dark face
... 毁灭行动(Demolition 101) 暗面(Blind Side) 坚守(Hold Up) ...
darkside什么意思_有道词典 ... Tales from the Darkside 妖夜传说 ; 恐怖边缘 Darkside of Xeen 暗面 Biohazard The Darkside Chricles 点编年史 ...
信息 中文名: 暗面 英文名:The Darkside 年份:2007 国家/地区: 西班牙 阿根廷 类别: 动画 惊悚 短片 动作 恐怖 科幻 动画 惊悚 短片 动作 恐怖 科幻 导演:导演基于3个网页 - 相
- dark face
月之暗面The Dark Side of the Moon;Dark side of the moon;below the asteroids;Moonlight Shadow
黑暗面The Hidden Face;La Cara Oculta;dark side of the Force
阴暗面Dark Side;the seamy side;dark face;Blindside
暗面之战dark side
光明的黑暗面Dark Side of Light
描写阴暗面description on dark-side
午夜的黑暗面The Dark Side of Midnight
爱的阴暗面Fotografando Patrizia
Chang'e 4 is the first lunar probe in history that has successfully landed on the "dark" side of the moon.
Luckily, everything goes well, Chang'e 4 has worked on the "dark" side for over 5 months.
So, what is the dark side of the moon?
This juxtaposition has been called Dark Side of the Rainbow.
Have you never seen the dark side of a dreamer?
Out of the dark side comes positive energy, energy that can transform your life.
It was taken by the spacecraft's narrow Angle camera and shows the dark, or unlit, side of the rings.
Debate about the exact nature of the dark side of the Universe - the dark matter and dark energy - continues to this day.
Your meager Jedi training is not enough to assure your success against the Dark Woman. Only the power of the dark side will destroy her.
Passers-by watch as Sky Arts pays tribute to Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon album cover, on Primrose Hill, London
The mission will map the moon from its core to its surface, including the far side of the moon which humans have never explored.
The Lunar Array for Radio Cosmology (LARC) would involve hundreds of small radio telescopes covering two square kilometers on the side of the moon that never faces Earth.
The causes of dull face bright points during aluminum foil double rolling were analysed. The preventive methods were examined to improve qualities of aluminum foils farther.
If instead we embrace our dark side, we can redeem and transform it, and bring new energy into our lives.
As NASA continues to explore the far side of the moon, people will no doubt continue to be fascinated by the "dark" side and continue to look for answers to illuminate its mystery.
Sometimes, they happen to see the orbits of exoplanets edge-on. In those cases, the planet alternately shows more of its dayside and then more of its nightside as it circles its star.
赖特在这支传奇的乐队中负责弹奏键盘,曾为经典专辑《DarkSide OfThe Moon》(《月之暗面》)、《Wish YouWereHere》(《希望你在这里》)作曲。
Wright played the keyboard with the legendary band and wrote music for classic albums Dark Side Of The Moon and Wish You Were Here.
He looked around as the glooming evening spread from shadow to shadow; streetlights were flickering on at random, doorways and corners beginning to look threatening.
The far side of the Moon is permanently turned away from us and at best we can only ever see one fifth of it.
The ray quivered to and fro, making her figure dim or distinct- now like a real child, now like a child's spirit- as the splendour went and came again.
It covers the moon's leading hemisphere - the side that faces forward as it moves in its orbit - which suggests that the black material has been swept up from space as the moon moves around Saturn.
照片长8英尺,宽4英尺,展现了棒旋星系NGC 1300。星光、炽热气体以及星际尘埃构成的暗云轮廓让这个星系呈现出极为美丽的一面。
The Hubble telescope captured a display of starlight, glowing gas, and silhouetted dark clouds of interstellar dust in this 4-foot-by-8-foot image of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1300.
People have many sides to show in the world, perhaps on only one side, while the other side there is this corner, or that hidden corners.
Secondly, numerous loess joint fractures are preferred plane of loess hidden holes and provide place for the transport and the storage of the groundwater.
The vertical plane of the dress and the upper arm are both darker than the forearm and the leg of the dress, which catch more light because they face more upward.
The jet sliding along the ridge on isentropic surface is consistent with the dark zone in WV image.
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Shiny art-paper as opposed to matt art or coated cartridge which have a dull finish .
Result:Face lift up, dropsy drainage and shape up the face outline. Detoxification to improve the status of dull and imbalance skin tone.
Result:Face lift up, dropsy drainage and shape up the face outline. Detoxification to improve the status of dull and imbalance skin tone.
暗面 元 李好古 《张生煮海》第四折:“有小女 琼莲,曾於夜间到 石佛寺 游玩,见一秀才抚琴,其曲有《凤求凰》之音,他两个暗面关情,遂许中秋赴会。”