n.testis ; testicle ; spermary ; didymus
石油词汇英语翻译(B25篇) ... bubble cap tower 泡帽塔 bubble cap tray 泡帽塔盘 bubble column 泡罩塔 ...
- orchis; testicle; testiculus; testis (pl. testes); didymus; ballock; orchido
- 短语:
- 睾丸病 testopathy; orchidopathy; orchiopathy;
- 睾丸成形术 orchidoplasty; orchioplasty;
- 睾丸动脉 testicular artery; arteria testicularis;
- 睾丸肥大 orchidauxe;
- 睾丸缝术 orchidorrhaphy; orchiorrhaphy; orchiopexy;
- 睾丸附睾切除术 orchido-epididymectomy;
- 睾丸附睾炎 orchiepididymitis; epididymo-orchitis;
- 睾丸附件 appendix testis; hydatid of Morgagni;
- 睾丸固定术 orchiopexy; orchidepexy; orchidorrhaphy; orchepoexy;
- 睾丸固有鞘膜 tunica vaginalis propria testis;
- 睾丸(内分泌)机能减退 hypo-orchidia; hypotestoidism;
- 睾丸机能开始 leydigarche;
- 睾丸机能亢进 hypertestoidism; hyperorchidism;
- 睾丸积水肉样肿 hydrosarcocele;
- 睾丸激素 testosterone;
- 睾丸间质细胞瘤 Leydig cell tumor;
- 睾丸精索鞘膜 common vaginal tunic; tunica vaginalis communis;
- 睾丸瘤 orchioncus; orchidoncus; orchiocele;
- 睾丸膜 scrotal membrane; scrotum;
- 睾丸脑状癌 orchiencephaloma;
- 睾丸粘连 synorchidism;
- 睾丸女性化 testicular feminization;
- 睾丸女性化综合征 testicular feminization syndrome;
- 睾丸鞘膜 perididymis; periorchium;
- 睾丸鞘膜积水 hydroperididymia;
- 睾丸鞘膜水囊肿 hydrocele testis;
- 睾丸鞘膜炎 periorchitis;
- 睾丸切除术 orchiectomy; testectomy;
- 睾丸切开术 orchotomy; orchidotomy;
- 睾丸曲细精管 testis convoluted tubule orchiotomy;
- 睾丸融合 synorchidism;
- 睾丸肉样肿 sarcocele;
- 睾丸神经痛 orchioneuralgia;
- 睾丸输出管 ductuli efferentes testis;
- 睾丸输出小管 vasa efferentia; ductuli efferentes testis;
- 睾丸素 teststrone;
- 睾丸髓样瘤 orchiomyeloma;
- 睾丸酮 testosterone;
- 睾丸痛 orchidalgia; orchialgia; testalgia; didymalgia;
- 睾丸突出 orchiocele;
- 睾丸外膜 epiorchium;
- 睾丸网 rete testis; rete Halleri;
- 睾丸萎缩 orchiatrophy;
- 睾丸未降 undescended testis; cryptorchism;
- 睾丸系膜 mesorchium;
- 睾丸下垂 orchidoptosis;
- 睾丸下降 testicular descent; orchiocatabasis;
- 睾丸雄激素 andrin;
- 睾丸异位 parorchidium; ectopia testis;
- 睾丸阴囊疝 orchioscheocele;
- 睾丸引带 gubernaculum testis;
- 睾丸硬变 orchioscirrhus;
- 睾丸制剂疗法 orchidotherapy; testicotherapy;
- 睾丸中毒症 testitoxicosis;
- 睾丸主质 parenchyma testis;
- 睾丸纵隔 mediastinum; mediastinum testis
睾丸酮丛毛单胞菌Comonas testosteroni;Comamonas testosteroni
流行性腮腺炎性睾丸炎mumps orchitis
睾丸女性化综合征[内科]testicular feminization syndrome
丙酸睾丸酮[药]testosterone propionate;TSP
癸酸睾丸素Testosterone decanoate;I Testosterone decanoate impurity;oxoandrost-4-en-17-yl decanoate
If the cancer is at a more advanced stage, it will probably require chemotherapy, and this can have a dramatic effect on the unaffected testis.
