




  • 朱提

  • Zhu to mention

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  • 朱提拉vesa jutila

  • 朱斯提诺GiustiNo

  • 朱斯提提亚Justitia

  • 朱红栓菌提取物pycnoporus cinnadarinus

  • 朱尤提Chu Woosik

  • 朱丽·哈基提Julie Hagerty

  • 供应朱红栓菌提取物pycnoporus cinnadarinus

  • 慕提朱鲁水洞Mutitjulu Waterhole

  • 朱古力提子果仁曲奇饼chocolate grape nuts cookie

  • 朱塞佩-尼提斯Giuseppe De Nittis



There were a lot of famous people there: Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts, to name but two.


"Her life is no longer a mystery," said Giuseppe Pallanti, who carried out extensive research on the Renaissance woman.


Given the lack of phone booths today, it was impossible to find one the right size for the picture inspired by The Birds (with Jodie Foster in the Tippi Hedren role).

现在这幢建筑仍然被塞佩-维(1816 -60)的后裔所拥有,塞佩-维是环游世界出售沃尔·泰拉最著名的商品——雪花石膏——的商人。

This building is still occupied by the descendants of Giuseppe Viti (1816-60), a merchant who travelled the world selling Volterra's most famous commodity - alabaster.


Mr. Chu said yesterday that executives hadn't made a final decision but aren't likely to cut back from this year's planned spending of 6.84 trillion won ($7.4 billion).


"This is the first time we know of arthropods returning to life from comas after submersion," lead researcher Julien Petillon said in April 2009.


Several years before the First World War, the French ambassador to Washington, Jean Jusserand, once found himself discussing pacificism with Theodore Roosevelt's wife.

这位坦巨人坚忍不拔地忍受着煎熬,因为他知道在第十三代时就会有一个英雄- - -庇特的亲儿子- - -来解救他。果然不爽,时候一到英雄真的来了。

In his steadfastness to withstand the torment the Titan was supported by the knowledge that in the thirteenth generation there should arrive a hero, - sprung from Jove himself, - to release him.

恶魔女巫玛琳菲森由安吉丽娜•莉饰演。 故事中,她拥有强大的法力,但却遭到青梅竹马的恋人史芬的欺骗与背叛。

Played by Angelina Jolie, Maleficent is a powerful witch who is betrayed and deceived by Stefan, a childhood friend and the man she loved.


In his steadfastness to withstand the torment the Titan was supported by the knowledge that in the thirteenth generation there should arrive a hero, - sprung from Jove himself, - to release him.

三星投资者关系负责人(Chu Woosik)在与250名投资者和分析师进行的会议上说,公司不会让芯片市场达到无法收拾的地步。

We are not going to flood the market, Chu Woosik, the companys chief of investor relations, said at the meeting with 250 investors and analysts.

三星投资者关系负责人(Chu Woosik)在与250名投资者和分析师进行的会议上说,公司不会让芯片市场达到无法收拾的地步。

We are not going to flood the market, Chu Woosik, the companys chief of investor relations, said at the meeting with 250 investors and analysts.



朱提 “朱提”读音:shū shí 《蜀王本纪》记载 蜀王杜宇 从天堕,止朱提。同“书识”同音。昭通的古称。“朱提”先为山名,继为县名,再为郡名,后为银名(朱提银),文献所载始自西汉,并沿用至唐初,持续了近800年,朱提一词在明清笔记小说中比比皆是,朱提银在全国经济与货币史上曾有过一席之地。朱提文化所覆盖的地域,即包括今云南昭通市的昭阳区、鲁甸、大关、永善、盐津、绥江、水富、威信、彝良、镇雄、巧家,云南曲靖市的会泽、宣威,云南昆明市东川区,贵州的威宁、赫章、毕节、水城等地。
