n. offcenter ; centrifugation ; centrifugalization
vt. centrifuge
misc. anticentripetal
泰剧中文名 : 离心英文名 : Hua Jai Song Park加载更多正在加载加载失败, 请稍候 重试!网络出错,请检查后 重试! * 词条由网民创作并享有版权,请保护版权归属百度百科,百科手机版,中文百科
... centrifugal-jetpump离心喷射泵; centrifugal-peripheral pump离心-旋涡泵; centrifugalpump离心泵; ...
13 2.2.5 离心 离心(Centrifugation)是蛋白质、酶、核酸及细胞 亚组分分离的最常用的方法之一,也是生化实验 室中常用的分离、纯化或澄清的方法。
... 离心-旋涡泵centrifugal-peripheralpump 离心-旋涡泵centrifugal-turbinepump 链传动泵chaindrivepump ...
- (不是一条心) be at odds with the community or the leadership
- (离开中心) centrifugal; eccentric; centrifugation
- 短语:
- 离心摆 centrifugal pendulum;
- 离心摆动 {动} centrifugal swing;
- 离心保险销 {军} Semple plunger;
- 离心捕集器 {机} centrifugal collector;
- 离心沉淀 {免疫} centrifugation;
- 离心沉降 {化工} centrifugal sedimentation; centrifugal settling; centrifugal subsidence;
- 离心沉降机 sedimentation centrifuge;
- 离心沉降器 {化工} centrifugal settler;
- 离心成形(法) {冶} flospinning;
- 离心澄清器 centrifugal clarifier;
- 离心出料 centrifugal discharge; {化工} centrifugal settler;
- 离心除渣器 {纸} centrifugal pulp cleaner;
- 离心处理燃料 centrifuge stock;
- 离心串注 centrifuging;
- 离心串注件 centrifugally cast cluster;
- 离心萃取器 {化工} centrifugal extractor;
- 离心淬火 centrifugal quenching;
- 离心涤气机 centrifugal gas cleaner;
- 离心(逆)断层 {地} overfault;
- 离心断路开关 centrifugal switch;
- 离心纺纱 centrifugal spinning;
- 离心飞锤 centrifugal fly-weight;
- 离心分级 {机} centrifugal classification;
- 离心分级机 {机} centrifugal classifier;
- 离心分析 centrifugal analysis;
- 离心分选 centrifugal classifying;
- 离心分子蒸镏器{化工} centrifugal molecular still;
- 离心干涉图谱 off-center interferogram;
- 离心干燥机 {工} hydroextractor; whizzer; centrifugal dryer;
- 离心鼓风机 centrifugal blower;
- 离心罐 tophan box;
- 离心管 {分化} centrifuge tube;
- 离心管套 centrifuge shield;
- 离心惯矩 centrifugal moment of inertia;
- 离心惯性力 centrifugal inertia force;
- 离心辊压成型 centrifugal-rolling process;
- 离心辊压制管机 rolling-centrifugal pipe machine;
- 离心滚磨 centrifugal roll mill;
- 离心过滤 {机} centrifugal filtration;
- 离心过滤产物 product of centrifuge;
- 离心过滤器 {化工} centrifugal filter;
- 离心花序 centrifugal inflorescence;
- 离心混凝土 centrifugal concrete;
- 离心畸变 {物} centrifugal distortion;
- 离心积分器 centrifugal integrator;
- 离心集尘器 centrifugal dirt collector;
- 离心集渣浇口 {冶} spinner gate; whirl-gate;
- 离心集渣冒口 whirl gate head; whirl riser;
- 离心挤压成型 centrifugal-hydropressure moulding;
- 离心继电器 centrifugal relay;
- 离心加厚 {植} centrifugal thickening;
- 离心加速度 centrifugal acceleration;
- 离心加速度试验 centrifugal acceleration test;
- 离心加速度试验机 centrifugal acceleration test machine;
- 离心加油器 centrifugal oiler;
- 离心浇铸 spun casting; centrifugal casting;
- 离心浇铸法 centrifugal casting;
- 离心浇铸机 centrifugal casting machine;
- 离心浇铸轴承 spun bearing;
- 离心浇注 pour(ed) into centrifugal;
- 离心搅拌[动]器 centrifugal stirrer;
- 离心搅砂机 centrifugal mixer; centrifugal sand mixer;
- 离心角 {数} eccentric angle;
- 离心接触器 centrifuge contactor;
- 离心节速器 centrifugal governor;
- 离心进气 radial outward admission;
- 离心精炼 {化工} centrifuge refining;
- 离心精炼铁 spun-refined iron;
- 离心精制 centrifuge refining;
- 离心静电聚焦 centrifugal electrostatic focusing;
- 离心净化 {机} centrifugal clarification; centrifugal purification;
- 离心净化机 centrifugal purifier;
- 离心净油器 centrifugal oil cleaner;
- 离心矩 {力} centrifugal moment;
- 离心开关 centrifugal switch;
- 离心空气分离 centrifugal air separation; whizzer air separation;
- 离心空气分离器 centrifugal air separator;
