In case of
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
年龄比例Age Distribution;Age Ratio
使用年数比例折旧法sum-of-the-years-digits depreciation method;digits depreciation method
成年惯例Mturity usage
半年期惯例half-year convention
今年也不例外This year is no exception
年报条例the Act on Annual Accounts
年比例法Rule of Scale by Year
精彩搜罗例年畅销作品A Moment like This
Take the case of the Alaska Ranger, a 184-foot trawler that sank in the Bering Sea in 2008.
Since 1984, 7 cases of injuries of cauda equina have been treated.
First, the typhoons which regularly strike the place are simply too powerful. (in 2003, for example, such a storm crippled six turbines on Miyakojima, near Okinawa.)
The classic case was discovered by Paul Broca in 1861.
Since the birth of the first " test tube baby" in 1978, more than three million children have been born with the help of reproductive technology.
英国国家统计办公室的数字表明,英格兰与威尔士的离婚数字在2008年降到了121 779例,是1975年以来的最低数字,当时有120 522对夫妇离婚。
Figures from the Office for National Statistics show the number of divorces in England and Wales fell to 121, 779 in 2008, the lowest number since 1975 when there were 120, 522 divorces.
In the US, there were 57 documented cases of occupational HIV transmission up to 2006.
在澳大利亚,大多数布鲁里溃疡病病例是最近报告的- 2004年25例,2005年47例和2006年72例。
In Australia, more cases of BU are being reported recently - 25 in 2004, 47 in 2005 and 72 in 2006.
自2007年以来,该国持续发生1型脊髓灰质炎病毒疫情。 2007年报告发生8例病例,2008年和2009年分别发生29例。
The country has had a persistent outbreak of poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) since 2007, where 8 cases were reported that year, and 29 cases each in 2008 and 2009.
According to the Death Penalty Information Centre, the number has dropped from a recent peak of 98 in 1999 to 46 in 2010.
At the 2006 event, the 64 games played recorded a total of 147 goals at an average of 2.30.
Polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1988, from an estimated 350 000 cases then, to 1604 reported cases in 2009.
Polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1988, from an estimated 350 000 cases then, to 1 349 reported cases in 2010.
The new estimates show that the number of stillbirths worldwide has declined by only 1.1% per year, from 3 million in 1995 to 2.6 million in 2009.
Name-change cases over all increased at the court to 3, 109 in 2009 from 202 in 1995, but officials said they did not keep count of the reasons for the requests.
Only 1,797 cases of guinea-worm disease were reported in 2010, compared with 3.5 million in 1986.
Global polio eradication efforts have reduced the number of polio cases from 350 000 annually in 1988 to 1163 cases in 2005 (as of 6 September).
Since the 1988 launch of the Global polio Eradication Initiative, the number of annual polio cases has been reduced by more than 99%, from 350 000 to 1 265 in 2004.
Latest figures from UK National Statistics show there were 7, 826 conceptions in under-16s in 2006 - down 1, 000 from 10 years earlier.
Last year alone, we had five cancer cases.
全球根除努力已将脊髓灰质炎病例数从1988年每年35万例减少到2005年(截至到10月11日)1 349例。
Global eradication efforts have reduced the number of polio cases from 350 000 annually in 1988 to 1 349 cases in 2005 (as of 11 October).
As at 13 September 2011, Pakistan had reported 84 cases, compared to 48 cases for the same period in 2010.
But in 2003, says the report, 19.7m of these were unsafe, clandestine abortions. The Numbers of those have hardly changed from 1995, when there were 19.9m.
Most recent official statistics show that the number of marriages annually in England and Wales fell from 351,973 in 1981 to 270,700 in 2004.
以1970- 1971年为例,只有9%的商学生是妇女,而在1984 - 1985年,比例上升到45%。
In 1970-71, for example, only 9 percent of business majors were women; by 1984-85, their proportion was 45 percent.
以1970- 1971年为例,只有9%的商学生是妇女,而在1984 - 1985年,比例上升到45%。
In 1970-71, for example, only 9 percent of business majors were women; by 1984-85, their proportion was 45 percent.
年例 年例是广东省茂名市、湛江市全市各农村的一个独特的汉族传统民俗节日,所谓年例,即是年年有例!在汉族众多传统节日中,春节可算是最为热闹的。然而在茂名全市乃至湛江吴川一带,有一个比春节还要重要的节日,那就是具有地方特色的民间文化习俗——年例。在年例这一天,村子就是饭桶的天堂,其热闹程度从交通状况就可见一斑——专门交警到场指挥,下午5、6点高峰交通近乎瘫痪。年例融民间艺术、宗教信仰、文化娱乐为一体的汉族传统民俗盛会,倾注着汉族劳动人民的朴素情感并以其独特的艺术思维浓厚的生活气息,也表达了汉族劳动人民对美好生活的祈求。 年例期是粤西地区经济发展的一大动力。年例宴客最少都摆三五围酒席,期间肉菜水果市场物价明显上涨;为了最好地迎接年例,村民修路造桥,进行各种基础设施建设,自家屋子添置各种家具电器,进行各种装修;请来歌舞艺术团助兴等,很好地促进了地方经济的发展。 “年例”的另一种含义是指古代大户人家“每年按例发放给子女或仆人们的银子”。如《红楼梦》第49回:凤姐打发了平儿来回复不能来,为发放年例正忙。