持久性有机污染物在大气与植物间交换过程研究进展 -- 环境化学,2013,32(5):734-741 关键词:大气植物持久性有机物污染物交换[gap=1101]Key words:airvegetationPOPsexchange
...国药2005年9期期刊连载-中医园 关键词:老鹳草;植物;药理作用;化学成分;栽培 [gap=404]Key words:Geranium wilfordii;Botany;Pharmacological effect;Chemical constituents;Cultivation ..
... 植物 plant 植物(的,性的) vegetable 植物(性)的 vegetative ...
- plant; flora; botany; stray; greenery; phyton; phytum; -phyta; phyt-; phyto-; -phyte:
herbaceous plants;
- 短语:
- 植物白蛋白 phytalbumin; vegetable albumin;
- 植物斑点病 scab;
- 植物半球 vegetal hemisphere;
- 植物保护 plant protection;
- 植物曝光调节器 clinostat;
- 植物标本集 sertulum; hortus siccus;
- 植物标本室 {植} herbarium (pl. -ia);
- 植物病毒 plant virus;
- 植物病毒病 viroses of plant;
- 植物病理学 {植病} phytopathology; plant pathology;
- 植物病害 plant disease;
- 植物病态 phytosis;
- 植物病原体 {生态} phytopathogen;
- 植物病原真菌 plant pathogenic fungi;
- 植物采集箱 vasculum (pl. vascula);
- 植物残体 plant residue;
- 植物测法 phytometry;
- 植物柴油 prosene;
- 植物醇 pohytol;
- 植物促细胞分裂剂 {生化} phytomitogens;
- 植物带 {生态} vegetational zone;
- 植物带土移植 ball planting;
- 植物单宁 vegetable tannin;
- 植物蛋白 vegetable protein;
- 植物蛋白胨 phytone;
- 植物蛋白标 phytalbumose;
- 植物地理区系 floristic region;
- 植物地理学 phytogeography; plant geography;
- 植物地下部分 foot end;
- 植物毒素 {生化} phytotoxin;
- 植物毒素抑制 allelapathy;
- 植物毒素中毒 phytotoxin poisoning; phytotoxinism;
- 植物发酵 {生化} plant fermentation;
- 植物繁殖单位 phytomer;
- 植物繁殖单位说 phytonic theory;
- 植物芳香油 essential oil;
- 植物防病注射 vaccination of plant;
- 植物放线菌病害 actinomycose;
- 植物肥大病菌属 Agrobacterium;
- 植物肥料 vegetable fertilizer;
- 植物分布学 botanical geography;
- 植物分类学 plant taxonomy;
- 植物分离块培养 explant culture;
- 植物分析 plant analysis;
- 植物粪石 hortobezoar;
- 植物工厂 plant factory;
- 植物固醇 phytosterol;
- 植物冠层 plant canopy;
- 植物光敏素 phytochrome;
- 植物黑素 phytomelane;
- 植物恒定流行病 enphytotic;
- 植物化石 fossil plant; plant fossil;
- 植物化石学 phytopaleontology;
- 植物化学 phytochemistry;
- 植物黄化 aetiolation;
- 植物黄素 phytoxanthin;
- 植物激酶 phytokinase;
- 植物激素 plant hormone; {生化} phytohormone;
- 植物寄生物学 phytoparasitology;
- 植物甲萘醌 phytonadione; vitamin K;
- 植物监测 plant monitoring;
- 植物检疫 plant quarantine;
- 植物检疫法 plant quarantine law;
- 植物检疫证书 plant quarantine certificate;
- 植物碱 plant alkaloid;
- 植物结构学 structure botany;
- 植物解剖学 phytotomy;
- 植物界 plant kingdom; plantage; Plantae;
- 植物茎 axis;
- 植物净化 plant purification;
- 植物聚酰胺 versamide;
- 植物绝缘油 vegetable insulating oil;
- 植物菌瘿 phytocecidium;
- 植物抗癌药 phytogenic anticarcinogen;
- 植物抗毒素 phytoalexin;
- 植物矿质营养 mineral nutrition of plant;
- 植物类群 phyto-group; plant group;
- 植物流行病 epiphytotic;
- 植物流行病学 epiphytology;
- 植物流行病预测 forecast of epiphytotic;
- 植物卵黄磷蛋白 phytovitellin;
- 植物毛粪石 phytobezoar; phytotrichobezoar;
- 植物毛[棕] vegetable hair; vegetable horsehair;
- 植物霉病 {真菌} mildew;
- 植物煤素质 {地质} phyteral;
- 植物苗 plantling;
- 植物名实图考 An Illustrated Book on Plants;
