Is the
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
... 正利 (CNC) 赫伯罗特 (HLC) 地中海 (MSC) ...
根井正利Masatoshi Nei
黄正利Hwang Jang Lee;Jang Lee Hwang;Art Of High Impact Kicking
小野正利You're the Only;Ono Masatoshi
正利差Positive Carry
正确义利观the values of friendship; justice and shared interests;uphold the greater good and pursuing shared interests;right approach to justice and interests
扶正利湿活血Compound Fuzheng Lishi Huoxue
正常利润normal profits
正确的义利观The greater good and self-interest; sound values of justice and benefit;the greater good and self-interest
Ningbo Zhengli Automobile Parts co., Ltd. belong to a foreign-funded corporation. We specialize in manufacturing and selling all kinds of filters.
Ningbo Zhengli automobile parts co., Ltd, belong to a foreign-funded corporation. We specialize in manufacturing and selling all kinds of automobile parts filters, filters clean and filter equipment.
2011年1月4日,在斯洛伐克的中部城市利普托斯基米库拉(Liptovsky Mikulas),一位妇女正利用焊工护目镜来观测日偏食。
A woman uses a welder's visor to watch the world's first partial solar eclipse of 2011 on January 4, 2011 in Liptovsky Mikulas, central Slovakia. AFP/ Getty Images / Joe Klamar
"Now I see," Curly said, "Peter was bringing her to us."
Flowing - "we're now into a new metaphor for the web," Kelly says noting that we started with the desktop on computers, then pages for the web.
"I'm taking my life back step by step, and I wanted to come home and this is my home," he told congregants Sunday at the Galilee Missionary Baptist Church in northwest Houston.
And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years old when she bare them.
In Michelangelo's famous rendering of David, the young warrior strikes a heroic pose as he prepares to battle the giant Goliath, a Philistine enemy of Israel.
Isaac was sixty-years old when Rebekah gave birth to them.
Riley also has been working to complete a sign-and-trade transaction to help Bosh receive a larger overall package.
At the Monterey hotel in Sendai, two chefs dressed in their signature hats from the hotel restaurant spooned out hot soup for breakfast.
Outside, Mr Reilly greets guests and passersby in the same welcoming tone.
Alison Wolf, an educationalist at king's College London, has analysed the financial returns to education and concluded that many 16-year-olds who now leave education are making a rational choice.
"We are moving from fixing the fundamentals of our business and weathering the downturn to growing the business," declared Alan Mulally, Ford's boss.
A snake swims in Mississippi River floodwaters in Holly Grove, Arkansas, on Tuesday.
But Zoellick said the greenback's status could be under threat from the growing strength of the Chinese yuan and the euro.
The case of Kenneth Conley began late one night in January of 1995, after the Boston police department got a radio call that an officer had been shot and four black suspects were fleeing by car.
Heavy metalwork: a new separation facility is being built at Molycorp's mine in Mountain Pass, California.
While Samuel was sacrificing the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to engage Israel in battle.
与此同时,正信银行(Integrity Bank),成立于2000年,祭出“信任至上”的商业模式——2005年时代杂志对其封面报道的标题为“祈利”。
Meanwhile, Integrity Bank, founded in 2000, played up its “faith based” business model — it was featured in a 2005 Time magazine article titled “Praying for Profits.”
Off Papua New Guinea, about 2,000 people on the Cantaret Islands are planning to move to nearby Bougainville island, four hours' boat ride to the southwest.
America Movil, Slim’s telecommunications arm, is looking to buy the remaining 40.4% shares of Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex) for approximately $6.5 billion, or 10.50 Mexican pesos per share.
The state oil company is reported to be surreptitiously selling some of its dollars on the illegal parallel market (at a rate of around five bolívares).
In Minneapolis, in Madison, Wis., and again in Chicago, the friends I met up with offered congratulations as if I were already taking a victory lap.
In Minneapolis, in Madison, Wis., and again in Chicago, the friends I met up with offered congratulations as if I were already taking a victory lap.
Bitter constraint, and sad occasion dear, Compels me to disturb your season due: For Lycidas is dead, dead ere his prime... Milton is lamenting, once again, that Milton has been compelled to begin writing.
正利 【拼音】zhèng lì 【注音】ㄓㄥˋ ㄌㄧˋ 【条目】正利 【引证解释】 正当的利益。《战国策·燕策一》:“夫取 秦 上交也;伐 齐 正利也。尊上交,务正利,圣王之事也。”《史记·苏秦列传》:“夫取 秦 ,厚交也;伐 齐 ,正利也。”