Fight wars
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激斗战车Crush Gear Turbo
斗战圣靴Battle Pack
战斗力combat capability;combat effectiveness;Fighting
战斗机[航][军]Fighter;fighter aircraft;jet fighter
斗战江山Fighting Land
战斗力生成模式mode of increasing combat effectiveness;the mode of generating combat capabilities
A squadron of F-15 fighters is on its way home.
Roman centurions needed a special kind of shoe in order to protect them in battle.
While benefits of the poor and elderly are to be cut, the Pentagon is trying to forge ahead with its $1 trillion F-35 fighter purchase.
一些分析家称中国对苏- 27和苏- 30战斗机并不是完全满意,对这些军备的保养和供应零件(从俄罗斯)都要费些周折。
Some analysts say the Chinese have not been entirely pleased with their Su-27 and Su-30 fighters. Keeping them maintained and supplied with spare parts (from Russia) has not been easy.
The wreckage in Abbottabad appeared to have exotic coatings and distinct surfaces and edges reminiscent of stealth aircraft such as the B-2 bomber and the F-22 fighter, aviation experts say.
现在,最后一丝希望寄托在英国和美国同时进行的一项实验结果上,那就是为北美航空公司(NAA)设计的P - 51战斗机装上劳斯莱斯公司设计的“灰背隼”引擎。
The only glimmer of hope was the outcome of experiments being made in England and the US to mate the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine to the airframe of the North American Aviation (NAA) P-51.
It represents the apogee of a decade of hard and often inglorious fighting by American troops, and a reorientation of the world's most formidable war machine.
This training is beneficial to both the U.S. Air Force and JASDF, said Capt. Scott Taylor, an instructor pilot with the 95th Fighter Squadron from Tyndall AFB.
罗马尼亚国家最高国防委员会(CSAT)3月23日宣布,该国将购买24架二手的F - 16战斗机,以改造其空军力量。
BUCHAREST, Romania - Romania will purchase 24 secondhand F-16 fighter jets in an effort to revamp its Air Force, the country's Supreme Defense Council (CSAT) announced March 23.
2009年,挪威的F - 16战斗机紧急起飞39次,响应俄罗斯接近挪威领空的空军活动。
Norwegian F-16 fighter jets scrambled 39 times in 2009 in response to Russian air Force activities close to Norwegian airspace.
例如,这些限制,使得我们几乎不可能出售F - 22战斗机给日本。
For example, there are restrictions that make it all but impossible to sell F-22s to Japan.
P - 3战斗机使用了先进雷达,与飓风任务中的佩吉小姐类似。
Combat P-3s use some of the same advanced radar miss Piggy employs on hurricane missions.
美国空军也将经营新的F - 35的变种A型,一种传统的起飞和着陆战斗机。
The U. S. Air Force also will operate an F-35 variant, the a model, a conventional takeoff-and-landing fighter.
该接收机在F - 15战斗机上形成一个典型的战术电子战系统(TEWS)的一部分。
It typically forms a part of the Tactical Electronic Warfare Suite (TEWS) on F-15 fighters.
Some analysts say the Chinese have not been entirely pleased with their Su-27 and Su-30 fighters.
The BlueArc solution plays a part in the final testing of software for quality assurance before it is implemented in F16 aircraft.
一个国会委员会相继投票通过继续建造F - 22战斗机和其他比扎罗项目。
One congressional committee after another voted to keep building F-22s and other Bizarro projects.
The production crew sent scouts to seven different Air Force bases and several Army installations before deciding on Holloman and the F-117 wing.
通讯说,两架苏- 25战斗机和一架苏- 24轰炸机被俄罗斯的防空系统击落,而不是由格鲁吉亚射中。
The newsletter said that two Su-25 jets and one Su-24 bomber were shot down by Russia \ 's own air defense systems and not by Georgian fire.
在礼堂的中心,摆放着苏- 15战斗机,它就是众所周知的1983年事故的战斗机。
At the very center of the auditorium sits down a SU-15 fighter jet which is notoriously known for the accident in 1983.
该报告还指出,因f - 16战斗机将逐渐淘汰,空军希望使用f - 35来满足“两用型战斗机的需求”,即可以投掷常规武器和核武器。
According to the review, the Air Force wants to "retain a dual-capable fighter" that can drop both conventional and nuclear weapons as the F-16 Fighting Falcon is phased out and replaced by the F-35.
The U.S. recently approved to export F-16 fighters to Pakistan. What influence will it bring to the military cooperation between China and Pakistan?
The alert level "is now at a higher class" than in 2002, says Air Force Brig. Gen. Jung Jae-bu, commander of the 20th Fighter Wing.
The fighting flared up last Saturday with heavy losses on both sides.
该公司说,新的训练系统以Cubic公司的基于吊舱的P - 5战斗训练系统为基础。
The new training system is based on Cubic's pod-based P-5 combat training system technology, the company said.
在庆典上,空军飞行表演队的歼- 10和歼- 7战斗机进行了空中飞行表演,此外空军的伞兵也进行了跳伞表演。
J-10 and J-7 fighters from the Air Force's performance team had a fly-by and paratroopers performed skydiving as part of the celebration programs.
TO SAY that Joe Frazier had a left hook was like saying the Tomcat jet fighter is an aeroplane.
举个例子,比利时派遣4架F - 16战斗机和150名军事人员去帮助利比亚禁飞区。
For example, Belgium sent four F-16 jets and 150 military personnel to help with the Libyan no-fly zone.
举个例子,比利时派遣4架F - 16战斗机和150名军事人员去帮助利比亚禁飞区。
For example, Belgium sent four F-16 jets and 150 military personnel to help with the Libyan no-fly zone.
斗战 "斗战"是个多义词,它可以指斗战(战斗),斗战(《斗战神OL》插曲)。