On the bright
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
清明上河图Along the River During the Qingming Festival;Riverside Scene at qing ming Festival;qing ming Festival;City Of Cathay
订明上限prescribed limit
小明上学迟到了Bob late for school;Bob was late for school;late Ming school
清明上河园QingmingShanghe Park;qing ming Riverside Landscape Garden;Millennium City Park
掌上明珠Sisters of Pearl;the apple of one's eye;Jicky;apple of the eye
透明上衣及白色长裤Alex wang
开封清明上河园Kaifeng Millennium City;Kaifeng on Tomb-River Park
证得持明上师Awareness Holder
Specializing in nanochemistry allowed Khare to reduve the size of her invention. ' Really working at the nanoscale to make significant advances in many different fields. '
She had had the foresight to prepare herself financially in case of an accident.
Sir Alexander Fleming did not, as legend would have it, look at the mold on a piece of cheese and get the idea for penicillin there and then.
Badmin was able to beat Bill at billiards, but Bill always beat Badmin badly at badminton.
The definition of the coastal line (datums of island, uncoverd neaf and lighthouse) is more clarified on the basis of scientific location.
Indeed, we should note just how prescient the latter have been.
Behind the hotel, a sister building serves as the headquarters of Himin Solar Corporation, which claims to have installed more renewable energy than any other company on Earth.
Ming no longer makes cupcakes on her site, but her pistachio olive oil cake with FIG compote filling and cream cheese frosting lives on in our archive, as one of your favorite cakes.
Chilean Alonso Ceardi poses with a picture that shows when he was severely gored during the running of the bulls at the 2010 San Fermin Festival in Pamplona.
In fact, at least one study found ginger to work just as well as Dramamine (dimenhydrinate) and other nausea-stopping drugs, with the added benefit that it doesn't make you sleepy.
Fangshan lies on the shores of the lake in Beihai Park; dragons curl across its ceilings and the dining rooms shimmer with gold and imperial yellow.
The brave, and the foolhardy, run with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, at the festival of San fermin, dating back 420 years.
At 5mm tall, this teddy bear by German artist Bettina Kaminski is the World's Smallest teddy bear.
I carried them inside and then, lying on the floor, I played the Mingus over and over again until I fell asleep.
Masaaki Shirakawa of Japan, another surplus country, advises against getting too hung up on current-account imbalances.
New York City, the largest city in the U.S., isn't on the list, for example, and neither is Minneapolis, which was named the most-literate city in the country back in 2008.
[The Analytical Engine] is actually quite fast given that it's all in cogs, so Babbage was thinking about something relatively powerful.
The thing about 2001 isn't that it was especially prescient, certainly not in the way that Minority Report is.It's very much a product of its time.
Revealed their findings in January in a prescient paper called "the Pig as a Mixing Vessel for Influenza Viruses," published in the Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine.
南加州资深经销商卡明斯(Cliff Cummings)在去年3月有十几位经销商参加的一个牛排晚餐上警告丰田章男说,高定价是一条错误的道路。
Cliff Cummings, a veteran southern California dealer, warned Mr. Toyoda over a steak dinner with a dozen other dealers last March that premium pricing was the wrong way to go.
不过,今年7月美国医学物理学家协会(American Association of Physicists in Medicine)在明尼阿波利斯会议上发布的一项公告有可能使这一现状得到改观。
An announcement at a meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, held in Minneapolis in July, could change this, however.
随着新千年的到来,纽约证交所(NewYork StockExchange)已经不言自明地成为一个庞大全球经济网络的节点,这个网络由美国人设计,也基本上为美国人所有。
As the new millennium dawned, the new York Stock Exchange was self-evidently the nodal point of a vast global economic network that was American in design and largely American in ownership.
The study — conducted by the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the University of Minnesota — appears in the Oct. 28 issue of the Journal of Neural Engineering.
The study — conducted by the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the University of Minnesota — appears in the Oct. 28 issue of the Journal of Neural Engineering.
There are also all kinds of paradoxes and subtle puns and ironies, and in section where you'll be doing a lot of your close reading work, those are some of the things that will be drawn to your attention.
明上 míng shàng 明上 【释义】犹圣上。对君王或非君主级别统治者的尊称。 【出处】《晏子春秋·问下二十》:“命之曰狂僻之民,明上之所禁也。” 吴则虞 集释引 钱熙祚 云:“《荀子注》作‘明主’。” 《三国志·魏志·张邈传》“还保城,不敢出” 裴松之 注引 汉 王粲 《英雄记》:“ 布 遣 许汜 、 王楷 告急于 术 …… 汜 楷 曰:‘明上今不救 布 ,为自败耳! 布 破,明上亦破也。’ 术 时僭号,故呼为明上。” 《三国演义》第十九回:“楷曰:‘明上今不相救,恐唇亡齿寒,亦非明上之福也。’” 清 赵翼 《陔馀丛考·至尊》:“又人主之称曰‘上’……又有称君为‘明上’者。”