In the chapter
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
周月章动[天]monthly nutation
日月章动[天]luni-solar nutation
三月章mikazuki akira
月球章动[天]lunar nutation
章月大酒店Shogetsu Grand Hotel
每月的文章Monthly article
一个每月文章a Monthly article
魔法百科2-月光之章Magic Encyclopedia - MoonLight
月球的臂章the armlet of the moon
摘自《国家地理》1993年9月文章《英国灌木篱墙》“Britain ' s Hedgerows”。
From "Britain's Hedgerows," September 1993, National Geographic magazine.
摘自《国家地理》1997年12月文章《还野生老虎一片生存空间》“Making Roomfor Wild Tigers”。
From "Making Room for Wild Tigers," December 1997, National Geographic magazine.
On February 16th, 2009, Wen drew away all the siphons from Hu and laid on her body to prevent doctors from saving her, which led to death at last.
Notwithstanding this, each association shall implement ChapterIII of these regulations from 1 January 2008.
南加州资深经销商卡明斯(Cliff Cummings)在去年3月有十几位经销商参加的一个牛排晚餐上警告丰田章男说,高定价是一条错误的道路。
Cliff Cummings, a veteran southern California dealer, warned Mr. Toyoda over a steak dinner with a dozen other dealers last March that premium pricing was the wrong way to go.
Only on February 5th did Akio Toyoda, 53, the scion of the founding family, appear in public to bow in apology-and even then critics complained that he did not bow deeply enough.
The next chapter in this absorbing drama was foretold on June 30th, in the latest education white paper.
I am the author of a 365-part fiction serial running at MargeryJones.com, and I have a piece of microfiction being featured in an upcoming HarperCollins fiction anthology on sale this June.
And on September 23rd Blockbuster filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in New York.
Copyright (c) 2005byAddison-Wesley; ISBN 0321286081,Addison-Wesley出版于 2005 年10 月,本文节选自第一章,1-12页。
Copyright (c) 2005 by Addison-Wesley; ISBN 0321286081, published October, 2005 by Addison-Wesley and excerpted from Chapter 1, pages 1-12.
Toyota President Akio Toyoda was outright emotional at his presentation when he said Japan was going through hard times after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan.
The younger Mr. Toyoda's appointment as president is pending shareholder approval in June.
One website dedicated to it, Fiction Alley, added 14 book chapters in November 2009 alone, together with many shorter works.
佳利报告于7月份完成,不过尚未公开发表。 报告以德文写成,盖有“最高机密”的章。
The firm's report, written in German and stamped 'top secret, ' was completed in July but hasn't been publicly released.
The firm's report, written in German and stamped 'top secret,' was completed in July but hasn't been publicly released.
2010年5月7日,中国驻澳大利亚大使章均赛应邀赴墨尔本出席澳太平洋协会(The PacificInstitute of Australia)举行的晚餐会,并就中国在世界新秩序中的作用发表主旨演讲。
On 7 May, Ambassador Zhang Junsai attended a dinner hosted by the Pacific Institute of Australia in Melbourne and delivered a keynote speech on China's role in the emerging world order.
文字说明摘自《国家地理》杂志1998年5月文章《灰狼的回归》“Return oftheGrayWolf”, 本照片专为本文拍摄,但最终并未随文刊出。
Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Return of the Gray Wolf, " May 1998, National Geographic magazine
In January 2009, the company announced Akio Toyoda would replace Mr. Watanabe as President in June.
Some managers with Toyota have questioned whether Mr. Toyoda, who took the President's job last June, is best equipped to lead it through the current crisis.
二月份,作为著名的“巴基斯坦先知之友”领导人,旁遮普省法律部长Rana Sanaullah坚持参加了章马南部城镇的一次候选人竞选活动。
Punjab’s minister of law, Rana Sanaullah, went on the campaign trail in February with the reputed head of Sipah-e-Sahaba, for a by-election in the southern town of Jhang.
二月份,作为著名的“巴基斯坦先知之友”领导人,旁遮普省法律部长Rana Sanaullah坚持参加了章马南部城镇的一次候选人竞选活动。
Punjab's minister of law, Rana Sanaullah, went on the campaign trail in February with the reputed head of Sipah-e-Sahaba, for a by-election in the southern town of Jhang.
Let's look at Colossians 2:16: Therefore do not let anyone condemn you in matters of food and drink, or of observing festivals, new moons or Sabbaths.
文字说明摘自《国家地理》杂志1999年12月文章《猎豹:草原上的幽灵》“Cheetahs: Ghosts ofthe Grasslands”,本照片专为本文拍摄,但最终并未随文刊出。
Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Cheetahs: Ghosts of the Grasslands," December 1999, National Geographic magazine.
本照片专为《国家地理》1997年10月文章《沿赞比西河而下》“Down the Zambezi”拍摄,但最终并未随文刊出。
Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine.
本照片专为《国家地理》1997年10月文章《沿赞比西河而下》“Down the Zambezi”拍摄,但最终并未随文刊出。
Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine.
月章 月章,读音yuè zhānɡ,汉语词语,意思是古代夜里行军用以指挥军队的旗章,也有另一种意思,植物名称。