




  • 师号

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  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 亡灵巫师号Negromancer

  • 主讲老师编号TNO

  • 号工程师协会IRSE

  • 信号大师AUTOECU;SignalGuru

  • 十分大师-小号篇Ten Minutes Older The Trumpet

  • 导师二号Vampiric Tutor

  • 文殊师利圣号诵Chanting the Names of Manjushri

  • 老师说学号Teacher;School teacher said, No

  • 我是3号设计师I am NO 3 designer



With matte painters creating magnificent vistas of the ice Planet, and the best modelers in the world generating the Enterprise and those alien creatures, they had the best chance of success.


Engineers are still working on the designs for Orion and Altair but, as in the Apollo days, astronauts are involved in the process at every step.


For you who are unfamiliar, here is the core text of the IRS Section1706, defining the treatment of workers (such as contract engineers) for tax purposes.


Initially, the New Horizons engineers were also racing against the clock: By getting a gravity kick from Jupiter, the spacecraft could shave three years off its total mission time.


The sinking of the Titanic, the meltdown of the Chernobyl reactor in 1986, the collapse of the World Trade Center - all forced engineers to address what came to be seen as deadly flaws.


Alinghi's principal designer, Rolf Volijk, said there was one day when the alarm did not work, and the crew was very happy.

泰德·迪肯是福特的一名工程。 1963年,他走进停车场检测卡恩斯的“银河”。

Ted Daykin was one of the Ford engineers who came out into the parking lot to inspect Kearns’ Galaxie in 1963.


We also need to remember that Bloodhound is not just about a speed record - it's about inspiring the next generation of engineers.


But engineers decided that the damage risk was not to Endeavour, but to the gantry structure near the door.


The chief designer of the Shenzhou spacecraft system, Zhang Bainan, is quoted as saying China is planning to begin mass production of the spacecraft starting from the Shenzhou 8 mission.


Engineers have spent 18 months redesigning the external tank and incorporating the changes recommended by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board.


The demonstrator will help verify design assumptions so that when the Ares 1 proper is built, the engineers can be confident it will fly as expected.

在其中一张桌子旁,设计纳伊·姆汗(Naeem Khan)亲自监督工作。他和他的三人公关团队要一起决定9月16那天,林肯中心他的天桥秀上,872位来宾的座位安排。

At one table, the designer Naeem Khan was personally overseeing, with a team of three publicists, where each of the 872 guests will sit at his runway show on Sept. 16 at Lincoln Center.

亚特兰蒂斯还会把在轨道上工作了三个月的空间站飞行工程,妮可尔。P .斯托克(Nicole P .Stott)返回地球。

The Atlantis astronauts also plan to bring a space station flight engineer, Nicole P. Stott back to Earth after three months in orbit.


Actually no, but it was almost the case in November 2006, when a launch pad technician forgot to secure a door in the White Room leading to the space shuttle Endeavour just before launch.


The company's current iPhone doesn't work on Japan's third-generation wireless networks; analysts expect an update at the WWDC on June 9.


On 28 May 2006, Hu Xinyu, an engineer at the Huawei Company in Shenzhen died from exhaustion after working excessive overtime hours for nearly one month.

当期杂志上还有国家地理摄影迪恩.康吉(Dean Conger)拍摄的一组友谊7火箭海洋回收照片。

National Geographic photographer Dean Conger's photos of Friendship 7's recovery from the ocean were featured in the issue and published around the world.


Meet the ‘Transition,’ a new light sport aircraft developed by MIT aeronautical engineers at US based Terrafugia.


Making a splash: Engineers conduct a water-drop test of Orion, which will land in the sea when it returns to earth.

警犬超音速喷气式汽车研究团队的首席工程,马克·查普曼(Mark Chapman)说:“我们在这一年里完成了所有的空气动力学的工作,汽车才能完全稳定在马赫为1.3的速度上。

Mark Chapman, Bloodhound SSC's chief engineer, said: "From all the aerodynamic work we have done this year, the car is completely stable at mach 1.3.


Analysts estimate that sales rose by more than 5% last year (the company is due to report its annual results on February 7th), which would be Unilever's best performance for years.


Shortly thereafter Galaxy 15 began accepting commands and Intelsat engineers began receiving telemetry in our Satellite Operations center. — Intelsat.


On November 9 of last year, Cisco Systems introduced an unheard-of 61 new technologies, all focused on collaboration.


Engineers conducted a full ground simulation of launch on Sunday afternoon (Sept. 25).


Charlie Joughin, Titanic's chief baker, said that he had been standing near the stern when the ship went under, but he reported none of the signs of a high-angle break.


Charlie Joughin, Titanic's chief baker, said that he had been standing near the stern when the ship went under, but he reported none of the signs of a high-angle break.



师号 师号是汉语词汇,读音是shī hào,出自《谕若讷》。



