n. exception
misc.particular case
3、中产特例(Special case):看待不需求交纳糜费税的球队,才智之民多则国强,才智之士少则国弱。故今天之教,宜先开其智。
... Spectrum(光谱射线) Concussive(震荡攻击,海军单位专有) Exceptions(特例) ...
特例(particular case), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
...1.FixCustom(string showName, Func特例的源码使用者封装自己特效): FixNum(string showName, Func 特例 交易特例Trade exception 我心中的特例Difference In Me 犯罪特例Special topics in criminology 中产特例Midlevel exception 特例品A special case;Exceptional items 特例物件instance objects 一个特例a special case 都属于魔眼中的特例noble colour 广东省经济特区条例Regulations on Special Economic Zones in Guangdong Province 尽管有可能有特例,但这条规则继续有效。 Although exceptions could be made, the rule still stands. 然而,如今对许多美国人而言,周末工作已不幸成为惯例而不是特例。 However, for many Americans today, weekend work has unfortunately become the rule rather than the exception. 但这些遗址只是常态之外的特例。 But these sites are exceptions to the norm. 一所常春藤盟校称他们为冒名顶替者;其他学校则将其称为特例。 One Ivy League school calls them impostors; another refers to them asspecial cases. 由于没有姓氏,Grupo Interbank 成为了一个特例。 Lack of a surname makes Grupo Interbank an exception. 别担心,你并不是个特例,如今这种现象有个专门的名词,叫做“谷歌依赖症”。 Don't worry, you're not alone and now there's a word for it: "discomgoogolation". 上文提到的美术故事可能是个特例。 The art story above might be an exception. 这是因果一致性模型的一个特例。 This is a special case of the causal consistency model. 但有个小特例带来了丰厚收益。 There is a small but lucrative exception to this rule. 这一对比听上去或许像是个特例。 That may sound like a special case. 这只是先前示例中的一个特例。 This is really just a special case of the previous example. 但是这些例子仅仅都是特例。 But these exceptional folk are indeed exceptional. 但阿联酋是个有意思的特例。 The United Arab Emirates provide an interesting exception. 这是一个特例,她们想要更艰苦的训练。 This is a special case; they want to train hard. 在经典特例下会发生什么? What happens in the classical special case? 不过,此类项目是个特例。 But such projects are exceptions. 关于参与者在系统外部的规则有一个特例。 There is one important exception to the actors-are-external rule. 版本化:这是前面提到的功能的一个特例。 Versioning: This is a special case of the capabilities already mentioned. 动态路由的一个特例就是基于内容的路由。 A special case of dynamic routing is content-based routing. 土耳其的历史和地理位置使它成为一个特例。 Turkey's history and geography make it a special case. 食用油是一个特例么? Cooking oil is a special case? 人工任务是一个特例。 The human task is a special case. 我确实可以将这些特定的模板作为特例来处理。 I can certainly deal with these specific templates as a special case. 罗妮是个特例,还是所有的大猩猩都一样聪明? Is Rollie an exception, or are all gorillas as clever? 除了少数特例,媒体公司都发现网上赚钱不易。 With a few exceptions, media firms have found it hard to make money online. 但是那是一种特例。 But that is something of a special case. 突出显示域是特例。 The highlight domain is a special case. 因此,我开始想,也许这只是个特例。 And so, I began to think about, well, maybe that's just a random sample. 印度并不是特例。 India is not exceptional. 你可能会觉得这很简单,但这是一个很好的特例。 You might think well okay, but this is a pretty specialized case. Most of our work is in higher education, But occasionally, we do do projects that go beyond that scope. 我们大多数研究是在高等教育范围,偶尔也会有几个项目,是特例。 So for example, I suppose that if the job was supermodel for bikinis, 例如,我想比基尼泳衣的模特就是一个特例, And relying on something called table lookup, Of which memoization is a special case. 并且通过查表的方式进行使用,而默记法就是一种特例。 I'm going to generalize from our simple story even more by saying that, let's not assume that we have equally-weighted. 我要将我们刚才的简单特例,变得更普遍适用一些,现在我们假设这两项资产的权重并不相等。 And it's only the particular claim that Plato needs. 而柏拉图只需要它的特例成立就够了 Now we're in trouble and I say, don't run away! There are no techniques, there are no maneuvers, there are no -- you can't do anything and so they didn't practice very much, except one stunning exception, the Spartans. 现在形势不妙,我说,"弟兄们,顶住",这些不需要技巧,不需要熟练的动作,也不需要--,你对战场上的一切都无能为力,因此他们也不需要什么操练,唯一让人赞叹的特例,就是斯巴达人 But the point I want to make about it is much more general and we don't have to look at particular cases to make it. 但是我想说的是这是很普遍的,我们不用看很多特例去研究它。 some of good, some of evil substance, and yet God, in that unapocryphal vision, said without exception, "Rise, Peter, kill and eat," leaving the choice to each man's discretion. 