




  • n.curve ; bight


个目标 外形东西(Shape Tool) 挑选编纂目标的局部,从左到右辨别是: 外形东西(Shape Tool):挑选、编纂曲线(Curves)以及节点(Node),以及调剂文本的字、行距离 切刀东西(Knife Tool):把一个目标依照所画曲线切开开 橡皮擦东西(Eraser Too..

...2.1,3.7-5.5,6.5-6.5" /> 注意看这里的坐标,是以M(moving)开头的,也就是说先移动到(0,0)这个点,然后才开始绘制曲线(curve)的。我们上面也提到过了,这时的path属性是相对于元素的相对位置的,所以刚才提到的(0,0)是圆的初始位置,而不是坐标系的左上角。

... Cut Keys裁剪关键帧 CVs CV曲线 Default Object Manipulator默认调节器 ...

B 样条曲线 (B-spline) 一类非常平滑的近似样条曲线。B 样条曲线(基本样条曲线)是完全近似 的:此类曲线通常仅在几个控制点位于同一直线时才通过其控...


曲线[qū xiàn]

  • {数} curve; bight; bought; profile; net
  • 短语:
    • 曲线板 French curve; irregular curve; curve board; spline;
    • 曲线半径 sweep;
    • 曲线笔 swivel pen; contour pen;
    • 曲线变换 curvilinear transformation;
    • 曲线表 curve table;
    • 曲线并集 curve union;
    • 曲线[波形]发生器 curve generator;
    • 曲线槽 cam slot;
    • 曲线测长计 rotameter;
    • 曲线测设 {地测} curve ranging;
    • 曲线产生器 curve generator;
    • 曲线超高 superrelation on curve;
    • 曲线尺 spline;
    • 曲线齿锥齿轮 conical gear with curved teeth;
    • 曲线丛 complex of curves;
    • 曲线定规 curve rulers;
    • 曲线读出器 curve reader;
    • 曲线分析器 curve analyzer;
    • 曲线峰点 high;
    • 曲线副法线球面指标 {数} spherical indicatrix of binormal to a curve;
    • 曲线复示器 curve follower;
    • 曲线复示器式函数发生器 curve-follower function generator;
    • 曲线跟随器 curve follower;
    • 曲线关系 curved line relation;
    • 曲线规 curve gauge;
    • 曲线轨迹 curvilinear path;
    • 曲线航法表 {航海} traverse table;
    • 曲线航行 {航海} traverse;
    • 曲线航行法 {航空} {航海} traverse sailing;
    • 曲线横断面 curved cross-section;
    • 曲线缓变弯折处 soft knee;
    • 曲线回归 {统} curvilinear regression;
    • 曲线汇 congruence of curves;
    • 曲线绘制器[仪] plotting device;
    • 曲线计 opisometer;
    • 曲线畸变{光} curvilinear distortion;
    • 曲线交叉 curved intersection;
    • 曲线角 curvilinear angle;
    • 曲线校正 {土} curvature correction;
    • 曲线截锯 lock saw;
    • 曲线近似压缩法 curve-fitting compaction;
    • 曲线锯 sweep-saw; turning saw; coping saw; scroll saw; compass saw;
    • 曲线连接杆 offset link;
    • 曲线梁 camber beam;
    • 曲线邻域 neighbourhood of a curve;
    • 曲线流动 quasi flow;
    • 曲线论 curve theory;
    • 曲线描绘器[仪] curve plotter;
    • 曲线磨床 profile grinder;
    • 曲线磨削 camber grinding;
    • 曲线拟合 curve-fitting;
    • 曲线拟合法 curve-fitting method; curve-fitting;
    • 曲线拟合压缩 [精简数据法] curve-fitting compaction;
    • 曲线起点 origin of curve;
    • 曲线桥 curved bridge;
    • 曲线球 bender;
    • 曲线积法 volume-curve method;
    • 曲线设定 curve setting;
    • 曲线设计 streamlining;
    • 曲线式 curvilinear style;
    • 曲线式样精简数据法 curve-pattern compaction;
    • 曲线收敛 curve convergence;
    • 曲线输出机[器] curve follower;
    • 曲线特性 curve characteristic;
    • 曲线图 diagram of curves; plot; curve; profile; curve diagram;
    • 曲线图型压缩 curve-pattern compaction;
    • 曲线图形 curvilinear figure;
    • 曲线外轨 high rail;
    • 曲线弯折 kink of curve;
    • 曲线网 grid;
    • 曲线网络 curvilinear net;
    • 曲线微分几何学 differential geometry;
    • 曲线斜率 slope of curve;
    • 曲线型式 curve profile;
    • 曲线形 shaped form;
    • 曲线形上弦杆 curved top chord;
    • 曲线形下弦杆 curved bottom chord;
    • 曲线形阴极 curved cathode;
    • 曲线修匀 graduation of curve;
    • 曲线样板 sweep gauge;
    • 曲线仪 curvometer;
    • 曲线因素 curve factor;
    • 曲线蛹状鱼 Bembrops;
    • 曲线阅读器 curve follower; {自} graph follower;
    • 曲线运动 curvilinear motion;
    • 曲线照相设备 photoplot;
    • 曲线折减率 curve compensation;
    • 曲线转折点 curve break;
    • 曲线锥 curved cone;
    • 曲线阻力 {力} resistance due to curvature; curve resistance;
    • 曲线组 set of curves;
    • 曲线坐标 curvilinear coordinates


  • 双曲线[数]hyperbola;hyperbolic line;rectangular hyperbola

  • 拉弗曲线Laffer Curve;[税收]Laffer curve;Lafayette College;Laffer-Kurve

  • 需求曲线[经]Demand curve;kinked demand curve;Individual demand curve;Curva di domanda


  • 椭圆曲线[数]elliptic curve;Elliptical Curve;Ellipse Curve Cryptography

  • ROC曲线ROC curve;receiver operator characteristic curve;roc plotting

  • 收益率曲线yield curve;inverted yield curve;haha yield curve;Benchmark Yield Curve

  • 曲线积分line integral;curvilinear integral;Curved Line Integral;curve integral

  • 无差异曲线indifference curve;Community Indifference Curves;curve di;Indifferenzkurve



The road curved around the bay.


