usher at the theatre
主题:法律词汇 ... 总办事处案目 案目 命案目睹记Agatha Christie;FromPaddington 档案目录catalogue for archives;file directory 方案目录solution Directory 解决方案目录Itanium Solutions Catalog;Solutions Catalog 档案目录指引finding aids 缩微档案目录Microfilm Catalog 决定专案目的Determine Project Goals 国际标准草案目录ISO Draft International standards 垂直式档案目录Vertical file index 这两个问题的答案目前都是肯定的。 The answer to both of those questions is: yes-right now. 但这同时也不利于该法案目标的实现。 But it will also undermine the object of the bill. 这些法案目前已经提交参议院审议。 The measure now goes to the Senate. 该监测方案目前已得到成功应用。 This status monitoring method has been put into actual use. 价值主张和解决方案目标。 Value proposition and solution goals. 该解决方案目的只是暂时的。 This solution is intended to be only temporary. 该草案何时正式通过为法案目前尚不得知。 It is not known when the draft will become law. 答案目前还不能确定。 The answer is still not sure. 此外,也指出了这类方案目前存在着的主要缺点。 The main drawbacks inherent in this type of spectrom… 议院有两项议案目标在于对奖金征收100%的税。 Two bills in the House aimed to impose a 100 percent tax on the bonuses. 去年九月参议院提出的法案目前看来基本没有通过的可能。 An initial bill, introduced to the Senate last September, is widely seen as having no chance of passing. 你将运行对你输入到全球解决方案目录中的应用程序的验证。 You will run your validation against the application that you've entered into the Global Solutions Directory. 这项法案目前已递交众议院,在那里可能更难以达成一致。 The bill now heads to the House of Representatives where agreement may be much more difficult to find. 这个范例示范在档案目录上平行处理作业的两个简单方式。 This example shows two simple ways to parallelize operations on file directories. 该案目前正在审理中,从《渥太华公民报》可以找到该案的最新消息。 The trial is currently in session and live updates can be found from the Ottawa Citizen. 最简单的解决方式是将主版页面复制到其他专案可以参考的档案目录。 The simplest solution is to copy the master pages to a file directory that other projects can then reference. 一个小法庭判定MP3Tunes部分胜诉,但是,该案目前仍在审理中。 A small court gave MP3Tunes a partial victory, but the case is ongoing. 虽然答案目前尚不清楚,Pharoah博士推想它很可能是不止两个或三个。 Though the answer is not yet clear, Dr Pharoah reckons it is likely to be more than just two or three. 在创建存储解决方案目录之前,必须定义一些基本元素,比如协议、网络和存储。 Before storage Solutions directories can be created, several basic elements such as protocol, network, and storage must be defined. 该法案目前的形式将迫使污染工业稳定地减少碳及其它导致全球变暖的温室气体排放。 The bill in its current form would force polluting industries to reduce steadily their emissions of carbon and the other greenhouse gases that cause global warming. 您可以单单建立一个空白方案来指定方案目录,也可以在建立新专案时指定这个目录。 You can either specify a directory for the solution by creating just a blank solution or you can specify the directory when you create a new project. Modules目录是一个VS解决方案目录,它包含了Or chard的模块项目。 Modules is a Visual Studio solution folder that contains Orchard module projects. Modules目录是一个VS解决方案目录,它包含了Or chard的模块项目。 Modules is a Visual Studio solution folder that contains Orchard module projects. 案目 案目是旧时称剧场中为观众找座位的人。 以上关于案目的英语翻译来自英汉大词典,希望对您学习案目的英语有帮助。案目的汉英大词典