- 离心空气压缩机 centrifugal air compressor;
- 离心拉伸 {物} centrifugal stretching;
- 离心离合器 {机} centrifugal clutch;
- 离心联轴器 centrifugal coupling;
- 离心流化床 centrifugal fluidized bed;
- 离心率 {数} eccentricity;
- 离心滤器 centrifugal filter;
- 离心滤油器 centrifugal oil filter;
- 离心卵球 {植} eccentric oosphere;
- 离心密封 centrifugal seal;
- 离心模拟器 centrifugal simulator;
- 离心模型 centrifugal model;
- 离心模塑 centrifugalmolding;
- 离心磨矿机 centrifugal mill;
- 离心木质部 {植} centrifugal xylem;
- 离心浓缩机 centrifugal concentrator; centrifugal thickener;
- 离心浓缩污泥法 centrifuging;
- 离心排气机 centrifugal exhauster;
- 离心盘 centrifugal pan;
- 离心喷淋[雾]塔 centrifugal spray tower;
- 离心喷射 centrifugal atomization;
- 离心喷雾 centrifugal spray;
- 离心喷嘴 swirl atomizer;
- 离心皮带运输机 thrower belt conveyer;
- 离心气洗机 centrifugal gas washer;
- 离心卡盘 centrifugal chuck;
- 离心球磨机 ball-bearing mill;
- 离心乳化机 centrifugal emulsor;
- 离心乳脂分离器 centrifugal cream separator;
- 离心润滑 centrifugal lubrication;
- 离心润滑器 centrifugal lubricator;
- 离心色谱(法) centrifugal chromatography;
- 离心筛 centrifugal screen;
- 离心生长 eccentric growth;
- 离心升降式卸荷机构 centrifugal elevator unload mechanism;
- 离心湿润器 centrifugal humidifier;
- 离心势 centrifugation potentials;
- 离心势垒 {力} centrifugal barrier;
- 离心室 centrifugal chamber;
- 离心试验 centrifugal test;
- 离心试验系统 centrifuge test system;
- 离心收尘 centrifugal collection;
- 离心收缩 eccentric contraction;
- 离心水系 centrifugal drainage;
- 离心速度 centrifugal speed;
- 离心塑型 centrifugal compacting; compacting by centrifuging;
- 离心提取器 centrifugal extractor;
- 离心调节器 centrifugal regulator; flyball regulator;
- 离心调速器 centrifugal governor;
- 离心跳汰机 centrifugal jig;
- 离心通风机 centrifugal blower; centrifugal fan;
- 离心筒 concentrator bowl;
- 离心涂胶机 {半} spinner;
- 离心涂漆 centrifugal coating;
- 离心脱腊 dewaxing by centrifuge;
- 离心脱水机 centrifugal dehydrator; centrifugal hydroextractor;
- 离心脱水器 centrifuge dehumidifier;
- 离心稳定器 centrifugal stability;
- 离心雾化器 {机} centrifugal atomizer;
- 离心吸尘器 centrifugal dust collector;
- 离心吸入 positive prime;
- 离心吸收器 centrifugal absorber;
- 离心显微镜 {光} centrifugal microscope;
- 离心效应 centrifugal effect;
- 离心卸料提升机 {机} centrifugal discharge elevator;
- 离心选煤 centrifugal separation (coal);
- 离心压气[缩]机 {机} centrifugal compressor;
- 离心压榨脱水机 centripress drainer;
- 离心研磨机 centrifugal grinder;
- 离心叶轮 centrifugal impeller; centrifugal vane wheel;
- 离心叶轮混合器 centrifugal impeller mixer;
- 离心叶轮连接板 centrifugal impeller web;
- 离心液 centrifugate;
- 离心仪器 centrifugal apparatus;
- 离心应力 centrifugal stress;
- 离心油泵 centrifugal oil pump;
- 离心圆 eccentric circle;
- 离心载荷 centrifugal load;
- 离心造型 centrifugal moulding; rotorforming;
- 离心增压机 centrifugal supercharger;
- 离心张力 {工} centrifugal tension;
- 离心纸色谱(法) centrifugal paper chromatography;
- 离心致冷机 centrifugal refrigerating machine;
- 离心制动轮 centrifuge brake drum;
- 离心制动器 centrifugal brake
- 离心铸法 centrifugal pressure casting;
- 离心铸钢 centrifugal steel;
- 离心铸管 spun cast pipe;
- 离心铸管法 {冶} de Lavaud process;
- 离心铸型 centrifugal casting mould; spinning mould;
- 离心铸造 {冶} centrifugal casting; centre die casting; centrifuge casting; rotational casting; spun-in;
- 离心铸造法 centre spinning; spun-in casting;
- 离心铸造钢 centrifuge(d) steel;
- 离心铸造机 centrifugal casting machine;
- 离心注油 centrifugally lubrication;
- 离心注油器 centrifugally lubricator;
- 离心转筒筛 centrifugal bolting mill;