- 植物名实图考长编 A Lengthy Compilation of Plants with Illustration;
- 植物囊状部分 pouch;
- 植物内寄生菌 entophyte;
- 植物凝集素 phytolectin; phytagglutinin;
- 植物凝血素 {微} lectin;
- 植物(茎叶)扭转向光性 photostrophism;
- 植物配置 arrangement of plants;
- 植物气候 phytoclimate;
- 植物气候学 phytoclimatology;
- 植物球蛋白 phytoglobulin;
- 植物区 floral region; (副极地)
- 植物区气候 biochore (柯本分类之一);
- 植物区系 plantage; flora;
- 植物区系成分 floral element;
- 植物区系发生 florogenesis;
- 植物区系学 florology;
- 植物区域气候界线 biochore;
- 植物群 flora;
- 植物群丛 association;
- 植物群落 phytocoenosium; plant community;
- 植物群落地理学 geography of phytocommunity; geographic synecology;
- 植物群落发生学 genetic synecology;
- 植物群落学 phytocoenology;
- 植物群落生态学 synecology;
- 植物群系 plant formation;
- 植物染料 vegetable colour; {涂} vegetable dye;
- 植物人 human vegetable;
- 植物鞣(法) vegetable tanning;
- 植物鞣剂 vegetable tanning agent;
- 植物鞣绵羊革 basil;
- 植物鞣制车间 tan house;
- 植物润滑油 vegetable lubricant;
- 植物散发 plant transpiration;
- 植物色素 phytochrome;
- 植物杀菌素 phytoncide;
- 植物杀伤剂 phytotoxic chemical warfare agent;
- 植物社会学 phytosociology;
- 植物神经过敏者 autophil;
- 植物神经系统 {医} vegetative nervous system;
- 植物神经药 autonomic drug;
- 植物生理性病 physiological disease;
- 植物生理学 {植} phytophysiology; plant physiology;
- 植物生态地理学 ecological plant geography;
- 植物生态解剖学 ecological plant anatomy;
- 植物生态学 phytoecology;
- 植物生物化学 photobiochemistry;
- 植物生物学 phytobiology;
- 植物生长层 top soil;
- 植物生长激素 auxin; auximone;
- 植物生长剂 plant growth substance;
- 植物生长记录器 crescograph;
- 植物生长区线 vegetation line;
- 植物生长素 {生化} auximone; auxin;
- 植物生长调节剂 plant growth regulator;
- 植物生长调节物质 plant growth regulating substance;
- 植物生长延缓[抑制; 阻滞]剂 plant growth retardant;
- 植物生长自记计 auxograph;
- 植物尸体 necron;
- 植物碎屑 canebreak;
- 植物体内植物 endoxylophyte;
- 植物体液汽压比 hydrature;
- 植物调节物质 plant regulator;
- 植物图 vegetation map;
- 植物图解 phytograph;
- 植物土壤学 phytopedology;
- 植物团块 agglomerate;
- 植物伪装 camouflage by vegetation;
- 植物污染 plant pollution;
- 植物物候学 phytophenology;
- 植物系统发生论 phytogenesis;
- 植物系统性演替 phytogenic succession;
- 植物系统学 plant systematics;
- 植物细菌病 bacteriosis;
- 植物纤维 string; vegetable fibre;
- 植物纤维材料 sponge; spunge (用于洗涤);
- 植物香料 plant perfume material;
- 植物鞘氨醇 phytosphingosine;
- 植物小气候学 {气} phytoclimatology;
- 植物形态 phytomorph;
- 植物血清学 phytoserology;
- 植物血球凝集素 {生化} phytoh(a)emagglutinin;
- 植物岩 phytogenic rock;
- 植物羊皮纸 {纸} vegetable parchment;
- 植物药害 phyto toxicity;
- 植物药剂学 phytopharmacy;
- 植物药理学 phytopharmacology;
- 植物蚁巢 myrmecodomatia;
- 植物异常 anomaly of plants;
- 植物萤光烯烃 phytofluene;
- 植物营养 plant nutrient;
- 植物营养繁殖体 phyton;
- 植物营养鉴别 diagnosis of plant nutrition;
- 植物营养缺乏症 plant nutrition deficiency disease;
- 植物营养体 phytoma; phytome;
- 植物育种 plant breeding;
- 植物园 botanical garden;
- 植物原生质 phytoplasm;
- 植物运动 plant movement;
- 植物甾醇 phytosterol;
- 植物真菌病 plant mycosis;
- 植物蒸腾表 phytometer;
- 植物脂 vegetable butter;
