TOTEL上会显示已做的题目数测试方法:如需要测试BEEP声,可以按如下方法测试:只需在times里面输入总作题时间(mins): 1在question amount里输入题量: 30按回车开始: 则每隔两秒应该听到一声BEEP..
...繁发送,总线负载加大,所以需要一个约束时间来进行“滤波”,这个时间单位为0.1ms; ■Event timer事件定时器触发的时间(单位ms):定时发送的PDO,它的定时时间,如果这个时间为0,则这个PDO为事件改变发送。
- time; hour:
19 hours Beijing time;
school hours;
- 短语:
- 时间编码 time encoding;
- 时间变化 time variation;
- 时间变化系统 time varying system;
- 时间变换 time change;
- 时间变量 time variable;
- 时间变率 time rate of change;
- 时间变数 time variable;
- (分析扰动的)时间标度 airsecond;
- 时间标度 time scale; time scaling;
- 时间标记 time mark; timing mark; timing;
- 时间标志脉冲 timing pip;
- 时间标志系统 timing system;
- 时间表 time schedule; time card; timetable; schedule;
- 时间不变系统 time invariant system;
- 时间不可逆性 time irreversibility;
- 时间参数 time parameter; time quantity;
- 时间测量 chronometry; time measurement; timing;
- 时间差距 lead time;
- 时间层序 temporal sequence;
- 时间颤动 time flutter;
- 时间常数 {物} lag coefficient; characteristic time; time constant;
- 时间常数项 time constant term;
- 时间成本权衡法 time cost tradeoff;
- 时间程序指令 time program command;
- 时间尺度 time scale;
- 时间畴 time domain;
- 时间词 word denoting time;
- 时间导数 time derivative;
- 时间等温线 chronoisotherm;
- 时间地层单位 time-stratigraphic unit; chronolith; chronolithologic unit; chronostratic unit; chronostratigraphic unit; time-rock unit;
- 时间地层学 time stratigraphy;
- 时间电流特性 time-current characteristic;
- 时间定额 time rating;
- 时间抖动 time jitter;
- 时间段 time slot;
- 时间发送器 timer;
- 时间反符合电路 time-anticoincidence circuit;
- 时间反转 time reversal;
- 时间反演不变性 time reversion invariance;
- 时间范围 time frame; time horizon; time range;
- 时间方位 time aziniuth;
- 时间-方位显示器 time-bearing display;
- 时间放大倍数 {摄} time magnification;
- 时间分辨常数 time resolution constant;
- 时间分辨力 time sense;
- 时间分辨率 {摄} time resolution;
- 时间分辨特性 time resolution characteristics;
- 时间分割伴音 time-division sound; tidisound;
- 时间分割多路传输 time-division multiplex transmission; time-multiplex transmission;
- 时间分割多路复用 time-division multiplex (电报);
- 时间分割多路通信制 time-division multiplex communication system; multiplex time division system;
- 时间分割管 time-division tube; time-sharing tube;
- 时间分割激光器 time-sharing;
- 时间分割式分压 voltage division by time division;
- 时间分割制 time-division system;
- 时间分割制交换机 time-division switching system;
- 时间分隔多路电报制 time-division multiplex telegraph system;
- 时间分集 time diversity;
- 时间分类 temporal classification;
- 时间分配 time allocation; time-sharing; timing;
- 时间-分配放大器 time-shared amplifier;
- 时间分选 time sorting;
- 时间分支信道 time-derived channel;
- 时间风向温度图 chronoanemoisothermal diagram;
- 时间幅度[振幅]转换器 time-to-amplitude converter;
- 时间服务 time service;
- 时间符合电路 time-coincidence circuit;
- 时间工作[服务] time service;
- 时间关联 association in time; time correlation;
- 时间函数 function of time; time function;
- 时间互换性 time reversibility;
- 时间晃动 gitter;
- 时间基点 time origin;
- 时间基因 temporal gene;
- 时间基准 time standards;
- 时间几何学 chronogeometry;
- 时间记号 tick;
- 时间记录器 time regulator;
- 时间记忆 {生} time memory;
- 时间剂量分布 temporal dose distribution;
- 时间计量 time measurement;
- 时间计量系统 time measurement system;
- 时间继电器 time relay; timing unit;