- 离心作用 centrifugal action; centrifugal effect; centrifugation
离心机[机]centrifuge;[机]centrifugal machine;Eppendorf;centrifugal apparatus
离心力[力]centrifugal force;reactive centrifugal force;RCF
离心率[数]eccentricity;Exzentritaet eccentricity;excentriciteit;excentricita
离心泵[机]centrifugal pump;impeller pump;spiral pump;TSWA
超速离心机[机]ultracentrifuge;supercentrifuge;ultra-speed centrifuge;high speed centrifuge
离心管[分化]centrifuge tube;Tubes;centrifugal tube;Axygen
离心式调速器Centrifugal governor;Centrifugal speed governor;ball governor;Gewichtsregler
管道离心泵Piping Centrifugal Pumps;Lining Ball Valves
The juice is extracted by centrifugal force.
The centrifuge project highlights the station's potential as a research lab.
If the fixed star spun just 20% faster, the centrifugal force would fling it apart.
A centrifuge separates the fat cells from the stem and regenerative cells, concentrating them into a pellet, which is then extracted.
Changes in eccentricity, tilt and wobble do not affect the total amount of solar radiation Earth receives in a year.
One characteristic of Earth's orbit is its eccentricity, the degree to which the orbit is an ellipse rather than a circle.
It is first mixed with heavy syrup and then centrifuged in a process called "affination".
Krejci and Svedberg used ultracentrifugation to analyze the gliadin fraction extracted with aqueous ethanol.
结果表明SRS-82 株的无细胞提取液和其培养上清液的离心沉淀物皆具有致白血病活性。
The results showed that both the cell-free extract and culture supernate from mouse SRS-82 cell line were leukemogenic.
We have to see whether the centrifuge has done its job.
Um, let's first look at the centrifuge.
A small centrifugal blower.
One was designed to send Iran’s nuclear centrifuges spinning wildly out of control.
So now we are going to put this in the centrifuge.
The target may have been the centrifuges at its nuclear refinery at Natanz.
An Apple a Day Keeps the Heart Doctor away.
This is that centrifuge.
This is 801 at work and this is clearly an early version of a centrifuge.
N: Oh, and on the opposite side, the other high tide is created by centrifugal force.
A small centrifugal blower. That excursion was carried out in summer.
It's a centrifuge.
跟TSF - 18离心机相比,这些都不算什么。
All this is nothing compared with the TsF-18 centrifuge.
Under the impact of the centrifugal force, honey comes out of the cells and flows down the walls of the extractor.
The number of centrifuges operating at Natanz has fallen below 4, 000.
Sometimes they also involve centrifugal forces, as the foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, has discovered.
It's hard to imagine sticking Grandma in a centrifuge to protect her muscle mass.
Here we have a household, simple, nothing-special centrifuge that is used in any laboratory.
If the star spun just 20% faster, the centrifugal force would fling it apart.
If the star spun just 20% faster, the centrifugal force would fling it apart.
When a body is going around a circle, they say that's some centrifugal force acting.
She and the Chevy seemed parked at the center of an odd religious instant, as if on some other frequency, or out of the eye of some whirlwind rotating too slow for her heated skin even to feel the centrifugal coolness of words were being spoken.
离心 "离心"是个多义词,它可以指离心(汉语词语),离心(泰国电视剧),离心(物理学名词),离心(可凡演唱歌曲)。