- 植物脂多糖 phytolipo-polysaccharid;
- 植物汁液 water;
- 植物志 {植} flora; herbal;
- 植物质 phyteral;
- 植物治疗法 phytotherapy; (南非动物)
- 植物中毒 dunsiekte;
- 植物自成印痕 {地质} autophytograph;
- 植物组织 plant tissue
植物学Plant Sciences;Botany and Plant Science
水生植物[植]aquatic plant;[植]hydrophyte;water plants;aquatic life
植物激素[植]plant hormone;[植]Phytohormone;fitohormony;plant hormone phytohormone
裸子植物Gymnospermae;gymnospermous plants;Gyrnnospermae;Gymmospermae
草本植物[植]herbaceous plant;[植][植]herb;fern;bracken
皇家植物园Royal Botanic Gardens;Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne;Kew Gardens
古植物学[古植]Paleobotany;[古植]phytopaleontology;fossil botany
Flowering plants were making their first appearance, but were still a rarity.
The plants were unable to withstand the rigours of a harsh winter.
These delicate plants need careful nurturing.
These plants love warm, humid atmospheres.
Water the plant regularly, never letting the soil dry out.
The leaves on the plant had shrivelled up from lack of water.
If it turns cold, cover the plants.
His collection of plants contains many rarities.
Central heating is bad news for indoor plants.
These plants flourish in a damp climate.
The plant comes with full instructions on how to care for it.
Feed plants to encourage steady growth.
Plants are the ultimate source of all foodstuffs.
The plants are regularly inspected for disease.
These plants are peculiarly prone to disease.
Climbing plants clothed the courtyard walls.
Plants won't propagate in these conditions.
Greenfly can literally suck a plant dry.
In the tropics plants grow to huge proportions.
The roots anchor the plant in the earth.
The plant exudes a sticky fluid.
When the soil is dry, more moisture is lost from the plant.
All plants need light and water.
The plant can be propagated from seed.
The slopes are colonized by flowering plants.
These plants float on the surface of the water.
The whole plant is covered with fine down.
Lack of water will stunt the plant's growth.
Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat.
Humans cannot digest plants such as grass.
The plants can be deficient in certain things, especially fat soluble vitamins that come from meat and from essential amino acids.
So as me growing up to see the Botanical and the museum and arts and stuffs,
There were also issues about nutritional adequacy and meat turned out to be a better overall food than most plants.
On day three, vegetation is produced, is created, And on day six humans are created after the creation of the land animals.
Anyone who is acquainted with these works will immediately recognize in the poem certain references to vegetation ceremonies.
Imagine that we're somewhere in, let's say, the fourteenth century trying to understand life, the life of plants.
