




  • n. dye


涤纶织物的抗静电/分散同浴染整_电子资料文库 关键词:染色;分散染料;抗静电剂;织物;聚对苯二甲酸乙二醋纤维 [gap=584]Keywords:dyeing;disPersedye;antistaticagent;fabric;Polyesterfiber

... Hairiness毛羽类 DYING染色 detachablecollar假领,活领 ...


染色 (Coloration) 指在音响系统中,由某一音响器材所引起的声音的改变。 有声染色的音箱便不能精确地重放出加给音箱的声信号。


染色[rǎn sè]

  • dye; dyeing; colouration; tintage; tinging; dyschroia; colouring; colour; {半} decoration
  • 短语:
    • 染色斑点现象 speckiness;
    • 染色半体 chromatid;
    • 染色饱和值 dyeing saturation value;
    • 染色本领 colouring power; dyeing power; {化} staining power;
    • 染色标本 stained preparation;
    • 染色不足 understain;
    • 染色渗透剂 {冶} dye penetrant;
    • 染色度 dyeability;
    • 染色法 decoration method; staining; staining method;
    • 染色辅助剂 {化} dyeing assistant;
    • 染色腐蚀剂 {半} staining etch;
    • 染色干燥牛奶膜计菌法 breed count;
    • 染色工 dyer; inker;
    • 染色工艺 dyeing;
    • 染色过深 hyperchromasia; hyperchromatism;
    • 染色机 dyeing machine;
    • 染色剂 {材} colouring agent; stain;
    • 染色坚牢度 fastness of dyeing; fastness of colour;
    • 染色减速剂 {材} dye-retarding agent;
    • 染色浆 chromoplasm;
    • 染色金雀花色 dyer's broom;
    • 染色均匀性 levelling of dyeing;
    • 染色牢度评级 assessments of fastness;
    • 染色理论 dyeing theory;
    • 染色品 dyeing;
    • 染色平衡 dyeing equilibrium;
    • 染色亲合力 [势] dyeing affinity;
    • 染色溶液法 {流} colour dilution method;
    • 染色纱 {纺} dyed yarn;
    • 染色师 dyer;
    • 染色鼠李 dyer's buck thorn;
    • 染色素 chromosin;
    • 染色速率 dyeing rate;
    • 染色探伤法 spek-chek;
    • 染色微粒 chromiole;
    • 染色物 dyeing;
    • 染色物质 colourant;
    • 染色小斑疵点 skitteriness;
    • 染色小粒 chromidium (pl. chromidia);
    • 染色性 chromaticity; chromaticness; colourability; dyeability;
    • 染色性能 dyeing property;
    • 染色浴 dyebath;
    • 染色载体 dyeing carrier
    • 染色中心 chromocentre;
    • 染色助剂 dyeing assistant


  • 染色体[遗][细胞]chromosome;chromatosome;karyotype;ring chromosome

  • 染色质[生化]chromatin;[生化]karyotin;chromphil substance;Chromosome

  • 常染色体[遗]autosome;[遗]euchromosome;autosomal;motor vehiclesome

  • 细菌人工染色体Bacterial artificial chromosome;BAC;bacterial artificial chromosome,BAC;bacterial

  • 革兰氏染色[微]Gram staining;Gram Faerbung;Gramfaebung

  • 染色体易位chromosomal translocation;translocation;Translocation of a chromosome;[遗]chromosome translocation

  • 异染色质[遗]heterochromatin;facultative heterochromatin;constitutive heterochromatin;heterocromatina

  • 染色单体[遗]chromatid;Sister chromatids;Chromatids

  • 染色体异常[遗]chromosome abnormality;Chromosome abnormalities



The women prepared, spun, and dyed the wool.


The doors are then stained and varnished.


The cold-bed batch type steam dyeing process for woolen yarn by reactive dyes is described in this book.


They stain the mouse's brain tissue, so that different kinds of synapses show up in different colors.


If you happen to spill some gas or oil on the floor, newspaper will help absorb the spill and can prevent a permanent stain on concrete .


For instance, they were used to stain previously invisible microbes and bacteria, allowing researchers to identify such bacilli as tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax.


Geologist Gerard Bond noticed that some of the sediment grains were stained with iron oxide, evidence that they originated in locales where glaciers had overrun outcrops of red sandstone.


With the help of Quyen Nguyen, a surgeon based at UCSD, Dr. Tsien has tested the hairpin dye on mice that had had breast cancer-induced in their bodies.


Utilising the cheap and plentiful coal tar that was an almost unlimited byproduct of London's gas street lighting, the dye works began producing the world's first synthetically dyed material in 1857.


Now if I can stain in some way, if I can somehow label the DNA fragments that I'm interested in, I could find out where those fragments are on this gel.


Her nail colour was coordinated with her lipstick.


Each cell of our bodies contains 46 chromosomes.


The scientists want to locate the position of the gene on a chromosome.


Microscopic examination of a cell's chromosomes can reveal the sex of the fetus.


Because telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes to stop cells dividing.


The scientists were most interested in parts connected to the ends of the chromosomes.


The Chromosome is now losing important genetic information and is no longer functional.


Not only the coloring genes, but lots of other genes are getting mixed up, too.


Look at this rough drawing of one of them, one Chromosome about to divide into two.


Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14, and crayfish have 200.


At each location on the sequence, we can measure all these different attributes of chromatin.


You know that all of a person's genetic information is contained on very long pieces of DNA called Chromosomes.


So after each division, the telomeres get shorter and one of the things that may happen after a while is that pieces of the genes themselves get broken off the Chromosomes.


All Y chromosomes in existence today are descended from a single ancestor's who is thought to have lived about 140,000 years ago.


It seems that, by looking at the length of the telomeres on specific Chromosomes, we can actually predict pretty much how long certain cells can successfully go on dividing.


This process allows the manufacture of clear, tinted and coated glass for buildings, and clear and tinted glass for vehicles.


Every time the Chromosome divides—every time one cell divides into two—pieces of the ends of the Chromosome, the telomere, get broken off.


Most cells in your body have two copies of every chromosome and, therefore, two copies of every gene: one from your mother and one from your father.

无论如何,如果我们检查这些螺旋状DNA的末端,我们会发现每条人类染色体的末端都有一个被称作“端粒”的 DNA序列。

Anyway, if we examine these ends of these coils of DNA, we will find a sequence of DNA at each end of every human Chromosome, called a telomere.

当研究人员仔细观察染色体中的DNA 时,他们很惊讶地发现,其中只有一小部分,大约是20%到30%,能转化成有意义的遗传信息。

When researchers look really carefully at the DNA in Chromosomes though, they were amazed to find that only a fraction of it, maybe 20-30%, converts into meaningful genetic information.


Has only half of the diploid chromosomal content that most of the cells, which are called somatic cells in our body have.


It's able to do that because there are cells like this particular cell that have shapes that are suited to their function.


So, practitioners who understood what we would know to be chemistry were highly valued in that society. And then, you may expand it to other chemical processes, dyeing of cloth, glassmaking, and metals extraction.


One copy of the chromosome comes from the egg and one copy of each chromosome comes from the sperm, so this you know about.


It separates those duplicated chromosomes to two sides of the cell, physically separates them, and the cell itself pinches off to form two new cells.


You're not fishing through a whole chromosome in order to find what you want, but you're going to a cell that's already enriched in it.


They're not chromosomal differences because this is the ordinary process of mitosis.


What happens during mitosis is that the cell is able to separate this double set of chromosomes into two sets and that happens in a way that's shown in this cartoon here.


The result of fertilization now is a new cell that is the union of the sperm and the egg, and it's called the zygote and it contains the diploid number of chromosomes, genes.


This one cell, this one fertilized cell which is unique because it's the - its chromosome contains the combination of the sperm and the egg, develops into an embryo and then on birth develops into a human.


They, in some cases, they integrate their DNA into the host chromosome, that's what retroviruses do and they make viral proteins.


These molecules of DNA, very long molecules of DNA, are condensed and packaged within the nucleus of every cell in your body.


You put this chromosomal DNA or this DNA that you're interested in, double stranded into a test tube.


Now DNA that's produced this way is not called genomic DNA because this doesn't match the DNA in your genome, on your chromosomes,right?


So before a cell enters mitosis it has to have synthesized its DNA so it has two copies of all of its chromosomes.


How could I identify in a chromosomal DNA sample whether the sickle gene is present?


If I cut up just DNA from the chromosome, what's called genomic DNA, then I'm going to have both exons and introns within the fragments that I create.


If I took this same restriction enzyme and tried to cut the chromosomal DNA of a sickle patient, it wouldn't cut at that point because the wrong sequence is there.


Now if I can stain in some way, if I can somehow label the DNA fragments that I'm interested in, I could find out where those fragments are on this gel.


Well I talked about it - earlier I've mentioned several times all the cells in my body, all the cells in your body have essentially the same genomic chromosomal DNA in their nucleus.


One way I could try to find the gene for human insulin is to take any cells from any of us, skin cells let's say, and I could identify where on the chromosomal DNA that insulin is likely to occur.


A section of DNA that is responsible for encoding a gene, let's say it's the insulin gene for example, might be some stretch of DNA on a certain chromosome inside your cells, inside the cells of the pancreas.


We're going to take a chromosomal DNA, we're going to digest it with this restriction enzyme, we're going to put it in this tube and run it on a gel, and we're going to see what results down here.


There might be these, what are called epigenetic differences that I mentioned changes in the structure around DNA, and those changes lead to differences in which fraction of the total genes in the chromosomes are being expressed by a particular cell.


Every cell in your body has exactly the same DNA; that is if I could stretch out all the DNA and look at the base pair sequence, the sequences of bases along all the DNA in your chromosomes, they'd be identical in all the cells.


Certain segments of DNA are being converted into RNA, and whereas in replication, you have to copy the whole genome, the whole - all of the chromosomes, all of the DNA contained in the chromosomes of the cell in order to completely replicate it; transcription only works on particular sequences of DNA.


There could be differences in the physics of cell division, this process of separating into two cells such that even though they both have the same chromosomes, they both have the same DNA content, maybe one of the cells entraps something that's different than the other cells.



染色 染色即染上颜色,也称上色,是指用化学的或其他的方法影响物质本身而使其着色。在技术允许的条件下,通过染色可以使物体呈现出人们所需要的各种颜色,用五颜六色来装点生活。染色之法自古有之,并不断发展。
