Is is
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
是即是多Yes Is More
那就是数据即是服务Data as a Service;DAAS
The key is that even the smallest accomplishment must tie back to that big picture, like a brook that feeds into a river.
The two beneficial yeast, which create the unique character of Pu-erh tea are known as the yellow yeast and white yeast types.
1945年至1962年期间,受《加州艺术与建筑》杂志委托的才华横溢的现代建筑师们设计的“房屋案例研究作品集 ”,是对“少即是多”趋势的又一本土影响。
The "Case Study Houses" commissioned from talented modern architects by California Arts & Architecture magazine between 1945 and 1962 were yet another homegrown influence on the "less is more" trend.
Of more concern is that the plan, if it were approved, would neither shore up the financial system nor save the American economy.
But what he means is a technological miracle of the kind that happens from time to time. The steam engine, the automobile, the computer, the Internet are all miracles.
I have always been a fan of the effects in Ghostbusters, which is to say the mix of physical props with superimposed animation and a dash of claymation.
What one needs to add, however, is a story about Pudong, or Shanghai east of the river.
The universities are the fountains of civil and moral doctrine and have the obligation to teach the correct doctrine of rights and duties.
Life is sacred, that is to say, it is the supreme value, to which all other values are subordinate.
We are saying that it violates a perceived "natural order", which in theological terms is associated with a purpose for all things designated by God, and which must therefore be intrinsically "good".
The most important long term asset is "Property Plant and equipment" which is the cost of your capital equipment.
Better to have not had any of it, better to have not been born at all, say the pessimists, than to have this combination package of life followed by death.
SOA and REST are problematic to compare as they are different levels of abstraction, so if ROA is nothing more than REST, it also is problematic in comparing.
The difference is the increase in the number of apparent conflicts and their heightened significance, the fact that complexity, contradiction and paradox can be used to powerful effect.
Now if I do what I do not want I agree that the law is good, but in fact it is no longer I that do it, but the sin that dwells in me.
Drinking alcohol can raise blood pressure (though no one knows exactly why). If you drink, do so moderately—that means one drink a day for women, two drinks for men.
The talks are designed to accompany "Grain of Emptiness", an exhibition that explores Buddhist theories in contemporary art, particularly the concept of non-attachment-what is and what isn't.
A second way to establish a friendship with God is by thinking about his Word throughout your day.
The idea of probability theory is that no, you can't change things, there are all these objective laws of probability out there that guide everything.
The current clamour to do deals is driven by the belief that bigger is better.
The two views we are going to focus on are, on the one hand, the dualist view--people have souls as well as bodies--and the physicalist view--all we have, all we are, are bodies.
The somewhat outdated mantra "less is more" has probably never been more accurate than when it comes to nanotechnology.
What he's doing is saying, I want a little contribution from you so I want some support from you, both symbolic support and financial support.
Now, it's a high pressure and a low pressure system but this assures that even though the water is continuously coming out of the reactor it is able to be re-circulated and placed back into the core.
It was a mistake to emphasize the impersonal and to characterize seeing with the eye of ones neighbor as moral.
Myfreedom is my control of my own life-energy, for the uses of which I, alone, amtherefore responsible.
Myfreedom is my control of my own life-energy, for the uses of which I, alone, amtherefore responsible.
Copyright arose as a bourgeois idea. That is to say, "I possess my writing. I have an ownership relationship with my writing."
On Tuesday we'll turn to a more specific subject matter: hermeneutics, what hermeneutics is, how we can think about the nature of interpretation.
The ambition in some ways to unite philosophy and politics has been a recurring dream of political philosophy ever since Plato.
Because if you think about it, suicide doesn't change the fundamental nature of the human condition, life followed by death.
The administration of justice,which means deciding what is just, is the regulation of the partnership which is the polis.
4 So this is 16 times 4 equals 64 and though this is not proof by any means, it's not a formal proof because here is one example that happens to prove my point.
She speaks what Yeats calls in his general title for this group of poems Words for Music Perhaps.
This is what I'll be proposing over the course of this lecture: that memory is a problem that Paradise Lost is continually confronting.
So one thing that seems odd about the way we set up this model is that the voters are not evenly distributed.
You're doing eighth notes and the rest of us are doing-- other people are doing quarter notes. Okay.
The right thing to do individually or collectively is to maximize, act in a way that maximizes the overall level of happiness.
That's not really all that important for us because what's important for us is to see at this point, either 200 or 400,what was included and what was not.
Well, the energy of the photon, hv we know from Planck, is h nu, which is hc over lambda.
So, that's the basic insight in Modigliani and Miller, that share repurchase and dividend are really interchangeable; it's just all a conceptual difference.
That is, this is derived in the case for reversible paths.
We do encourage it, however, and in general, I find you don't have to give up that old team, you can keep your old team, even if it's teams I won't name, just keep them to the side.
The Republic belongs to that period of Plato's work after his return to Athens, after the execution of Socrates.
Is the just city, perhaps, that Socrates will later consider, ? a combination of these two of both force and persuasion?
And the answer--the short answer--is, Socrates, the character Socrates in the play, represents Plato, the author of the play's, philosophical views.
The polity is the regime that represents for Aristotlea mixture of the principles of oligarchy and democracy.
lstd So this is pretty-- similarly might we say this dash L STD for standard, for Standard I/O.
But the point that he admits is all, in a sense, that Socrates needs; justice is not power alone, justice requires knowledge.
Unfortunately, this thought, popular as it may be, that it takes one to know one, just seems false.
So what is this? This is Player 2's best response, so Player 1's best response to Player 2 producing half monopoly output.
If you fail to take the test, you get zero, and I average the zero in.
The idea of probability theory is that no, you can't change things, there are all these objective laws of probability out there that guide everything.
That is to say, if something causes literature, there must be some sort of authority behind it and therefore we find ourselves asking, "What is an author?"
He begins his Metaphysics, his great book the Metaphysics, : with the famous opening statement, " "All men have a desire to know."
It's better to have been born than never to-- even though that's followed by death-- than never to have been born at all.
So, that meant the concept that there is something that all of us are--have in common, that make us all Hellenes now exists.
是即是 条目: 是即是 拼音:shì jí shì 注音: ㄕㄧˋ ㄐㄧˊ ㄕㄧˋ 引证解释: 亦作“ 是则是 ”。虽则是;虽然是。金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷六:“是即是下梢相见,咱大小身心,时下打叠不过。” 宋 辛弃疾 《洞仙歌·开南溪初成赋》词:“是则是、一般弄扁舟,争知道他家,有箇 西子 。” 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷二:“是则是英雄临阵披重铠,倚仗着他家有手策,欲反 唐 朝世界。” 《水浒传》第五一回:“是则是你们兄弟好情意,只是忒毒些箇。”