The one theory made some investigations of earth spores, hoping to find-- what do you call that stuff that floats around and makes you sneeze? Pollen.
The laurels and the myrtles that he addresses here are, of course, the traditional plants classically associated with great poets; but for Milton in this passage, importantly these plants simply aren't ripe yet.
His travels took him into contact with observatories, museums, hospitals, botanical gardens.
So, a natural product is something that is made by nature, and often natural products, whether it comes from a plant or a marine organism have some really good, useful properties. And so, one particular compound has anti-tumor properties. So, again, along this line of cancer research.
So in the suburbs with some trees and green, I really love that.
The little insects were crawling around, the plants were there. And come back and look at it, over a period of weeks, and see what's changing.
Bronx zoo is fine, Botanical Gardens is great, for males and females.
Well, the Botanical Museum is a real nice place to go visit.
It can come from animal sources and from vegetable sources, and the two have different impacts on health.
It's interesting how humans and plants have evolved together, and there's a very interesting book on this by Michael Pollan called, The Botany of Desire.
In The Epic of Gilgamesh they were the ones who got the plant of eternal youth. It's etiological.
This might be a persistent vegetative state with no possibility of turning it on, even in principle.
And then, I have this little image of some plant made out of gears, right?
A plant is a living thing.
Now these were important changes because humans of course can-- are omnivores and can eat both plants and animals, and therefore, the ability to secure nutrients from these different sources became very appealing to humans.
There are other things that would qualify as food, but the not too much of course has to do with over-- intake of certain nutrients, the calories; and then eating mostly plants tends to be a pretty good idea.
When we think of the kinds of examples of material machines that we've got available to us in the fourteenth century, I try to imagine what would somebody in the fourteenth century think to himself or herself when he entertains the possibility that a plant might just be a machine?
Fat is not all that much different, but one thing that's happened is the type of fat has changed a lot, and so people are eating less fat from plant sources and more fat from animals sources That's where the saturated fat comes in and high saturated fat intake is not a good thing.
And indeed, it's expressly stated by God that Humans are to be given every fruit bearing tree and seed bearing plant, fruits and grains for food.
They knew the techniques for grafting and improving, and domesticating species of grapes and olives particularly.
When he goes to Europe on his big sortie, on his big-boy trek through Europe he goes around and he visits all of these botanical gardens.
Humans have fruit and grain-bearing vegetation, Animals have the herbiage and the grasses.
Now that seems counterintuitive now because we think that a plant based diet may be more healthy for people than a meat based diet, but remember, that we're fighting off overnutrition and these folks were fighting off undernutrition.
There we are in Phase D,in something like, perhaps,persistent vegetative state.
植物 植物世界是一个庞大、复杂生态系统,占据了生物圈面积的大部分。植物给人类提供了生存必须的氧气,还提供了食物和能量。从一望无际的草原到广阔的江河湖海,从赤日炎炎的沙漠到冰雪覆盖的极地,处处都有植物的生根之地。目前,人们知道的的子植物大约有30余万种。通常以根扎与土地,吸收养分。植物(Plants)是生物界中的一大类,可分为孢子植物和种子植物,有动物没有的叶绿素和基质,能进行光合作用。植物有细胞核,能将无机物转化为有机物,有些特例不能将无机物转化为有机物,有些没有叶绿素,有别的光合作用元素。植物有细胞壁,没有神经系统,没有感觉。分藻类、地衣、苔藓、蕨类和种子植物,种子植物又分为裸子植物和被子植物,有30多万种。植物是能够进行光合作用的多细胞真核生物。 植物是生命的主要形态之一。简单地说,植物是能进行光合作用,将无机物转化为有机物的一类自养型生物。种子植物 ,苔藓植物、蕨类植物和拟蕨类等植物,据估计现存大约有 350000个物种。直至2004年,其中的287655个物种已被确认,有258650种开花植物15000种苔藓植物。 绿色植物大部分的能源是经由太阳的光合作用中得到的。