


But the keys to study this exception and for practical idea is to come together and to say "what is working? Let's study the best; " let's study what works and then apply it."


And although I don't really have the fantasy that many of you will read this stuff twice, if you had the time to do it, that would be a wonderful thing to do.


That is to say, the three parts of the cities, workers, auxiliaries, guardians, each of them all work together and each by minding their own business, that is doing their own job, out of this a certain kind of peace and harmony will prevail.


I regard the last few weeks as politicians deciding we gotta do something to get this off the table of the agenda to something that has a political demand for it What they did, they could have done worse things, they could have done better things.


So verse 4, "You've seen what I did to the Egyptians, how I bore you on eagles' wings," is the historical prologue.


Then the next thing in the loop, we're going to enter a nested loop and say for every college in the list e, we're going to print the name of the college.


You will have to have a little more math, a little more physics to do that, but I am going to talk about something that you are familiar with.


So the first thing I'm going to do is, I'm going to try and return the value in the memo.


Here's an example where we'd like to make insulin, or having the insulin gene would be useful, but if we could take the insulin gene and make many copies of the insulin protein that would be a very useful thing.


or at least one mechanism, I shouldn't say -- the only one-- one mechanism for doing that is going to be to add functions is that it's going to provide both of these things, so the first thing it's going to do is, it's going to let us break up into modules.


So, that translation causes people to believe that ; The story is giving me an account of the first event in time forward; But it's actually a bad translation.


Wednesday will be the test, Test 1, and I will say a few words about that, coverage through the end of lecture on Wednesday.


And it is not until King David, 200 years later that, in fact, we will read about the capture of Jerusalem. Judges 1 gives a long list of the places from which the Canaanites were not expelled.


First thing, I will begin with comments about the test.


The first thing I have to do is bust that in half.



将事 【词目】将事 【拼音】jiāng shì 【注音】ㄐㄧㄤ ㄕㄧˋ 【释义】从事于某项任务或工作。《左传·成公十三年》:“ 晋侯 使 郤錡 来乞师,将事不敬。” 清 陈确 《序》:“将事之暇,偶及遗编。” 清·范阳询《重修袁家山(袁可立别业)碑记》:“而官吏之竭诚,以将事者,可以为民祀福焉。” 将帅治军、用兵之事,如教育训练士兵,以及战法、阵法的运用等。《吴子·治兵》:“故用兵之法,教戒为先……每变皆习,乃授其兵,是谓将事。”
