The Songs of Chu
4、屈原(Qu Yuan)创造出一种新体诗楚辞(Songs),代表作是《离骚》。新的希望是自己创造的,不是别人赋予的。
屈赋舟船意象的文化阐释 - 屈学园地 - 走近屈原 - 汨罗屈原文化 - 中国汨罗网 关键词: 屈原;楚辞;意象;舟船 [gap=21366]Key words: Qu Yuan; The Songs of the South; boats; images
...话比较研究之三[江苏社会科学 Jiangsu Social Sciences] 《楚辞》与《山海经》山水树木神话之互证[理论月刊 Theory Monthly] 论《山海经》的"帝"[贵州文史丛刊 Guizhou Historical Studies] ..
- The Songs of Chu (见“辞赋”)
楚辞选讲Selected readings of Chuci
楚辞书目chu bibliography
楚辞研究the study of chu ci;Elegies of Chu
楚辞学人的心路历程Journal of Literature and History
新楚辞学new studies of the songs of the south
楚辞文体literary form of Chu Ci
楚辞体例style of Songs of Chu
楚辞解析An Interpretation of Chu Ci
当代楚辞学studies of contemporary chu ci
The Songs of Chu is a typical representative of literary works of ideal type.
South are two sources of Chinese literature.
When had been Elegies of Chu transmit into Japan?
The Songs of Chu" is the essence of marvellous Chu culture."
Yuan You is a controversial work of Chu Ci.
Songyu's Jiubian realized the change of the subject of Chuci.
Chu ballad and Tang song ci are two special poetic genre.
Both Zhuang Zi and Chu Ci are important documents of the Warring States Period.
希望能为《 楚辞》学和训诂学的研究提供参考。
We hope to provide the reference for Chuci study and exegesis of ancient texts.
Liang Qichao's study of Chu Ci has had a great influence in China's research history of Chu Ci.
It is significant to review and summarize his study on Chuci.
The origin of melancholy can be traced as far back in Chu poems and Han music verses that centered on sad content.
"Laurel plasma", named after qu yuan ", chu less destiny, "the assistance closed xi action north guangxi slurry.
So we can conclude that Sima Qian is the inaugurator of Chinese Fu study.
Not only in spiritual core, but also in the artistic style, Chu-Ci had quite an effect on his poem-ode.
The life training in "Chu Ci" consists of taking medicinal herbs, fixing attention and so on.
From "Book of Songs" and "Songs of the South" to "Tang" and "Song", the solar terms can be seen everywhere.
Chu ci is a precious treasure of the Chinese literature, which has significant value in both literature and history.
It is not only an important document of the study of Chuci, but a significant book in the history of exegesis subject.
The Songs of the South and the Dance of the South can represent the spiritual tourism culture which become the basis of Han culture.
The "sixteen volumes" edition first appeared in the early Tang Dynasty, while the "seventeen volumes" edition first appeared in the late Five Dynasties to the early Song Dynasty.
The paper firstly introduces the comparative study situation of sacrificial culture between the Book of Songs and Chuci and the significance.
Qu Yuan, a Chinese literary history of the greatest and most distinguished Romantic poet, called him after the work is "Songs of the South."
In the course of the formation of this genre, it was much influenced by folk songs, music and the folk literature of the State of Chu, and so it was characterized by a strong local color.
The Book of Songs is mainly realistic with the local style of northern China, while The Songs of the South is romantic with the style of southern China.
The poetry about immortals is caused by original idea of supernatural being . Chuci poetry and Zhuangzi .
The advocation of the life-value. the tragic career, and the lofty personality of against-custom. all these were why they accepted the Chu Poem naturally in their creation.
It had many well-known names, such as Central Plains Nine songs, Mythological Nine songs, Folk Nine songs and Chu-ci Poems Nine songs.
The use of myths and fantasies, the strange twists of imagination, the vigorous surge of feelings and beautiful verses in Chu Ci demonstrate a unique romanticism that has never faded.
对先秦《楚辞》中判别出72 1个形容词,从构成方式、组合功能和句中位置三个方面对其进行比较细致的考察,进而总结出先秦《楚辞》形容词的特点。
The paper picks out 721 adjectives from "Chu Ci"(an ancient Chinese literary work), and analyses their features in terms of ways of composition, combined function and sentential position.
楚辞 "楚辞"是个多义词,它可以指楚辞(中国首部浪漫主义诗歌总集),楚辞(中国和平出版社出版图书),楚辞(文学体裁),楚辞(2014年精装版),楚辞(原创歌手),楚辞(《楚辞》南京大学出版社)。