都是一些好的或是不好的物质,上帝经过真实所见,说没有特例,“上升,彼得,杀死然后吃“,把决策权留给每个人自由决定。 What if we have a case where making an exception and violating individual rights actually will make people better off in the long run? 如果有个特例,侵犯个人权利,长远来看,反而让人们获益更多呢? Wednesday I'm going to talk about exceptions to absolutism, what the Dutch and what the English had in common that gave them very different political outcomes. 下节课我们将会谈到绝对主义的一些特例,荷兰和英国有何共同之处,以及它们产生的迥异的政治结果 More specifically, what I meant was, when you showed the example of Rain Man, are they exceptional .... Right. The question is about so-called autistic savants. 我想说的是,具体而言,比如说雨人这样的,他们都是特例吗,好的,这是个关于孤独症学者的问题 Now we can think about the fourth period, and the fourth period is where we start to run into some exceptions, so this is where things get a teeny bit more complicated, but you just need to remember the exceptions and then you should be OK, no matter what you're asked to write. 现在我们可以考虑第四周期,而且在第四周期,我们会遇上一些特例,所以事情有,一点复杂,但是你只需要记住,这些特例然后就没有问题了,无论你被要求写什么。 I'm going to write the particular case of R and take derivatives. 我会写出 R 的一个特例,然后对其求导 The only exception to this would be 特例只有一种, I know it's possible to induce chemical reactions, but these are exceptions. This is not the norm. 我知道催化化学反应是可能的,但是那些是特例,不是常规情况。 You might think well okay, but this is a pretty specialized case. 你可能会觉得这很简单,但这是一个很好的特例。 Oftentimes--occasionally-occasionally, oftentimes, somewhere between the two--the beat is divided into three. 常态,特例,特例,常态,有时在两个音之间--节拍被分成了三段 There may not be an exception, but essentially every country has a corporate profits tax and then we also have a personal income tax. 应该没有特例,每个国家都规定公司都要上缴所得税,还有个人所得税 Now, I want to be more general than this and talk about the real case. 现在我要从这个特例引申开来,扩展到一些真实的案例中去。 You don't need to know those, but just because it's a special case with the hydrogen atom, they do tend to be named -- the most important, of course, tends to be the Balmer series because that's what we can actually see being emitted from the hydrogen atom. 你们不需要记住,但因为这是氢原子的特例,人们想要命名它,最重要的是当然是Balmer系,因为它是我们可以看到的,从氢原子放出来的光谱。 But we'll go over that, particularly some exceptions, when we're filling in electron configurations, and how we would go about doing that for positive ions, which follow a little bit of a different procedure. 但是我们将会重温它们,特别是一个特例,当我们填充一个电子构型,而且我们会如何着手,处理阳离子,它遵从一些别的不同的过程。 This is a special case, though, because I've assumed that the assets are independent of each other, which isn't usually the case. 这是一个特例,因为我假设了,这个投资组合里的资产是相互独立的,但现实中通常都不是这样的。 It could be that even though the general claim, "It takes one to know one" Is false, the particular claim, "Eternal, non-physical can only be grasped by the eternal, non-physical," Maybe that particular claim is true. 即使一般来说,同类互知这个观点是错的,但它的特例,也就是永恒的非现实的东西只能被永恒的,非现实的东西所理解,这可能是对的 Now, there are exceptions in both directions, and as it happens the cases I know best have to do with the city of Corinth sent out a lot of colonies, which is why we know something about their arrangements. 但是现在两方面都有特例存在,而且这特例就发生在我最为熟知的科林斯,科林斯建立了很多殖民地,因此我们现在能对它的安排有所了解 x and y can be whatever you like, but I picked a very special example You should go back and remember what we did. 你可以任意选取 x 和 y,但我这里讲个特例,你们应该回忆一下上节课的内容 I've made a very special case that this is the case of an equally-weighted portfolio. 在这里我假设了一个特例,即一个各项资产权重相等的投资组合。 Well, it's not just in the U.S., essentially every--I don't know if there's any exception. 当然不仅仅是在美国,实质上是每个...我不清楚是否有特例 Whatever the n number is, with the exception of helium, helium is the oddity because there's only two elements in n equals one shell. 无论n是多少,除了氦之外,氦是个特例,因为只有两个元素,在n为1的这一层。 So, remember, boron was one of those exceptions to our Lewis structure rules where it was perfectly happy not having a full octet. 所以我们可以加上3个氢原子,对于BH3,这是个稳定结构,记住,B是Lewis结构的一个特例。 特例 特例是一个汉语词汇,读音tè lì,意思是特别的例子。 以上关于特例的英语翻译来自英汉大词典,希望对您学习特例的英语有帮助。特例的汉英大词典