




  • 常岁

  • Often,

  • 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。




  • 非常岁月Special Years

  • 正常的岁月磨损Normal Age Wear

  • 非常高兴23岁的夜晚Very happy 23-year-old night

  • 常指未满一岁的puppy



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At 16, though her parents wished she would do something ladylike, such as learning French, she was touring professionally round the bullrings of Latin America.


A Vitality Show report found that more than half of women regularly feel exhausted, and 60 per cent of over-30s feel ‘shattered’.


Helen's eyes were not very good, so she usually wore glasses, but when she was nineteen and began to go out with a young man, she never wore glasses when she was with him.


Onica Ndzovela, 77, suffered back pain and sore knees before joining the team three years ago. "I am fresh, I don't feel any pain in my body, I can run."


Kahlo contracted polio at age six, which left her right leg thinner than the left, which Kahlo disguised by wearing long, colorful skirts.


Two weeks later, in late January, the 40-year-old Lyubomirsky, who smiles often and seems to approach life with zest and good humor, reports that she is "totally loving the Prius."


This time, it happens when my 2-year-old daughter and I are buying milk at the supermarket. The cashiers fawn over her pink cheeks, and then I endure the usual dialogue.


Therefore patients with a laryngocele are typically male glass blowers, trumpet players or chronic coughers above the age of 50.


A 49-year-old native of Detroit whose motto is "we can do well by doing good", Mr Gilbert is reshaping Detroit's centre.


Lee rented seven mow of land from Wang, but since he had to give half of his crops to the landlord, he was barely able to support his wife and ten-year-old son.

大部分的病例发生在年龄大于40的女性,而本研究中女性都在15至26,因此在这些年轻人群中VIN2 - 3损伤病史仍不清楚,她说。

Most cases are still seen in women older than 40 years, and in this study, they were 15 to 26 years old, so the natural history of VIN2-3 lesions in such a young person is not really known, she said.


Pupils who remain at school until they are sixteen normally take what is called the Geneial Certificate of Education at Ordinary level.


It may last for life long. Different age has different clinical features. At age 5, it usually affect the elbows and behind knees.


"History must be remembered, not for hatred but for peace," said 79-year-old Chang Zhiqiang, a survivor who lost his parents and three younger brothers in the massacre.


Male, 25 years old, teacher, has epigastric pain usually before meals for two years.


Multiple neuroma of the spine occurs to children frequently. And these children's ages are often less than 10 years old.


Biography: the Tolstoy Tolstoy mother, two years or nine years old, teenage Tolstoy, not only for thought, often for his ugly face despair.


Mom has bundled-up (" dumpling ") feet since 6. Her toe nails were shaped like snails. Dad used to clip the toe nails for her.

双胎癫痫符合率的研究及家系脑电图的研究都提示癫痫性素质为染色体显性遗传,且在5 ~15之间外显率最高。

Consistent with the rate of twin studies of epilepsy and EEG in family studies suggest epileptic quality as autosomal dominant, and in 5 to 15 years old explicit rate is highest.


By the biomechanical measurement, the authors analyze the footwork of 50 healthy old men and women over the age of 60. The footwork is conducted on the flat ground with normal speed.

大部分病人在20 ~40之间表现出步态异和一系列的神经性的症状。

The majority of patients develop gait abnormalities and a series of other neurological symptoms between the ages of 20 and 40.

大部分孩子伴有明显智力减退、发育落后。3 -4以后婴儿痉挛症自动停止,但半数都转变为全身大发作。

The majority of children with obvious mental deterioration, retardation. 3-4 years of age often infantile spasms stopped automatically, but half of the body are transformed into grand mal.


Finally, write down whatever it was that you visualized. When we were 16 or 17, my friend Joe Despagni and I used to do this extensively.


Disease is found in any age, about 60% before the age of onset of 30, more common in women, and incidence were often accompanied by thymoma.

方法对8所幼儿园的2 10 0名4 ~6儿童进行远视力普查筛选,视力低者行眼科规检查及阿托品散瞳验光。

Methods visual acuity of 2100 4 ~ 6 years old children in 8 kindergartens were surveyed, and those whose visual acuity were subnormal were optic examined and atropine was used.

方法对8所幼儿园的2 10 0名4 ~6儿童进行远视力普查筛选,视力低者行眼科规检查及阿托品散瞳验光。

Methods visual acuity of 2100 4 ~ 6 years old children in 8 kindergartens were surveyed, and those whose visual acuity were subnormal were optic examined and atropine was used.



常岁 常岁,读音为chángsuì,汉语词语,意思是长年,整年;正常的年成;往年。
