




  • n. quantum

  • adj. gross

  • misc.integral dose ; volume dose


... entire quantity整个数量 total quantity总量 further quantity更多的数量 ...

... 总均值 Grand mean 总量 Amounts 总平方和 Total sum of square ...

... Sprayed Stroke飞溅笔触 Sumi-e总量 Distort扭曲变形滤镜 ...

... 浊点cloud point 总量total content 压漏单薄田层leakage of t你好n layer ...


总量[zǒng liàng]

  • total; aggregate; inventory; summation; all quantity
  • 短语:
    • 总量分析 macroanalysis;
    • 总量生产函数 aggregate production function


  • 经济总量economic aggregate;total economic output;aggregate economic output;economic ag GREgate

  • 能源消费总量total energy consumption

  • 邮政业务总量post services

  • 电信业务总量telecommunication services

  • 污染物总量控制aggregate emissions control;total pollution load control;total amount control of pollutant;pollutant gross-control

  • 全年能源消费总量total energy consumption

  • 一次能源消费总量primary energy consumption

  • 二氧化硫排放总量sulfur dioxide emissions

  • 合理控制能源消费总量keep aggregate energy consumption at a reasonable level



August registrations have gone ballistic, accounting now for a quarter of the annual total.


The gross revenue of outdoors advertisement mount up year by year.


The total amount of the work that we can get out is just given by the area inside this curve.


Changes in eccentricity, tilt and wobble do not affect the total amount of solar radiation Earth receives in a year.


The total amount of ice is even more awesome if we estimate the water released upon the hypothetical melting of the world's glaciers.


In this case, the total fat, which is twelve grams, constitutes 18% of a day's allowance of fat for the typical 200 calorie diet.


Adenosine then binds to more and more sites on cells in certain areas of the brain, as the total amount released gradually increases during wakefulness.


In order to reduce the amount of residue ash Shelbyville generates this year to half of last year's total, the city has revamped its collection program.


The passage's suggestion that the total anaerobic energy reserves of a vertebrate are proportional to the vertebrate's size is based on which of the following assumption?


Their approach is flexible enough that in principle other important quality-of-life changes could be incorporated—for example, decreases in total emissions of pollutants and declines in crime rates.


On the couple's second kiss, scientists were able to detect the volume of bacteria transferred to the other partner.


He was interested in individual differences, not just in the overall volume of flatus, but in the differing percentages of constituent gases.


The Kyoto Protocol, which set different duties for all countries to cut emissions, states that different countries should reduce their collective greenhouse emissions accordingly.


By pumping more than 1 million barrels a day from the reserve for the next two three decades, lobbyists claim, the nation could cut back on imports equivalent to all shipments to the U.


Energy to power machinery, both on the farm and in the storage and processing facilities, adds to the energy total, which currently represents about 3.1% of annual global energy consumption.


Steam power did not merely spin cotton and roll iron; early in the new century, it also multiplied ten times over the amount of paper that a single worker could produce in a day.


It was just 6% of total world factoring volumes in 1991, according to Factors Chain International.


Both groups consumed the same total calories.


Load is the amount of pressure against a Web site.


The supply is the sum total of everything for sale.


This is the amount of smoke that we are losing per unit time.


QUANTIFYING the amount of information that exists in the world is hard.


It tells you the amount of sources per unit portion of the region.


The total logical memory was larger than the shared memory pool.


The total supply of money and credit will be increased by an appropriate amount.


This is a significant amount when compared to total memory.


That's the amount of smoke through s per unit time.


The amount of pesticides present as residues on food is miniscule.


Total music recordings are down considerably due to the competition from digital sales.


Given continued needs, these totals are still increasing.


He had a famous phrase to express this idea, "The quantity of pleasure being equal, pushpin is as good as poetry."


So this will be total quantity of goods produced by Firm 1 and goods produced by Firm 2 that are consumed.


How many moles of gas are there in each case, in reactants and products? If that changes, of course you know that the pressure in there is going to change at constant volume if the amount of gas in there is changing.


And, seawater contains only 3.7% of the total magnesium present 7% in the Earth's crust.


In this case, the total fat, which is twelve grams, constitutes 18% of a day's allowance of fat for the typical 200 calorie diet.


Different amount of metabolic activity because one has a greater volume of cytoplasm than the other, for example, so these are exactly the right kinds of ideas.


The New York Times says the legislation falls far-short of many European governments and many environmentalists said it needed it What does Thomas Sowell has to say about the cap and trade legislation?


G We can take the derivative of G with respect to how much material there is.


Are people eating too much of everything, or are they eating too much of certain things?


I mean they were underestimating the amount they were eating so it was--it worked in-- it made them look better then they were actually doing.


The amount of marketing, the total marketing burden has gone way up over the years.


Then you can look at how this stacks up for a person that has a 200 calorie diet or a 2500 calorie diet, and it'll show things like total fat, cholesterol, sodium, and total carbohydrate.


in spite of the fact that we take a variety of chemicals into our bodies in different ways and we have to do that to stay alive, but we have mechanisms to control this very well.


What about estimating the amount? Go ahead.


you tell me you believe American people should understand about each, We talked about stimulus, and you argues that it is not simulative at all, the cap and trade global warming bill passed the housein late June and now move to the Senate.


So we actually had the foods on a plate or in a bowl, or in a glass, and we had--we asked them to estimate how much of the food there was, how many ounces they were seeing, and then how many calories there were.


Now, of course, there are denominator issues here because we started with a much higher base rate than these other countries, but if you think about the size of the populations there, the number of people who are going to become diabetic in the next twenty-five years is really very frightening.


Well Jenkins makes the argument that people are eating too much of everything, and that every part of the diet is being over-consumed and--except for things like fiber, which is being under-consumed, but every sort of thing that people should be eating less of is being over-consumed.


Of course you guys are savvy enough to know this, but a lot of people get fooled because many people believe that a serving is what's ever in a bag, or a bottle, or a box, and they don't look and see how many servings are actually in it.



总量 总量即总的数量,证券市场上指买进与卖出量的总和。