The ball curved through the air.


We just change the curve into straight lines.


If a class is graded on a curve, cheating hurts others' grades.


The total amount of the work that we can get out is just given by the area inside this curve.


In such a case, the company's response may not be sufficiently quick or thoughtful, and the learning curve has been steep.


On the track, the form embodies power. Each curve and line is moulded for speed.


Irving Fisher also drew on the curve, a production possibility frontier for society, which he made downward-curved.


When we do this, we can see this probability distribution curve that has the maximum probability of finding an electron here.


The British assumed that carrying in sea level would extend an imaginary line from the shore along Earth's curve to a point beneath the Himalaya.


"The cool thing is, you can actually predict the curve, in many cases, " says company CEO Christopher Ahlberg.


Even if there is no curve, cheating "poisons" the classroom, and others may feel pressured to join in.


She was beautiful with her smooth curves, fair skin and raven hair, holding a gold arrow in one hand and a blood red apple in the other.


Now these segments are looking at slower growth curves—or shrinking markets in some cases—as consumers are not as eager to spend money on new gadgets.


We plotted about eight points on the graph.


The two unequal shorter sides of the curvilinear trapezoid of each building change their geometry every two floors.


A few blocks east of Gratiot, multicoloured polka dots, stripes and squiggles appear on the street, then the houses explode in a riot of colours and textures.


The results indicate that the metal flow curve wavily fluctuates.


That company has a perfectly elastic demand curve.


An example is the elimination of three consecutive reverse curves.


Dashed curves are for background levels.


Based on the elliptic curve cryptosystem, a multikey sharing scheme is used.


There are two binodal curves.


Galton broke a last lance for the use of the ogive curve.


The overall survival curves of the 2 cohorts were superimposable, the researchers commented.


The rapid growth results from the fact that the majority of the people fall into the middle of a left-skewed bell-shaped curve.


244 I/T curves of 111 cases including musculus tibialis anterior, musculus fibularis longus, musculus extensor hallucis longus were measured.


Isoquant curve is a line showing all the alternative combinations of two factors that can produce a given level of output.


The words suffixed with a curve are boldfaced in the printing.


How should I choose the orientation of my curves?


the total amount of the work that we can get out is just given by the area inside this curve.


The risk tolerance curve for the tens of thousands of people that we needed to hire, you just couldn't quite get them.


So, there's actually another way to graph it where we can directly graph the dissociation energy or the bond strengths.


So for the reversible process, the work done is the integral under the pressure volume state function, the function of state.


This curve here with the square shows you how many millions of vaccine doses were distributed across the U.S.


At any instant, your motion, if it follows any curve, locally can be approximated as being part of some circle.


Now, for those of you who took Economics 115 or equivalent, what is the name of this line I've just drawn?


I should be able to do nice bell-shaped curves, but it's harder than it looks standing up here; so that's your bell-shaped curve.


And we can just extrapolate in a straight line We before saw some examples where I had an algorithm to generate points, and we fit a curve to it, used the curve to predict future points and discovered it was nowhere close.


And insofar as we care about the overall shape of our lives, we might worry about wanting it to have the right shape overall.


Here's a twist, and if you found people who were less wonderful than you all, and asked them, you'd get a lot of people saying the curving thing.


The course is not FYI graded on the curve.


you would see something like this,a curve, a very simple shape.


There is no preferred orientation.


As people's weights get high -I'm sorry let's go back here, got a little trigger happy here -as weights go high, from left to right you see the risk of Diabetes gets really very high.


Wrev w reversible. in this case here let's see this is it's a pressure is going down.


And the equation of state, pressure versus volume at constant temperature, is going to have some form, let's just draw it in there like that.


And when we do that we can see this curve, this probability curve, where we have a maximum probability of finding the electron this far away from the nucleus.


So the velocity at any part of the curve is tangent to the curve at that point.


I constructed a series of home prices -that's the red line and the red line is -you can see how it's moved through history.


It's a demand curve. Thank you; it's a demand curve. That was the demand.


And we can actually better visualize this if we plot how that energy changes as a function of internuclear distance.


So there's going to be a line that's going to connect the initial point to the final point, and that line mathematically is not going to be the same as this one here.


So, this makes this chart shown in pink make a lot more sense, because if we're way out at very far distances, essentially what we have here is we're talking about two separate atoms.


In my diagram, I said that the tangency portfolio-- I estimated that the tangency portfolio is 9% oil, 27% stocks, and 64% bonds.


So, the example that we took on Monday and that we ended with when we ended class, was looking at the 1 s orbital for hydrogen atom, and what we could do is we could graph the radial probability as a function of radius here.


I can do that because it's reversible, and I can get a functional form out.


So for an irreversible process, I wouldn't really be allowed to put a path there.


This is the most famous bell-shaped curve, but there are other ones with different mathematics.


I can try other portfolios; this one right here--I'm pointing to a point on the pink line-- that point right there, 50% stocks, 50% bonds.



曲线 "曲线"是个多义词,它可以指曲线(Photoshop工具、微分几何学),曲线(汉语词语),曲线(数学名词),曲线(Harry O'Reilly执导影片)。