The product is a new resource food made of main raw materials, including cordyceps fungi powder, ginsenoside, donkey spermary, hartshorn and so on.
A young man may have a lump in his testicle, but when doctors remove all the organ, they find a big scar.
Production of testicular output sperm and spermatic fluid is also larger in polygamous animals.
Other terms for so-called male menopause include testosterone deficiency, androgen deficiency of the aging male and late-onset hypogonadism.
Hundreds of cancer patients worldwide have ovarian tissue and testicular tissue frozen in the hope of being able to have children once their treatment has finished.
The animal kingdom gained a new record holder after scientists declared that a species of cricket has the largest known testes of any creature relative to its body mass.
The researchers also reported that when a man's status was threatened in the presence of a female by a display of wealth by a male acquaintance, his testosterone levels surged.
To find out if this effect on testosterone production might affect mice's fertility, the team knocked out the gene for osteocalcin in a group of the rodents.
Does testosterone, which appeared to decline most steeply in fathers during their child's first month, rebound as children become older and less dependent?
Although the researchers only looked at a handful of specimens, the findings suggest that Neanderthals and early humans were more testosterone fuelled than modern men.
That's why they employ elaborate quantitative models and track all sorts of metrics on individual traders, from volume of trades to levels of testosterone.
From financial traders' propensity to make risky decisions to badly behaved schoolboys' claims to be suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, testosterone makes a perfect scapegoat.
Because the drug contains testosterone, one of its added benefits is that it helps perk up many women's love lives as well as combating the symptoms of menopause.
Regular exercise improves your energy levels and produces various chemicals - for example testosterone and endorphins - that put you in a more positive state.
Men who caught the scent of an ovulating woman from a T-shirt had higher testosterone levels than men who smelled either fresh T-shirts or those from non-ovulating women.
If Mel did blame depression on "male menopause," meaning a low testosterone, it's possible that the 54 year old actor is feeling a drop in his hormones.
All of this holds true for testicular tissue, too, although we are not so advanced in successfully removing, storing and transplanting testicular tissue as we are with ovarian tissue.
The study was carried out by British and Canadian scientists who worked out the testosterone levels of extinct apes and ancestors by looking at the length of fossilised finger bones.
Emotional changes. Low testosterone might contribute to a decrease in motivation or self-confidence. You might feel sad or depressed, or have trouble concentrating or remembering things.
In their study, published this week in Neuron, the researchers decided to look at male mice which had been genetically engineered to lack androgen receptors in their nervous systems.
In other words, women who had more testosterone were more risk-loving than women with less, while the data for men at the lower end of the spectrum displayed a similar relationship.
The team found that fathers showed significant declines in testosterone while the pregnancy progressed, and a significant positive correlation with the mother's testosterone levels.
It is unlikely that many African nations will be able to afford such a costly medicine for breast cancer, when far cheaper ones for colon and testicular cancer are going wanting.
Testosterone therapy has been advocated to stop age-related decline in men, but it remains controversial because of a lack of data on its risks and benefits.
And since testosterone deficiency is often the result of other health problems rather than the cause of them, obese men, for example, often find that once they lose weight, hormone levels bounce back.
And since testosterone deficiency is often the result of other health problems rather than the cause of them, obese men, for example, often find that once they lose weight, hormone levels bounce back.
Steroid hormones, on the other hand, molecules like testosterone and estrogen, progesterone, the sex steroids that determine sexual characteristics and are important for reproductive function are molecules that are all derived from a similar source.
you're going to release hormones like testosterone and GH, which oxidizes fat for energy.
睾丸 睾丸位于阴囊内,左右各一,一般左侧略低于右侧1cm。睾丸呈微扁的椭圆形,表面光滑,分内、外侧两面,前、后两缘和上、下两端。其前缘游离;后缘有血管、神经和淋巴管出入,并与附睾和输精管的睾丸部相接触。上端和后缘为附睾头贴附,下端游离。外侧面较隆凸,内侧面较平坦。睾丸随性成熟而迅速生长,至老年随着性功能的衰退而萎缩变小。