a particular year
press年份(yyyy): "; cin>>book[i].date;outfile< 年份 These two expenditures were not incurred in the same year. 这两笔开支不在一个年份。 出生年份year of birth;YYYY;Birth Year 景气年份[经]boom year 获取当前年份my ear c.get 年份香槟Vintage Champagne;Vintage;Grand Vintage;Black Label NV Brut Champagne 法文指年份Annee 年份波特Vintage Port 年份波特酒Vintage Port;Vintage Port;Port Vintage 成立年份Business Started In;Year Established;established in 2003年是特别好的酿酒年份。 2003 was a particularly fine vintage. 这种葡萄酒是这一地区近十年来葡萄产量最好的两个年份之一生产的佳酿。 This wine is from one of the two best vintages of the decade in this region. 将它们按部门、地区和年份分类。 Classify them by branch, region, and year. 就管理而言,年份长度不同很不方便。 For administrative purposes, it was very inconvenient to have years of different lengths. 我们能预测今年或其他年份会更好吗? Can we predict if this year or any other year will be any better? 这两笔开支不在一个年份。 These two expenditures were not incurred in the same year. 这些比率记录了空气温度随季节和年份的波动。 These ratios register the fluctuations of air temperatures over the seasons and years. 当然,自那些繁荣的年份以来,销量一直在下降。 Of course since those boom years, sales have fallen. 然后种子就会休眠,直到下一个潮湿的年份来临、沙漠再次开花的时候。 The seeds then lie dormant until the next wet year, when the desert blooms again. 在某些年份,其造成的影响可能是轻微的,而在其他年份,可能会相当严重。 In some years, the impact can be mild while in other years it can be quite severe. 例如,在线使用量增长较大的年份之后的是幸福感较低的年份,而不是相反的情况。 For instance, years with a larger increase in online usage were followed by years with lower wellbeing, rather than the other way around. 玛雅故土的降雨量在不同年份是变化莫测的;最近几年的降雨量比其他年份多三到四倍。 Rainfall in the Maya homeland is unpredictably variable between years; some recent years have had three or four times more rain than other years. 这是自2005年以来最大的同比降幅,使2010年成为该十年来参加人数第二低的年份。 It is the biggest year-on-year drop since 2005, making 2010 the second-lowest attended year of the decade. 很难理解捕食减少是如何导致在特定年份的同一时间内,几个地方的棘冠海星数量突然增加。 It is difficult to understand how reduced predation would lead to sudden increases in Acanthaster numbers in several places at the same time in specific years. 2014年到2017年是有记录以来最热的年份,而北极变暖的速度是地球上任何其他地方的两倍。 2014 through 2017 rank as the hottest years on record and the Arctic is warming twice as fast as any place else on earth. 可能在一个更广阔的世界,您可能发现拥有两位或四位数字的年份,甚至可能包含一个撇号,如'09。 Perhaps in the broader world, you might find years that have two or four digits and might even contain an apostrophe, as in '09. 佐贺波尔多白葡萄酒由苏维翁、赛美蓉和某些年份的马斯卡德尔葡萄酒酿造而成。 Saga Bordeaux White is made from Sauvignon, Sémillon and, in some vintages, Muscadelle. 他确实告诉我这酒是未标明年份的。 He did tell me that the wine is a nonvintage. 年份表明该特定地域有效性的起始。 The year indicates the beginning of validity of that particular area. 其它年份都呈现出逐步增长态势。 All the other years witnessed a gradual increase. 在其它年份里,有更多的银行倒闭。 More Banks have failed in other years. 虎年是一个非常幸运的年份。 The year of Tiger is a very lucky year. 这些差异随年份变化,从来都不相同。 The differences vary by year and are never be the same. 在不景气年份提取备用金。 In the bad years they draw down on these reserves. “海龟越多的年份,游客越多,”他说。 "The year that we see more turtles, we have more visitors," he said. 2012这个年份正像一个劣迹斑斑的名人。 The year 2012 is acting like a badly behaved celebrity. 在经济景气年份,充斥着贪婪和欺骗的故事。 Tales of greed and fraud during the boom years abound. 项目年份:2009。 Project year: 2009. 出品年份:2009。 Production year: 2009. 出品年份:2009。 Production year: 2009. He determined the year by designating the zones; He set up three constellations for each of the twelve months. 他指派区域来划定年份;,他划分了十二个月份,每个月份有三个星座。 Even 1951 was a very unusual year I'll tell you why--because we were getting into the Korean War. 即便是在1951年这个不同寻常的年份,因为美国发动了朝鲜战争 But those years, if you recall, were the years of the cultural wars. -That's right. 但您能回想起,那些年,是文化论战的年份,-对的。 In previous years we were even higher, so this was low this year. 前几年的答案比这更高,今年还是比较低的年份 So here's where C is kind of showing its age. 这里是显示C语言的年份。 What Backus, Kehoe, and Kydland did was look at how much the consumption correlates-- the movement from year to year-- correlate across countries. 巴克斯,凯赫和基德兰德做的就是,研究这些消费的相关性-,不同年份消费的相关性-,不同国家的不同运动规律。 You don't want--you know that you'd like to take money away from yourself in the high-outcome years and give it to yourself in the low-income years. 你不想...你知道,你想在高收入的年份中,拿出一点钱,给你自己低收入的年份 I mean those may have been the days of the cultural wars, but some would say that those wars never ended and we were still in them, in some places even in a sense more extreme than originally in the sense that the stakes seem very high. 那段时间确实是文化论战的年份,但也有一些人会说文化论战没有结束,现在还在继续,在某些地方,甚至比文化论战期间还要极端,因为利益关系更大了。 This is years to go and so 12T would be the number of months to go before it ends. 也就是现在至到期日的年份数量,因此12T是现在至到期日的月份数 We in religious studies tend to like these terms, AD rather than BC, Before Christ, and AD, because AD actually stands for Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord. 在宗教研究中我们喜欢用这两个术语,而不用BC,即“基督前“和,因为AD其实是Anno,Domini的缩写,即“主的年份“ 年份 年份是指某一年。 世纪指百位数或百年整。 以上关于年份的英语翻译来自英汉大词典,希望对您学习年份的英语有帮助。年份的汉英大词典