- 时间鉴别电路 time-discriminating circuit;
- 时间奖励计划 time-premium plan;
- 时间校准 time calibration;
- 时间结构 time structure;
- 时间累加器 time totalizer;
- 时间利用率 time availability;
- 时间量程 time scale;
- 时间量化控制 time quantized control;
- 时间量子法 time-quantum method;
- 时间流逝 time lapse;
- 时间滤波器 temporal filter;
- 时间码 timing code;
- 时间脉冲 time pulse;
- 时间-脉冲乘法器 mark-space multiplier; time-division multiplier;
- 时间门 time gate;
- 时间密集 time intensive;
- 时间旁瓣 time sidelobe;
- 时间配置 time allocation;
- 时间膨胀 time dilatation; time dilation;
- 时间-频率对偶性 time-frequency duality;
- 时间频率防撞系统 time-frequency collision avoidance system (T-F CAS);
- 时间区分 timing separation;
- 时间曲线 {航} time front; hour-out line; time curve;
- 时间扫描变像管 time-scanned image converter;
- 时间生物学 chronobiology;
- 时间-事件分析 time-event analyses;
- 时间矢量 time vector;
- 时间数列分解 time-series decomposition;
- 时间数列分析 time-series analysis;
- 时间-数字变换器 time-to-number converter;
- 时间损失 loss of time;
- 时间缩短 time contraction;
- 时间套汇 time arbitrage;
- 时间特性 time response;
- 时间调制 time modulation (T. M.);
- 时间跳动 time jitter;
- 时间同步 time synchronization;
- 时间同步器 synchrotimer;
- 时间投影室 time projection chamber;
- 时间图 time diagram; diagram on the plane of the celestial equator; diagram on the plane of the equinoctial;
- 时间推移 lapse; time-lapse;
- 时间拖延 time-lag;
- 时间微商 time derivative;
- 时间稳定性 time stability;
- 时间无关理论 time-independent theory;
- 时间误差 time error;
- 时间限制电路 gate;
- 时间响应 time response;
- 时间响应特性 time resolution characteristics;
- 时间相角 time-phase angle;
- 时间相位 time phase;
- 时间-相移 time-phase displacement;
- 时间消隐 time blanking;
- 时间效率 time efficiency;
- 时间效用 time utility;
- 时间协调 time coordination;
- 时间信号 time signal;
- 时间信息 temporal information;
- 时间性 timeliness; temporality; on time; transitory;
- 时间选择电路 time selection circuit;
- 时间选择性干扰 time selective jamming;
- 时间选择性衰落 time selective fading;
- 时间压缩 time compression; time-lapse;
- 时间压缩相关器 compressed-time correlator;
- 时间研究 time study;
- 时间延迟 time delay;
- 时间延滞系数 time lag coefficient;
- 时间遗传学 chronogenetics;
- 时间意识 time consciousness;
- 时间因数 time factor;
- 时间引信 time faze;
- 时间优势 jump;
- 时间诱导 temporal induction;
- 时间域 time-domain;
- 时间予分配多址 time-preassigned multiple access;
- 时间预测方法 time forecasting methods;
- 时间元 tempon;
- 时间元件 time element;
- 时间知觉 {心} time perception;
- 时间指示器 time marker;
- 时间滞后 {军} time lag;
- 时间中心差法 leapfrog;
- 时间中央差centered time difference;
- 时间中医学{中医} time medicine;
- 时间轴 time shaft; time axis;
- 时间主控系统 time reference system (TRS);
- 时间转换 time reversal;
- 时间最佳 time optimal
时间性time; intratemporal;time; intratemporal; Zeitlichheit;Zeitlichkeit
时间线Timeline;Star Trek Timelines;Top Klout Moments
时间管理Time management;GTD;Getting Things Done;Mytimesheet
存在与时间Being and Time; Sein und Zeit;Being and Time
时间机器Time Machine;The Time Mveryine;The Time Mvery singleine;HourFace
时间简史A Brief History of Time;The brief history of time;Beyond the Horizon;DivX
等待时间[计]latency time;wait time;[计][通信]waiting time;queue time
反应时间[电]Response time;[生理]reaction time;GTG;ms
I was so intent on my work that I didn't notice the time.
