be on the lookout ; keep watch
... A Beautiful Mind / 美丽心灵(电影) / Le guetteur / 望风 Le guetteur / 望风 ...
... 望得见 absehbar 望风 wachsam Ausschau halten; Schmiere stehen 类似的短语在字典Chinese German。 (74) ... 晚风 Abendwind 望风 wachsam Ausschau halten; Schmiere stehen 望风 望风披靡m;bend to the wind;flee pell-mell before;flee at the sight of 期望风险[数]expected risk 期望风速expected wind speed 望风者案Spanner-Fall 望春风Spring Breeze;Spring Wind;Towards The Spring Wind;Watching at Spring Wind 希望之风Gold Winds;Winds of Hope 遥望风景旖丽的鸭子岛Duck Key 望风而来come from all directions 望风而降everyone surrendered at the mere rumor of sb.'s coming 有一个人站在门口望风。 One of the men stood at the door to act as a lookout. 其中一个是拜尔的女朋友,她帮助策划了这次拙劣的入室盗窃并充当了望风者。 One of them, Bayer's girlfriend, helped plan the botched burglary and acted as a lookout. 那个小男孩喜欢为他的哥哥们望风。 That little boy likes to keep nix for his brothers. 那个小男孩喜欢为他的哥哥们望风。 That little boy likes to keep nix for his brothers . 请你站在这儿给我望望风好不好? Will you be so good as to stand guard ? 请你站在这儿给我望望风好不好? Will you be so good as to stand guard? 一周后我开车带他去山崖望风景。 A week later, I drove him to enjoy the sightseeing in the mountain. 小王望风我们摸着黑走进那条小巷。 Xiao Wang stood on guard and we felt our way into the lane. 望风的人跑出去跳上那辆车就逃走了。 The lookout ran out and escaped in the getaway car. 签名付费不会望风而止。 Paying for signatures will not go away. 呃,其实这不过是一种望风捉影的悬想。 Well, it really is but a shadowy supposition . 客户希望风格:夜店、质感、紫色调性。 Customers want the game style is: Club, Texture, Purple Tone. 心灵,渴望风的自由。 The heart, desire the freedom of the wind. 一个不好的信用,可能让你所有客户望风而逃。 A bad credence, the likelihood makes you all client flee at the mere sight of the oncoming force. 考虑到这些困难,许多投资者望风而逃也就不以为怪了。 Given the difficulties, it is not surprising that many shareholders have bolted. 我认为此处有70%的小船是海盗船或海盗的望风船。 I think that, among them, 70% is piracy boat or used to provide information for piracy boat. 我望着天空,不知为什么,希望风儿飘扬,永远的飘扬。 I looked at the sky, I do not know why, I hope flying winds, flying forever. 郞先生于是让他五岁的儿子出去望风,看看有没有警察过来。 He told his five-year-old son to go to find out if there were the policemen outside. 南加州的消防官员希望风速有所减少,以便他们能够控制大火。 Fire crews in Southern California are hoping winds stay calm so that they can contain a wildfire. 我们希望风暴能在我们出去航行之前平息下来,否则太危险了。 We're hoping for the storm to die down before we go out sailing. Otherwise it could too dangerous. 现在已风平浪静,我希望风不再起,那样我们就能冒险扬帆了。 I hope the wind stops down now that it's calmer, so that we can risk putting up the sails. 我决定这样,因为我亲爱的希望风雨来临,我可以和他并肩作战。 I decide to forgive as my darling hope me to face the storm with him together whenever it comes. 在这之前,低海拔的岛屿上的居民可不能指望风能阻止海平面的上升。 Until that happens, inhabitants of low-lying islands shouldn't count on the wind to keep them dry. 因怡人的微风而命名的阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯希望风向能够改变。 Argentina's capital Buenos Aires, named after its fair breezes, is hoping the winds change. 可是那晚天色明亮,哈克12点左右结束望风,到空糖桶睡觉去了。 But the night remained clear, and Huck closed his watch and retired to bed in an empty sugar hogshead about twelve. 后来调查发现,令英军望风而溃的敌人,无非芦苇丛中数以百计受惊乱走的地蟹。 Later investigation revealed that the enemy who had put the British to flight were nothing more than hundreds of land crabs, which had been moving about among the reeds in alarm. 后来调查发现,令英军望风而溃的敌人,无非芦苇丛中数以百计受惊乱走的地蟹。 Later investigation revealed that the enemy who had put the British to flight were nothing more than hundreds of land crabs, which had been moving about among the reeds in alarm. 望风 "望风"是个多义词,它可以指望风(词语概念),望风(电影)。 以上关于望风的英语翻译来自英汉大词典,希望对您学习望风的英语有帮助。望风的汉英大词典