




  • 州院

  • State court

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 加州理工学院California Institute of Technology;Caltech;CIT;California Institute of

  • 加州艺术学院California Institute of the Arts;California College of the Arts;Calarts

  • 惠州学院Huizhou University

  • 台州学院Taizhou University

  • 州学院State College;ChizhouUniversity

  • 滨州学院Binzhou University

  • 琼州学院QiongZhou University

  • 徐州医学院Xuzhou Medical College;XZMC

  • 美国加州理工学院California Inst Tech USA;California Inst Technology USA;Massachusetts Institute of Technology US

  • 广州美术学院Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts;Guangzhou fine arts academy;Guangzhou Institute of Fine Arts;GAFA



"We are increasingly building our homes in fire-prone ecosystems," says Dominik Kulakowski, adjunct professor of biology at Clark University Graduate School of Geography in Worcester, Massachusetts.


The NIS reported that the cutbacks have affected raw material supplies to bases in the Murmansk region, with air units being requested to limit flights in training and exercise programs.


The tax proposals received between 76 and 100 percent of the vote in both houses, including the votes of a majority of Republican lawmakers.


The two monkeys, Macduff and Oberon, are housed at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, where Terrace has a joint appointment.


S. Constitution. Such an amendment would require two-thirds majorities in both chambers to pass, followed by ratification by 38 states -- a process likely to take years.


The Pacific Institute in California has drawn up a list of conflicts in which water has played a part.


New York saw a hint of progress last year, when a state commission recommended closing underused hospitals and nursing homes.


The directors of Stargate began by funding scientists at the Stanford Research Institute in California, one of America's most prestigious science academies.


Gambling provides, on average, between 2 and 3 percent of states' revenue, excluding federal funding, according to the Rockefeller Institute, a New York think tank.


But, he adds, he has heard that House Republicans are discussing with their home-state senators earmarks that they would have requested were it not for the ban.

佐治亚理工学的研究安排PR 2去完成老人看护工作,而伯克利大学的科学家们则教PR 2叠毛巾。

Georgia Tech researchers have programmed PR2 to work on elder care, while scientists at Berkeley taught PR2 to fold towels.


For years New York has subsidised inefficient hospitals and nursing homes through high Medicaid reimbursement rates, providing an incentive to provide unnecessary services.

明尼苏达民主党长马克·戴顿(Mark Dayton)和控制议会两的共和党人都把他们的不妥协解释为选举任务,但这只是看起来有理罢了。

Both Mark Dayton, Minnesota's Democratic governor, and the Republicans who control both Chambers of the state legislature can plausibly claim an electoral mandate for their intransigence.


The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Pennsylvania Department of Health.


The study was funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Institutes of Health, the Georgia Cancer Coalition and the American Urological Association Foundation.


The NCSL reports that Republicans will soon control both chambers of the legislature in 32 states -- the most in the party's history.

在加利福尼亚北部通过与SETI研究和加大学伯克利分校合作,ATA 的最终计划是构建起350个望远镜。

Run jointly by the SETI Institute and the University of California, Berkeley, from a site in northern California, the ATA is ultimately intended to comprise 350 dishes.


One lady in Tucson, Arizona, shares her lovely little dog with many elderly nursing home residents.


The study, in the journal Science, was carried out by an international group, including the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridgeshire and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.


But it was her friendliness and warmth that won her the title, John Matson of the Alabama Nursing Home Association said.


At the Huang Nan Zhou Children Orphanage in Xining, Li Shared her personal story of success, providing hope and inspiration.


The Huang Nan Zhou Children Orphanage in Xining has, so far, taken in 57 orphans from Yushu, and they expect the number to continue to grow.


The Huang Nan Zhou Children Orphanage in Xining has, so far, taken in 57 orphans from Yushu, and they expect the number to continue to grow.



州院 官署名。宋各州有州院与司理院,皆掌刑狱。州院由录事参军主管,司理院由司理参军主管。如州升为府,则称府院。 南宋 时州的刑狱官。清 钱大昕 《十驾斋养新录》卷十:“ 乾隆 戊戌岁, 瓜州 浚河,得 南宋 官印,文曰:‘ 宿州 州院 朱 记。’初不解州院为何职,后读 罗端良 《新安志》,乃知每州有州院与司理院,皆刑狱之称。”