The size of the chicken pieces will determine the cooking time.
What's the right time?
There was only time for a brief exchange.
We killed time playing cards.
I don't have much free time.
The timetable was hopelessly optimistic.
Hurry— there's no time to lose !
She knew that time was slipping away.
I had no time to prepare.
It'll take her time to recover from the illness.
The time for discussion is past.
It took a great deal of time.
We didn't have much time.
Do you have much free time?
The time fairly raced by.
Time dragged terribly.
He asked me the time.
You have heaps of time.
Time is a great healer.
Time is moving on.
Take as much time as you like.
Tonight the nation switches from daylight-saving time to standard time.
I work long and unsocial hours.
Sorry I took so long.
We were just messing around playing with paint.
Embarkation will be at 14:20 hours.
The sun came out, briefly.
Repairs to the cable did not take too long.
The telephone call came shortly before dinnertime.
Another value for community learning we set up to have office hours, synchronized office hours, with the students and the professor.
I mean parties are fun, but there's not too much time to party, not too much time for study.
Right, leading trips everywhere from 7 days to 78 days, and so it was an extended wilderness tracking program.
We know that charge is equal to the integral of current times the time. And he knows the current, he knows how much time and then he weighs this.
Remember, language exists synchronically: it only exists in a moment, in a moment of simultaneity.
This is why he's continually placing the imaginative origin of the poem back to the very dawn of time, perhaps even back before if you can imagine such a time -- before the very dawn of time.
It has units of time, it represents the price of time, and it is something that fluctuates through time in interesting patterns.
I ask you for the running time of this algorithm and you give me the running time in terms of the running time, right.
You've got to ask yourself, let the time it takes to do a full circle, that's the time period, do a full circle.
And an important thing to remember when we talk about resonance hybrids is that the structure it's not 1/2 the time this structure, and 1/2 of the time this structure, it's actually some combination or some average between the two structures.
We know that there's an extended through space and time, space-time worm, a person.
Machiavelli said in that famous chapter 25, that the prince, if he is lucky, will master fortuna about half the time, only about 50% of the time.
But what lasted longer than Alexis was the Europeanization of Russian culture.
Like I said, with the most valuable resource being the president's time, a lot of efficiently running White House time is spent on how to allocate that precious resource.
Actually it sort of strucks me like that that's certain message sort of time and I think of computer now. People always use them. I thought that save us time. Some've seemed to have more work.
So basically, the whole society was spending all of the time raising enough food just to support life and there was only 5% left over and that ended up being used in ways like this.
Time. Okay, pitch and time and pitch and duration, excellent, so those are the two dimensions of music and well, indeed we could even call them the axes of music because we tend to think of pitch on a vertical axis.
This was even longer than that. But also I would have to write this thing for one of the classes,
Throughout the class, starting next week, we'll take what I called, " "time-ins" as opposed to "time-outs".
You could come by during my office hours, which are on the syllabus, and you could send me e-mail and set up an appointment.
The precision of that,of course, is not to be taken seriously, but it gives you a general idea of when we are talking about.
So, you'll have a time, and you'll go to the same time on the Tuesday and on the Thursday.
I don't have as heavy teaching loads, which makes it possible for me to write, as some colleagues at other schools where the teaching load is so heavy that it's very hard to get writing done.
The goal of virtual office hours is if you're sitting down in mather or the quad or wherever, even off campus on some weekend, we'll still hold, not as many, but some virtual office hours.
A mule is not spending 1/2 of its time as a donkey, and 1/2 of its time as a horse, we don't see it flickering back and forth between the two, that's not what we see.
Because we made time and space independently, was we in fact violating the time-out rule?
What makes the 1990 car stage a stage in the very same car the extended through space and time worm car as the 2006 stage?
All right. So I suppose in the time remaining and, alas, there isn't a lot of it we'd better ask what "language" is. We've talked about it.
No, the discussion sections are Tuesday afternoon from 1:00-2:00, and Tuesday night from 8:00-10:00, and the website has got all the details on when and where. Yes?