ordinary person ; the common people
- ordinary person; the common people
公平人寿Equitable Life
太平人寿Taiping Life;TPLIFE;Common graphic
齐平人孔flush manhole
公平人寿保险公司Equitable Life;equitable life insurance co;equitable life ins.cy
法律面前人人平等people are equal in the eyes of the law; people are equal before the law;everyone is equal before the law;equality before the law;All are equal before the law
崎平人Hirato Shimasaki
"A man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his paths." Proverbs 5:21.
Earth's dire atmospheric situation was confirmed by November 2012 reports from such tree-hugging pinkos.
They were lonely and sad people, all three of them, and they would not make one another less sad, but they could, with great care, make a world that would accommodate their loneliness.
In general, if a man says, for instance, that the earth is flat, I am quite willing that he should propagate his opinion as hard as he likes.
He'll be working in the Communications Department with Jenna Sampson, who came from Yahoo!, former CNN correspondent Alexa Lee and Emily Pinkerton, among others.
Spokesman William Spindler says aid workers who recently ventured into the area to assess the situation were disturbed by what they saw.
Someone whose ankle joint is very stable is better off wearing flat shoes, as long as they are supportive.
The amazing part of Shonnetta's journey is that not only was she able to break a destructive cycle of poverty, but that she helped others how to do the same with an open and untarnished heart.
I had an irrational flash of hating those people in the back of wanting to lash out but all that really mattered was keeping my body between Fan Ping and the railing in case he made another lunge.
For others, anger against the West can ease the pangs of homesickness, suggests Shanghai University film teacher Shu Haolun.
"One possibility is that we judge people's characters from their faces-whether they are honest, kind, and smart," says Steven Pinker, a cognitive scientist at Harvard.
Richard Wright, a founder member of Pink Floyd, died yesterday at the age of 65 after battling cancer, his spokesman said.
贾宝玉、薛宝琴、邢岫烟、平儿四人同一天过生日。 众小姐带上自己的丫头们借机在芍药栏中红香圃三间小敞厅内饮酒行令,一时敞厅内热闹非凡。
As jia baoyu, Xue Baoqin, Xing youyanand Ping'er had birthdays on the same day, the young ladies held a hilarious drinking party in the hall of the peony garden for them.
Riverside tidal sea level, sea total Chao-moon, almonds reunion, bless music with your actions.
Xanax is one of a class of drugs known colloquially as "benzos" (benzodiazepines) that are safe and highly effective - but can also be addictive and have potential for abuse.
In the real world with its imperfect surfaces, getting your robot not to veer into the wall on its left or veer too far away from that wall is quite a challenge in itself.
Weishu goes on to record what happened in the capital in A.D. 517: "From the spring of the second year of the Xiping reign." fox demons cut people's hair in the imperial capital.
"The most impressive thing they will observe is freedom," said Lin Chong-pin, President of the Foundation on International and Cross-Strait Studies, a private group based in Taipei.
Remember, back in the 17th century when privateers brought back not only gold and silks, but also spices to France, some people still thought the world was flat.
They depict4 the world as a flat disc, which shows that the Babylonians thought the earth was flat.
And one more thing: “If you have a pony tail, ” said Marina Kielpinski, the instructor, “let it go out the back of your helmet so people can see you’re a woman.”
The next two ICONS were attempts at a more literal globe, but users interpreted them as an astronaut in a space suit, an olive, and "a golfer trying to hack his way out of the rough."
世界杯组织委员会发言人里查·mkhondo说,运输专家正在调查南非1 - 1打平墨西哥的比赛,门票售完的足球城体育馆并没有满座观看。
World Cup organizing committee spokesman Rich Mkhondo said that transport experts were studying why the sold-out Soccer City stadium was not full to see South Africa draw 1-1 with Mexico.
According to USA Today, among the well-wishers on August 4th, when Mr Bonds tied Mr Aaron's record, was Victor Conte, who professed "a feeling of happiness for him and his family".
According to USA Today, among the well-wishers on August 4th, when Mr Bonds tied Mr Aaron's record, was Victor Conte, who professed "a feeling of happiness for him and his family".
平人 平人,汉语词汇。 拼音:píng rén 平人指正常无病之人,即气血调和,健康无病的人。